

A girl named Jaehyana fell inlove with her bestfriend who already love someone else. That Day where her bestfriend, Yoongi will go to a date with his First love at late midnight. then the accident happens. What will happen to Jaehyana? Will she cope to be alone and mourn for her bestfriend. or will she move on, and focus on her own career? Find it out by reading their journey one-sided love?

Jaehyana · อื่นๆ
10 Chs


2: Trying

Jaehyana's POV

"Let's go back now" Taehyung said as he pat me on my back.

I nodded and look at his grave once again before i walk after Taehyung.

We walk to his car and left the sementery..

"Jae, are you sure you're alright?" Taehyung asked as i look at the window beside me.

I just nodded.

" You can sleep on the boys room if you like, Yoongi hyung's room is still available." Taehyung said that made me look at him.

He eyes still on the road.

" You know that our school doesn't like girls and boys in the same room, right... And you know that I'm trying to avoid any other things of Yoongi." I said.

" I can talk to my dad Jae, and I believe you don't want to forget anything about Yoongi hyung, just give it a try, maybe in there you can let go."  he make a turn and sighed.

I know that they are really worried about me, specially Taehyung and Jimin. Both of them are taking care of me since Yoongi died.

" i just c-can't... It's hurts me to see him every corner of your room Tae." i start to cry once again.

" Even in my room, he's all over there. I still can see him smiling at me, I miss him Tae. I want to hug him." I sob out loud in the car.

Taehyung park the car and pull me onto his chest. " Shh, I know... We all know that you missed him too much, but please let him go Jae. Yoongi will not be happy if you still mourn for him. You know that he wanted you to be happy" 

" How can I?! Yoongi is the only one who can make me back in life. I am like a living corpse right now. I feel like dying every day! Tae you know how much it hurts! I didn't stop him from going! I didn't tell him that i love him. Tae!"  i punched his chest but he still hug me, trying to comfort me. But it's not working.

  "Stop crying pumpkin, Jin hyung will scold me please." He whisper in my ears as he wiped my tears.

" Shh, We will get over it aye? Let's go inside" He said  and I nodded.

I tried to calmed myself first before  i nodded to Taehyung and we walked i side the Boys Dormitory.

As we walk, Taehyung makes sure to hold me and safe as we walked, i just low my head and avoided the boys stare.

Yoongi' friends and I are popular since we stepped in this school, Taehyung is the son of the President  and me and the members are the heir and the business partners of each other. Our family built this school.

*Knock knock*

Someone open the door.

" What happened to my little sweet cheeks?" Jin oppa asked worried.

I looked up and gave him a small smile.

" I'm fine" he shake his head.

" You're not, but come inside... I'll make you both food" i nodded and walk to the living room.

" Noona! Where have you been?! I am worried" Jungkook stop his game and run towards me.

The other members look  and stop what their doing giving me the same stares like asking me what jungkook asked me.

" I just went and gave Yoongi a visit" All of the sighed and avoid my stares  except kook.

He still have those worried eyes. I hold his hands and squeeze it. " I'm fine, you don't need to worry" i let out a small smile.

He nodded but instead on coming back on playing he help me to seat beside him the couch.

" Why did you visit him again? V  found you there right? It's already late evening and still you went and visit him? You can go and visit Yoongi  tomorrow morning."  Namjoon spoke in a soft voice.

" I know. But you all know that tomorrow is Yoongi's Death anniversary." I look down as my tears starting to fall down.

" Hey Jae don't cry" Hobi said.

A few minutes later.  They put some dvd on and a cute two children pop out.

I realized who is it and i started smiling but my tears are falling non stop.

Hobi panicking as he tried to stop and change the cd, but i stopped him.

I saw them shaking their heads.

"Unbelievable" Jimin muttered.

"Just let her" Jungkook said.

"Yeah, let her suffer more Kook" Jin said as he placed the bowl of soup infront of me.

My eyes are focused on the TV where me and Yoongi are playing in the play ground wearing our prince and princess outfit.

That day, was our birthday. March 9, 2001 Both of us are 8 years old.

The other members are there too, Jungkook is only 4 years old that time but he's already playing with us.

I remembered that we used to bully Jimin a lot because of his hair and height, but we truly love him and he knew it.

Yoongi and i promised to each other that we will stay by each other side until we grow old. But h-he left already.

"Stop watching now Park Jaehyana" Jin said as he turned off the TV.

"Jimin, take your noona to his room." Jin oppa said as jimin guide me to 'His room'

   Yoongi's room is simple,  not too many things inside as one year passed.  But his computer and things are still there. His mini laptop stay where its place. Our photos still in frame.

" Noona are you sure you're fine sleeping here? You can change with me in my room if you like" Jimin kneel in front of me as i sit on the side of bed.

" No, Jimin. I'm really fine. Besides Yoongi's room is simlar to my room." I said.

"Do you want me to take those photos off the wall?"  he said as he look around on Yoongi's room.

I shook my head. "No, Yoongi will get mad." I said and he just sighed and nodded before he left the room.

I sighed and take a look. Until i found something on his coffee table.

I was about to reach for it, but someone open the door. "Noona! Can I sleep with you tonight?" Jungkook asked

" No, you bunny-" i  got cut off by Jin oppa who's holding Jungkook's ears.

"You're not going to sleep with her. Go back to your room" He said dragging jungkook with him.

Before he close the door he said.

" please sleep now... Jae, Good night."

I nodded and he turned off the light and closed the door. I lay on his bed that  he smell still on it. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.