
chapter 26

Not even half way through the first episode yaz had fallen asleep, the doctor only noticing because the bag fell from her grip, which the doctor had quickly caught getting a thanks from Regina, she really didn't want her carpet want getting dirty. As much as she loved granny's food.

All the others were focused on the TV, kara  was too busy in a office meeting while cat grant tried to figure out the identity of supergirl. James put forward the suggestion that maybe her hair was a slightly different colour, due to the engines if the plane. Smoke and that. The doctor took this moment to look away and gently kiss yaz's head. Yaz shifted and rested her head further into the doctors chest, her body curled up into the doctor, she didn't notice as the doctor pulled a blanket over yaz and tucked some hair behind her ear.

Yaz started to dream, what could possibly be her life if she lived here, in storybooke, would she have magic, would she be a believer like them all, would she be a wolf. Yaz smiled a little in her sleep, thinking how when she had police calls she would always wind down her window and closed her eyes for a few seconds enjoying the cold air and wind blowing into her face.

Yaz's dream...

Yaz stood in the middle of the forest, looking around, she was cold, she didn't mind it though, something about her relaxed. The moon was out and she swore she could hear... Som sort of loud noise from the distance. She walked forwards slowly "hello?" she called out. She stepped back quickly as she heard footsteps and scurrying all around her, she swore, as her ears had become much more reliable with the doctor, if she had heard a howl or two. No. Don't be ridiculous yaz she thought. "can you come out? I can't see you!" yaz said mentally slapping herself, what a time to do one of her police quotes. "no one's catching me unless I wanna be caught" a voice sang, ok. So. Singing. That's happening now. She couldn't see anyone she kept frantically looking around. "I'm dancing in the shadows ain't no leash when I walk" the voice sung again, now she could hear it was a female, with a strong and positive voice. Yaz continued to look around confused.

"Its great to feel invisible it's great to feel alive, my appetites insatiable, there's no where it can hide" the voice sang. All around yaz clapping started, well, that contrasts with the howling she heard earlier, there was no way humans had hands, hunan hands." our freedom isn't up to them its only up to us..."the clapping continued getting gradually louder and louder. Just then, yaz caught a glimmer of movement, a tall woman with black boots and a killer outfit came out, her hair was styled back as if it was gelled, but it kept its volume. Dreadlocks at the short sides of her hair going down her back. Her makeup was dark and smoky giving her a powerful look, yaz swore she recognised this woman from the diner. What was her name. She stepped out into the moonlight, lighting up her clothes, which you can imagine we're wolf inspired, a mix of leather and fur, mostly dark colours. "I'm the alpha, I'm the leader, I'm the one to trust" she sang, smiling as the clapping continued around her, she looked around nodding as if she could see something that yaz could not. "together we do whatever it takes, we're in this pack for life" she sang, yaz wasn't expecting lots of howling to begun, and not just that, but from every direction "awoooo!" they sang, yaz honestly thought it was one of the most beautiful howling she had ever heard. "we're wolves, we own the night" she sang, many other makes and females stepped out of the shadows, into the moonlight, yaz could only presume they see part of a pack. Her pack. "oh we own what we own, oh we own the night" they choruses together, dancing in an ecstatic way and clapping thier hands in time. "oh we own what we own, we own the night" the howling began again.

A male stood up and stood next to the familiar woman she swore was at granny's, Ruby! That was her name. This guy had dark brown hair, he wore black pants and brown leather jacket, his hair curled at the top a little, his eyes flashed gold and his fangs were on show for a moment too as he looked at yaz. Ruby put a hand on his chest, stopping him from attacking. She whispered something to him making his eyes die back down to their natural dark brown colour. "hello... I.. I'm yaz" she said, God, they probably already knew that. "what do you want.?" she asked. Maybe this would work instead.

"I'm picking up a scent it seems we're on the right track, the moonlights on the rooftops, the wind is at our backs, we're living in the shadows we're living for the chase, our legacy is in our sight, so let's pick up the pace" the man sang, his voice was amazing too, a little, dry and rusty, kind of echoey but it added a nice effect. Yaz admired his she was the leader of the pack, and not the male.

"we're on a quest to find a power that's inside of us, us!" he turns around and looks at the other wolves who were circling around yaz in their human form, while pointing behind to Ruby. "she's the alpha, she's the leader, she's the one to trust"  he says standing up and running around the trees "together we do whatever it takes we're in this pack for life, awoooo." they all howl. However, the song didn't continue, much to yaz's dismay, a dark purple cloud filled the forest, causing the wolf howls to die down almost immediately, they took a word of warning from their pack leader and ran.

A voice looms amongst the rolling clouds, it giving no indication as to having a body or host.

"Look at them, look at them, ready to attack, look at you, you don't even know, the evil queen is back " a female voice rang out, it was in the same tune as the wolves were singing but, this had none of thier elegance, none of their emphasis, this was a cold, whispering voice hidden from her view. A cold shudder worked its way into yaz as she stood alone in the forest. "hello?" she called out.

Yaz snapped awake, the ending the show was playing on the TV, from what she could hear it didn't sound like supergirl. "yaz?" the doctor whispered concerned in her ear, if she had shown any indication as to that she was having a nightmare, she would have woken her up, the doctor frowned, whatever this was, it was sudden "I'm fine" she nodded. She lifted her head from the doctors chest a little and looked around everyone was focused on the TV, she decided to leave it that way for now. "ill tell you later" the doctor nodded and gently cupped yaz's cheek "alright." she said kissing the end of he nose, making the companion blushed. Yaz relaxed and rested her head on the doctors warm body again, her face nuzzling into the doctors breasts as the doctor ran a hand down yaz's back and across her shoulders and her neck to sooth her. It was certainly working.

Yaz closed her eyes enjoying the doctors touch, her muscles easing up and her body beginning to ache less. What a dream she thought.