
Thanatos the fear of death

Grey Adherson had everything in his life but not the love he desired for actually after the death of his parents his boyfriend cheated on him with other men he was suffering from philophobia -fear to love ...due to his mistakes his company went on bankruptcy he lost everything..he want to die so he went to his old company which has been closed for many years but ends up saving a cute girl and falls for her at first sight...and now he is suffering from thanathophobia -fear of loosing someone.... L-let m-me die Mr. S-stranger!!~~Ara No you can't!!~~~Grey please I don't have anyone to cry for me after my death please let me , if I die they will be happy that grim reaper will be happy ~~~Ara are you serious grim reaper doesn't exist are you kidding me pretty girl~~grey please they will bully me beat me they haunt me in my dreams please let me die~~ Ara ohh baby come and let me love you~~grey

Cherry_Omega · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs


p/c -thanatos- desire to death. ;. thanathophobia-fear of loosing loved one..are different




















































































































Great and wonderful life they say but it isn't what they think..it isn't what they make there mindset...being millionaire isn't mean you can have everything you want you can buy anything you want sure you can...but what about the other thinks !! What about the emotion which you can't buy.....

What about the love you desired humm!!...

People desires many things in their life to make themselves feel loved and worthy .. though it in many ways...and of many types..some desires to get loved..some desires to fall hard deeper and deeper like the ocean ...some want to stay like the waves in those oceanic storm....some desires to have an endless happiness ...but not everyone beleive me not everyone is that lucky to have everything they desired...even if they have everything there is something they craved for something which they want in their life who can be the source of their happiness...

Being humans and living in modern era there nothing you think which demonstrates myths and their stories!!

In the world of homo sapiens sapiens (modern era humans scientific name)...sure you asked why I had repeated sapiens two times!!!

It's because scientists had proved the human species with the highest IQs with smartest and sexiest brain....

Being with their personality or there nature everything is modified version of homo sapiens.....that why they named us homo sapiens sapiens....

Isn't it interesting knowing evolution of human history...!!

Living in modern era human don't believe in demons sure things no one I guess.. but isn't it funny you beleive in god then why can't the demons , hades grim reaper exist hmm!! If you belive in positive then you also beleive in negative you beleive in luck and also believe in unluck hmm don't you think this isn't fair...

(A/n: it's just frictional story so do please behave or I'm gonna stop writing I promise!! I won't tolerate any violance or vulgar words sure things I myself don't beleive in those things being medical student isn't easy though)

If you beleive angel exist then why grim reaper ain't exist hmm!! Thanthos -"desire to death"...it's a kind of phobia to...

Let me tell you the past historical stories to clear your doubts...

Basically the myths says that the people's ruled by demon king thanthos want death he is used to be the king of demons the king of bad deeds...they are forced to worshipped him...even though they don't want...

People of those time belive in Greek god Zeus ..the god of peace and love...and the people's ruled by zeus was kind of lovable and peaceful humans they only desired to live their life with every drop of happiness..

While people's ruled by King thanthos only desired to die and if you asked why ..??

They says king thanthos was really a cruel ruthless Nd heartless king who killed his own parents for the throne the peaceful kingdon thanthalia had became the kingdom of thanthos illness which is ruled by the thanthos king himself...

And after so many years like in our 21 centuary they don't beleive in them ...they don't believe that ruthless king like thanthos had ever exist ...their warriors grim reaper ever exist...

If I described the grim reaper they don't have any face they are faceless demons...with black long gown with moon like metal weapon with a huge iron stick in their hands ..they aren't allowed to show their true form to any not even king they thing that is disrespecting to the king Thanatos....

Grim reaper are only visible to the person suffering from thanthos illness..grim reapers also known as life snatchers. They can do anything to take your life anything to reap your soul from your body... anything to kill the person having those illness....by creating illusions creating the gut feelings and many more .they can disguised themselves exactly like humans for the victims and only seen by them...

Many of the victims had died due to illnes they says it have no cure to this no ways to come out from the speals of Thanthos...

The victims died painfully. They also used to have nightmares, illusion , hallucination , echoing of voices or feels like someone following them and calling for them...

This illness destroys everything destroys that victim and break him one by one so badly..tis had already affected many of the people's mentally and physically...

They started drowning in the darkness of the demons...they says victims never came to know that they are suffering from this diseases...but can feel it at there last stage...

Anybody can be grim reaper around you...maybe there own lovers there own loved ones mom dad siblings and manymore....and they never came to know that...

They said grim reaper needs body ...he had to sheltered himself in someone's body who is already dead whose soul had already left from his body few seconds ago...

The grim reaper will pretend to be good with you and then back stabs you... isn't it reality like taking examples of your own friends or relatives who behave all good with you and your family but are hidden in their fake facade of love and emotions they back stabs you or talk bad about you at your back but not on your face...

They calls for the victims and they only repeat those words.."go die you aren't worthy to be loved you have no one go die "...

story and series of poetries are all frictional it isn't have any connection with reality.