
chapter 1

The doctor, yaz, ryan and Graham all gather around the main control room of the tardis.

The doctor stood focused on something, her thoughts running wild. Her hands upon the console were keeping her steady. Her head still spinning from the brief encounter she and yaz had had on an alien planet. A planet that had the ability to attack you brain at any chance, one that could affect mood swings. Dramatically. She blinked slowly and looked up. Her eyes finding yaz straight away.  She was sat on the little sofa that for some reason the tardis always had.

The young police officer seemed to be focused on something. She was thinking. The doctor bit her lip worried, was she OK. She examined her the best she could from where she was stood. She looked fine besides looking a little pale. Her eyes narrowed. She wanted to go over there and tell her she was concerned. But she wanted to respect her privacy, especially with the boys nearby.

Ryan was sat on the stairs. A bit away from the others. He listened to the silence. A tear slipped from his eye as he though about what he said to his grandad. Graham. His grandmother's famous words. Too bad she wasn't here. He missed her. His heart torn. Every day. He would walk the length of a city to see her alive again. He was trying to live through the unimaginable. And so was Graham. Speaking of Graham, he is the first to break the act of not moving. With his hands in his pockets he moved over to Ryan. He sits a few stairs beneath him as they both knew they weren't too keen on each other. But it was a working progress. "if I could spare her life, if I could trade her life for mine, she'd be standing here right now, and you would smile. That would be enough." Graham says into silence. Breaking it. Everyone heard it yet they were all too emotional to speak. Ryan sniffs up,  he knew who he was talking about. And so did the doctor and yaz. Grace." yeah" he sniffs up again. He didn't want to talk about it. "I'm sorry Ryan... I couldn't..." the doctor struggles.

She always struggled. Getting close to people and then loosing them was just a normal thing that happened to her. The best people are gone too soon. She wiped some tears away and shook her head. "doctor.. Don't. You did all you could..." yaz said looking then at the boys "we all could" she stood up deciding they couldn't just sit around all day. Well, they could. But that's not the point I'm trying to make.

Yaz stands and after a few steps she winces and grabs the side of her head. Her stomach churned and she doubled over in pain. She quickly standa back up shrugging it off. "you good?" the doctor asks. She simply nods. Yaz walks to the doctors side. She slowly rests her hand on top of the doctors..

The doctors gaze shifts from their hands to yasmins face. "yaz, your hand is warm, like really warm. Maybe you should sit down" she was so worried for her. Maybe she had the blocker off for too long. Yaz shook her head "I'm fine doc... Just a bit warm" she smiled warmly. She shrugged.

The doctor nodded. She would keep a close eye on her. She felt bad for the two boys but soemthing about yaz, made her special. "how about we go home" Ryan suggests. When no one makes any other suggestions the doctor punched in the necessary buttons on the console and grabs onto a railing to stop herself from falling as the tardis starts to materialise.

//i got bored and wanted to do this. Can I just say I love the doctor as being female. And there will also be a bit more to the story than what there is on the storyline so just have fun with it