
chapter 22

Yaz and the doctor had been ever so graciously booked a double room with a nice town square view by granny, the doctor was happy at least, she wouldn't have Ruby spying on yaz, or trying to hit on her... What, God. She needed to stop thinking like this, it wasn't like yaz was, hers.

Yaz walked into the apartment as the doctor shoved the door key into her lilac coat pocket. Yaz immediately walked over to the window, not thinking anything about the two women sharing a room. Yaz frowned a little as she looked out of the window, the doctor walked over to her "yaz. Whets wrong?" she asked. "there's someone out there, but it's so late" yaz said sadly.

The doctor stood by her side and looked out into the town square, they both saw a woman, a tall woman, with short black hair, and a similarly long coat to what the doctor was wearing, but much darker, and a much comfier, warming material.

They watched in awe as the person on the street stopped walking to have a conversation with an somewhat old looking man, with a dalmatian. From the looks of things the woman didn't want to talk, the two watched as the dark haired woman tried to get past the man, he put out an arm to prevent her. The doctor, neither yaz could see the expression on the woman's face, it was quite a distance away. But when she pushed past the man, there was no problem in seeing the roughness of her actions. The light haired man turned around, grabbing Regina's arm, which, was a mistake.

Regina grabbed the man's collar, in shock he dropped the dog lead, the dalmatian sat down next to his owner, the doctor swore she could hear the dog bark. But her time Lord hearing was better than the average humans. The woman planted her feet on the floor, lifting the man up a little, she leaned in close, the doctor and yaz thinking she was talking to him.

She let go of the man, shoving her shaky hands back into her pocket. She looked apologetically at archie before she quickly made her exit, walking down the middle of the road and out of sight from the window. Unbeknownst to the woman and man in the street that they wet evening watched, and not just by the doctor and yaz.

The man picked up the dog lead and patted the dogs head gently, together, they both left the street too, an empty space on the road being lit up by the street lamps.

Yaz gasped a little making the doctor follow her gaze. "it's beautiful" she said, as her eyes fell upon the town clock. The town clock was lit up in dark yellowy orange lights giving the stone building a nice majestic, but rustic look. Yaz had never seen a sight like this back at Sheffield, at least not unless she was out with mates on a night, her apartment was in the wrong place. At least she could see the stars every night.

The doctor and yaz both got dressed for bed, and they both stopped when they each were at the end of the bed, seeing that there was only one. Yaz blushed a little. "no harm right" the doctor nodded and clicked her fingers, somewhat hesitantly "r. Right" she smiled lifting up the covers. The doctor slid in first and then, side by side, yaz and the doctor lay, only thier upper arms touching. The doctor shifted up a little, so she was higher than her mate, she rested her head on the fluffy pillow and let out a sigh. "what do you think the boys are doing?" the doctor asked, she liked knowing what her fam were up to. Yaz laughed a little "they probably fell asleep as soon as they went into their room." she grinned at the thought of Ryan's hand hanging off the bed and Graham probably falling asleep in any place imaginable. "I'm making this a bet" yaz mumbled and turned into the doctor, she was way beyond tired, she lifted her arm and gently hung it over the doctors stomach. She nuzzled her face into the doctors chest, making the time lady blush a little. She ran her hands through yasmins hair. "you're on" she whispered.

And with that they both fell asleep, ironically enough, the last words being spoken before falling asleep, were that of sealing a deal. And unknown to them, oh how this town loved deals, or more like one particular.