
chapter 14

The three lazy companions walked into the centre of the tardis. Graham and Ryan rubbing there eyes. Yaz stood by the door as she walked the doctor happily bound to the centre, honestly. Did she never get tired?!

"where to now?" Ryan grumbled, causing yaz to snicker. She'd never seen him after waking up. She looked to Graham as he spoke "yeah, doc, this is great and all but..." he shrugged looking at her awkwardly. Yaz looked at them and rolled her eyes, boys, so complicated "I think, what they mean to say. Is that. They want something a bit different" she said.

The doctor smiled "well. The tardis has something for us." she said to her gently. Her fingers running along the console "well. This is gonna be exciting!" she smiled as she pressed a few buttons, and flipped the lever, smacking out a custard cream into her hand, for extra measures. "what?" the doctor asked seeing all three of her friends just stare at her with puzzled expressions. "you can never be too careful" she said all too seriously.

Further comments were stopped as the tardis jolted one way, causing the companions to jolt forward, only for the tardis to jolt the other way, resulting in everyone landing on their back.

Soon the tardis stopped moving, the doctor stood up, running to the doors of the tardis to look outside. Well. Except they weren't outside. They were inside.

The doctor and her companions walked out to see a young man, with short black hair, black jeans and a black leather jacket staring outside of a window. He looked out at the city of manhattan, lost in his own thoughts.

The Boy turned around, the darkening sky turned the window to a mirror. Yaz and ryan were surprised, they saw a nerdy looking boy, a young boy, with an inhumanly pale complexion, though it seemed the boy didn't notice them. The doctor waved her hand in front of his face. Nothing. "mmm..." she frowned, she looked to the others for ideas but they just shrugged.

Behind him, a vase of hydrangeas, on a simple plain wooden desk. He blinked at it. Hydrangeas? That was odd. If he had a favourite flower, it was roses, and his mother knew that. He turned away from the window and looked more closely at the vase. They were roses. He shook his head to clear it. White roses. They always had been. Right.

The doctor cleared her throat "hi, um..." she said awkwardly. The three companions looked at this guy strangely. "I. I'm the doctor. These are my friend's" the black haired boy looked up at them, he stood back as if only noticing his presence. "sorry. I. How did you get in?" he asked. He bared his teeth a little making them all step back. "I need to take you to the others. Now."

Ryan looked around "where are we?" he asked. Simon looked at him confused "the new York institute" Simon offered his hand to the doctor "my names Simon" he said. The doctor smiled "Simon! That's a very cool name" she smiled. "so... Are you shadowhunters from another area, or... Are you downworlders?...demons?" he asked seriously, making ryan stop laughing. "he's serious, son" Graham whispered.

Yaz and the doctor shared a confused look. What the hell was he on about.

//this and the next few chapters have ideas and parts of the book taken out from the mortal instruments - book 6: City of heavenly fire. All rights go to cassandra Clare. Only some of these idea's are mine.