
House of Lexy

It was all rainbows and cotton candy clouds and unicorns and explosions and fluffy waterfalls, especially where Nick was involved. He got her giggling like a giddy teenage girl. That was why she didn't believe when it all went away that easily. How short-lived her dream was!

She had been issued with many warnings about her expenditure but she didn't really care. Her head was in the clouds. She never even opened all the emails sent to her computer. How could she when the only message that mattered to her was Yvonne's and,of course, Nick's?

Her accountant was forced to physically go see her and at first,she didn't pay much attention to him but she had to when he mentioned the amount of money she'd spent in the recent months. That was how he got her attention. She'd been splurging aimlessly. But on what? She remembered two months ago she bought a car but definitely not for her. She never said it,but she bought it for Nick. It felt embarrassing that she would spend that much on a vehicle not meant for her but,darn,Nick was worth it. Oh,how hopelessly in love she was with him.

"Lexy,I am concerned. You can't keep spending company finances like this. It's unhealthy, especially to the company since most of the money cannot be accounted for," he cried. She was shaken. She had no idea she had spent that much.

"Goodness,Ron,what do I have to do?" She asked nervously as she rose and looked of the window. He had a point. He had broken down the amount she'd recklessly spent the last four months and it was a large figure.

"I really don't know what to tell you. Because you've been overspending and yet you've been practically unavailable. You've been missing out on significant number of board meetings and you know how incredibly risky that is." She said nothing but she she started pacing. She was internally panicking.

"What does that mean,Ron?"

"I have no idea. But you have a board meeting in the afternoon," he explained. She was incensed.

"What? Am I going to be lectured on how I spend my money?" She yelled out and Ron drew back.

"First, it's really not your money, it's, company's money."

"And whose company is this, Ronald?" She asked as she easily toward above him with intimidation,eyes deep into his.

"Uh... Yours... Please excuse me," he said coyly then took off, literally running out of the office.

The meeting was worse than she expected. She was barred from making any financial decisions which inherently meant that she wasn't allow to access any finances. How did it come down to this? She was ever on top of everything. Now she was being educated on how to spend her money like a spoiled brat. She unceremoniously walked out of the meeting,again like a spoiled brat and went home. But before reaching home,she passed through the bank where she requested to get a file of her financial statements for the last one year.

She waited to get home before she could go through the file. She sat down and sighed before reading through it with a glass of wine. The first few months of the years were okay. She'd allocated some money to the business and it had brought forth profits. Things however started to change when she wrote out the first cheque.

She went on to get the entire bottle. The first cheque she wrote was to Nick. She remembered how she wrote it now that she wasn't drunk in love like Beyonce.

"I need money from you,baby," Nick said to her when she was dazed after a sizzling sexcapade. She giggled when he asked that.

"Why? You're rich by your own standards,boo," she said as she booped his nose.

"I know,sugar. But my money is held up. I'm going to pay you back as soon as that is sorted out."

"Why not ask your father for the money?" She'd asked and he grabbed her and sprayed her skin with bitter-sweet kisses.

"Surely, I'm too old to be depending on my father but my girlfriend? She does understand," he said. That was the first time he called her his girlfriend and it pleased her. "Oh,did I say that out loud?" He gasped.

"No,no, it's okay. How much do you need?" She asked as she got out her cheque book.

"Not much,a hundred-k." She raised her eyebrow as she wrote that cheque. A hundred thousands wasn't that much. Ah,he will pay me back. He's worth billions,after all.

That was the beginning of the end. She had written so many cheques that she couldn't possibly count all of them. She'd once written a blank cheque,all to Nick. She knew all the rules of the business but no one told her how detrimental it was to mix business with pleasure. One would be affected and if one was affected, it would drag the other down.

By the time she got to the end of the file,she was completely drunk and heartbroken. Nick had been using her. It was hard for her to see it because he was the son of her main investor and partner. She was blinded by the erotic and quite frankly,toxic feelings she had for him. How could Nick do that to him?

The following day she was voted out of her own company. She wasn't supposed to know that but Ronald made a secret phonecall to her when the meeting was taking place. By the time she got to the boardroom,they had already replaced her. She almost stumbled as she heard the name. It was the vice president of the company. She'd lost everything as easily and as stupidly. All because she spent an extra amount? What about all the profits she single-handedly garnered for the company? The company that was hers? How could they vote her out of her own company?

Ron had informed her everything that had happened behind the closed doors. The original suggestion to replace her was Nick's and he gave out enough reasons to have her ousted from the company. Why would he do that? Why would he effortlessly take away the life she used all her sweat to build? What did he do to her for him to do that?

She called his cellphone just to hear his reaction.

"I was voted out of my own company,Nick," she said. He gasped deceitfully.Who was he fooling?

