
chapter 17

The car ride, was slightly silent. Ryan making the odd fidgeting noise. Of course who wouldn't. "so. Emma. Can you tell me a little bit about... Storybrooke...?" yaz asked from the back seat. The doctor smiled, she loved just how similar she was getting to her.

Emma shrugged "there isn't an awful lot to tell. It's a small town. But big enough to get around. I..." Emma didn't know if they could trust them yet, but, given she had just hit a stranger with a car and she wasn't dead yet, said quite a lot. So. Why not. "I have a son, his name is Henry." Emma smiled. "I'm sure you will meet him soon" she drove to Henry's school to pick him up as it was nearing that time of day. "then we can head to granny's." Emma said, tapping her breaks a little, the doctor had used her sonic to fix them up a little. Graham smiled "that sounds great. I'd die for some food at granny's" he said, getting a glance off Ryan and yaz, even the doctor. "what...?" he asked. "it's not like I've got anything better to do than to look around" he fought. The doctor broke into a wide grin. "10 points to Graham, and yes. I am keeping score" she said.

The car rolled to a stop and everyone got out. After the town hall clock rang, very loudly, the school hell rang merely five minutes later. An an array of kids came swarming out. Yaz and ryan chuckled a little, memories of how they used to live the end of the school day when they went. Emma smiled as a fairly tall, teenage looking boy came out. "hey mom" he smiled, he looked over to the other people she was with. "new friends?" he asked, tugging on his bag a little. Tightening it on his shoulders, after all. He'd hate to lose his book of stories.

Emma took her gloves off "yeah. Something like that. They just for into town. And they're very keen on questions" Emma said. She looked at Henry who became suddenly on edge. Was this going to be a problem. "I already told them that fairytales are real and they don't seem fazed, i was hoping. If its not too much" she said looking from Henry to the small group of newcomers "if we could have the expert explain it all to them?" Emma asked. Henry smiled "of course not. I'd never miss out on the chance to fill people with hope" he smiled. "granny's?" he asked, Emma nodded. "granny's" she ruffled his hair a little. The two started walking away, well. It wasn't the weirdest talk they've heard, but it was still strange. "is that me or was he really sweet, for a boy, for a teenage boy, a human.?" yaz asked. Ryan scoffed a little "don't sound too surprised!" he grinned, making yaz falter a little. Graham grinned "yeah. You could pick up a trick or two, son" Graham said cheekily to Ryan, now making him the one to falter as he walked away following the mother and son down the road.

Ryan chuckled a little and sped up to Graham. The doctor stayed behind and put her hand on yaz "hey, you feeling OK?" she asked. There was a lot left unspoken between them. A lot had happened. And she certainly hadn't forgotten how warm yaz was when they first got picked up. How she seemed to hide her illness. It made the doctor concerned. Yaz nodded" well, from falling into frozen lakes and to being nearly fully buried alive in the middle of a desert. I'm all good "she smiled. The doctor slid her hand down yaz's arm and to her hand, holding it gently." I can't lose you "she whispered avoiding eye contact. Forming relationships with people, much less companions always was tough for the doctor." and you won't. Unless I don't get something to eat "yaz said lightly trying to brighten the mood." oh. Yes! "she said." do you think they have custard creams? " the doctor asked, as she quickly walked to meet Graham and ryan.

The tall, very sweet boy, turned around and walked backwards, making Emma complain a little because she didn't want him getting hurt. He assured her he was fine." by the way. I'm Henry. Henry Mills" he smiled. The doctor nodded. "hmm." she mumbled. Henry turned back around, not wanting to give Emma the opportunity of being right about him falling. Plus it would save him the embarrassment.

The doctor saw the diner not too far now, thank god. Her legs were killing. She may be a time Lord. But she was still flesh and bone. "so. Why the different name. Last name?" the doctor asked. Surely if Tey were mother and son, they'd share one name. Henry looked at Emma, he sort of liked having new people around, they were so clueless, so unaware. But. It got a bit tiring sometimes, having to explain things." that's a long story" Henry said, speaking for his mother who kept quiet.