
chapter 8

They could all feel it. The fire in the distance. The faint noises of people talking. Screaming. Whether it was good or bad was unclear. Maybe close to a village. But why. Why was there a village in the middle of an ice land. Was it misplaced? An anachronism. A mistake. They would find out.

The doctor had regained some of her strength. The docotr and yaz a lot more worn out than the boys. They all walked in a straight line.

The doctor held yaz close to her body, she was still shivering and the cold atmosphere didn't exactly help. Ryan pointed up ahead. A village. Or some housing of sorts. Either way. A place to rest. And they needed this. Especially the ones who thought swimming in ice cold water was a good idea. They picked up their speed. Graham with his hands in his pockets desperate to be warm.

Whatever and wherever this was. Was not the doctors idea of a vacation.

The four friends smiled a little at each other as they neared the homes. Hopefully they had central heating.

They stepped over the line. But inside the little dome of small houses people were walking around in shorts and short t shirts. A beach in the distance. "this got a whole lot more interesting" the doctor said seeing yaz take off the cold coat to soak in the warmth of the sun, yes sun, that loomed above them.