"Who... Who is your new replacement?" He asked. Definitely not the first question you want to hear from your boyfriend after you spill such information to him.

"Uh... some guy I don't know. I couldn't stick around for more. It was too jarring." Was that a soft sigh of relief from his side?

"I'm truly sorry baby. How do you feel."

"I feel like..." She started then stopped midway. She felt like she'd just been forced to swallow sand. She felt like she was falling into the Friedrich Nietzsche's abyss. She felt like someone ripped off her heart,shredded it then put it back into her heart cage. She wasn't heartbroken,she was crashed. "I feel like,however I didn't expect this,I really don't deserve it." Or maybe karma was repaying her. She'd done some pretty ugly stuff in her past. "I have worked so hard to be where I am." He knew that. She told him she thought so hard,she was almost developing a wrinkle at thirty five. "Can I see you?" She asked.

"Sure. Give me thirty minutes and I will be there."

True to his word,he was in her apartment after thirty minutes. She saw him in his business suit but he didn't look as enticing as before and even when they made love,she felt like she was being touched by a stranger. She felt like a different version of herself and this version was not very loveable.

"You're different," he said and she languorously stared at the ceiling without stirring. He kissed her on the belly but she didn't respond.

"What do you expect,Nick? I just lost my whole life,"she explained sadly and he sighed.

"Listen, you're the best at what you do. You can bounce back." Bounce back? So that another bozo comes to take it all away? What was she? A flight of stairs that people used? A 'Welcome' doormat? "You're super talented and,God,you have an incredible artistic eye. Screw that company." Screw that company? Was he asking her to screw her life? She wanted to throw the financial statements on his face but she figured it wasn't an appropriate time. "Listen,babe,I gotta go but I will call you,okay?"

"Alright. Thank you for coming," she said without stirring. Normally she would beg him not to go and spend the night there but he understood her.

"Goodnight," he said as he got out the door.

"Goodnight. Call me when you get home," she said, echoing just what he had said.

She went to Muli textiles and went on up to Anthony's office. She didn't even go to Nick's.

"Miss Lexy. How wonderful of you to show up! It's been a while,even though you've frequented this building," he insinuated and she knew what she meant. She always stopped by to see Nick. "What drink can I offer you?" He asked but she declined. "To what do I owe your pleasant visit?" He asked with a smile. She could tell that he was taunting her. He must have had a good laugh.

"I was voted out of my own company," she dropped but he only raied his eyebrow.

"I have to be honest with you, that's not the first time I heard those words," he blatantly said and she felt her throat constrict. "So how can I help you?"

"Barely a year since I made you my top investor and now I'm voted out.Did you recommend that they vote me out?" She asked and he rose and moved around his office with a glass of whisky on his hand. He must have felt so proud of himself.

"Why would I do that?"

"I don't know? Because that's what you do."

"You're right, that's what I do. You really did your research, didn't you? Well,I must tell you,Lexy,I didn't want to stop being partners with you. You're young, energetic and,quite frankly,so much fun. You've built a name for yourself out of nothing and I eternally respect that about you. That's why it really hurt me when I was informed what happened. I wasn't going to let you destroy our company just like that." Our company? How dare he call it that? " You see,you did this to yourself. You were on a streak but you,how can I put this? Gave in to your primal urges,when you got involved with my son. You literally disappeared from your own company. You dug your own hole," he explained still quite blatantly. She gkared at him as she clenched her fists. She was exasperated. "I didn't have my hand on this. You,had your hand on this," he added. She felt a tear coming on but she held it in.

"You took advantage of me and you took what's rightfully mine."

"I took advantage of you? Did I sleep with you Alexandra?" She gasped. No one had ever called her Alexandra in a very long time. She was even sure that her mother forgot that her name was in fact Alexandra and not Lexy.

"You and your son are basically the same thing," she said in visible disgust. "Let me tell you one thing, Anthony. I enjoyed shagging your son. He gave me multiple orgasms and,oh, I'm happy I knew him. I can even say I love him because of how he made love to me. But I know the satisfaction when I crush you would be greater than the things your son does to my vagina," she explained as graphically as she could with a lot of emphasis and intensity. Oh,the disgust on his wrinkled face. "And, everyone you've ever done this to,will shake their head as you crush to the ground."

"Are you threatening me, Alex? Me?"

"Do not call me Alex, I am not your daughter or your shameless son. And,no,I am not threatening you. The mighty Muli cannot be threatened. This is just me, trying to console myself,like your wife did,when you confined her in some upcountry estate after taking her money and putting your name on it like the loser that you are . That's right,I have your shameful dossier. And how you were basically the reason for your own wife's death. Excuse me," she culminated with a fierce glare from his head to his toe then walked away. He gasped as he watched her go. She was saying all that just to hurt him. Why then did he suddenly need to reach for his blood pressure medication?