
Thank you is the most precious reward

Deep down into the sea was a magical kingdom of mysterious creatures called mermaids. They were very happy and were afraid of humans .So,they had made a boundary for them which a human could never cross without their approval .There were two little mermaids namely Sun and Shine .They were best friends by their birth and loved each other so much .Their bond was compared as flesh and nail relation .Everyone in that kingdom knew it and used to praise their friendship .One day due a strong tide Shine was swept away towards the beach and a fisherman captured her .Sun was very sad after that but she wanted to find her and still believed that she must be fine . The fisherman was decent so he was going to send her back after realizing that she was adapted to stay in sea only .But a cruel man captured her and also he threaten the fisherman too for not interfering in his work .The cruel man wanted to use her for his benefit .The cruel man had a son who wanted to help the mermaid as he was a nice boy . In such attempt of helping her a boy named Bless ,Fisherman ,his son and a boy named Hope played a vital role and finally after a long difficult attempt they succeed to help that mermaid and finally Sun and Shine again came together and lived happily .

Ishowri_Malla · แฟนตาซี
57 Chs

Thank you hospital

Now Bless ignored all the matters and just focused in his career .He went to his dad's hospital and saw that everything was just spoiled and needed repair .So he just started the work of repairing and now he named that hospital "Thank you " .He collaborated with talented doctors and nurses .Finally ,His work started and he gave his 100% in that field but his popularity wasn't much high as his dad had ,so it was very hard for him to get patients .But he didn't lose hope and continued his work with full dedication .

He went to meet with the victim girl and at the same time the doctors weren't available there and her condition was getting serious so he treated her and now the nurse knew it that he must be a professional doctor .

After all she was safe and her parents thanked him and said ," You came as a god today .Its a miracle .Thank you and god bless you." He was so happy with that thank you .And it boosted his confidence .Finally that girl came in sense and he went to meet her and apologized for whatever she faced due to his brother and now he even suggested to shift her to his own hospital .Her parents agreed because they weren't so rich and expenses were high. Now Bless was taking care of her and Twinkle also joined his hospital for encouraging him and Twinkle even took responsibility of that girl.

When Rain's mother knew about the girl to be admitted to Bless 's hospital she made a plan to kill her and to spoil the starting career of Bless too . She ,hiding her real identity entered the hospital and also into the room where that girl was admitted .She was about to kill her but Twinkle, sleeping next to her suddenly woke up and in the attempt to save her from the attack ,she got injured herself and now Bless entered there hearing the sound .He caught his mother and even slapped her without knowing her to be his own mother because she had worn a mask .He revealed her mask and was shocked to see her face. He stepped back and sat down .He looked at his hand because he slapped his mother . Police came there and arrested her .She was still warning to Bless that his career would be ruined .He didn't react because he was guilty .He saw that, blood drops were scattered on the floor so he asked if victim was injured so she informed that Twinkle was injured either so he ran to search her and saw that she was washing her hand .He called her name from her backside and she became shocked and just hidden her injury but he saw it and then he bandaged it and he said ," Why did you ran here?" She smiled and said ," Do you still remember ?Last time when I got a cut more than me you were hurt so I didn't want to make you more hurt." She then assured him and said ," Don't worry .Everything will be fine soon and you weren't wrong but you had no idea that she was actually your mother so forget about that slap because I know that among various things you are more guilty for that ." He pretended to be fine and then he asked to the victim that she could decide the punishment to his mother so that lady said," Leave her ,Whatever she did was due to her love to her son .So I can understand it."

Then she even requested police to leave his mother .So police left her .Twinkle was tensed so Bless asked," What happen ?" She said," Bless ,I want you to stay with us .I promise that I will not disturb you but your mother can do anything and I am not ready to let you be hurt by her ." Bless laughed on that and said ," Its OK ,You can get new boyfriend after that ." She slapped him and then went from there .Bless was about to go to her but suddenly he got a call that a emergency case has been registered so he quickly rushed to attend the patient .Twinkle was waiting for him but he didn't come .So she kept on walking and it started raining heavily .There was no shelter around and she was totally wet .

Bless got call from Twinkle 's mother and she informed him that Twinkle hadn't reached home so he went in search to her and he found her in such serious condition where she was totally wet and shivering totally .He went to her and rescued her then he admitted her to his hospital and himself treated her .He informed her parents and they came there .They were angry with him and tried to shift Twinkle to another hospital. He requested them not to do that otherwise her condition could get more worst. Her dad slapped him and said," You can kill her and its common in your family ,isn't it? Stay away than her ." He tried to say something but her mother jointed her hands and requested to leave their daughter.

He now lost everything so he had no fear now for anything more .He just focused on his work and now patients were satisfied with facilities available in his hospital .Even, now people could see his dad's reflection on him. He became totally busy at his work and for him, health of patient was subject of more priority .He never cared for money and profit. His such nature and service allured people towards his hospital .He started donating, and giving free services too and he even got awarded from government . Now victim was totally fine and she now requested for bail to Rain because she didn't want any problem more . She thanked Bless and her parents even wished him to marry their daughter .He smiled and said ," I am extremely sorry but..." They laughed and said ," We were joking .Look at your face .But thank you so much and god bless you."

Twinkle came to him and invited him to come to her wedding. He said nothing and just accepted that invitation card and congratulated her with heavy heart .He excused her and went from there .Twinkle wanted him to say something but she was all broken to see his weird behaviour. She hit her hand on a window of glass and it Started bleeding. He got information of that and he saw her hand and said," Its just a normal injury so you must call someone else to check it .I have more serious case to handle." Twinkle felt so bad and was going but he stopped her ,she felt that now he would show little care but he said," Let me wrap your wound otherwise your dad will file a case against me that I tried to kill you." He just laughed on that but people around were shocked to see such behaviour of him because he was never like that before. She couldn't tolerate it and just slapped him and shouted ," I hate you ,I wish you will always remain single because you don't deserve love and yes you proved it that you are Rain' s brother after all." Bless pushed her out of his hospital and said," Never show your face and get lost now ."

He closed the door and with closing it he knelt down and got emotional .An old lady came up to him and tried to make him calm .He hugged her and started weeping .Everyone was looking that and it was such an emotional scene which made everyone to get emotional too. One after one ,everyone convinced him to be brave . The old lady asked," Don't you love her? " He denied. She said," But I can read your eyes .When you love her so much then why don't you clear all the misunderstanding between you two. You both love each other too much then why to tolerate this unwanted pain?" Bless said ," Her parents requested me to leave her and last time her mother jointed her hands in front of me so how can I disrespect them? Its better to tolerate pain after all true love is painful and I am ready for this pain because its interesting."