
Teyvat: I Have A lot of Unpaid Love Debt

Travelling to the world of Genshin Impact, Kyle got a simulator system as his golden finger. The continent to Teyvat has never been the same since then. [Bowing in front of the Water Goddess you pledge your loyalty and sword to her.] [With the Flower God and Greater Lord Rukkhadevata by his side he proclaimed himself the Emperor of the Desert.] [You listen to Rosalyne singing in the streets of Mondstadt.] [You take in a Pink Fox as your Pet.] Kyle's life has become chaotic with powerful women looking for him but wait "Why is Nahida calling me father?" Author's note: Inspired from various Chinese fics Cover art belongs to TorinoAqua on Twitter

Amayatsu · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

You cant

Kyle was absolutely horrified.

As Egeria's student, he was aware of things that only a handful of other denizens of Teyvat knew. Egeria, a creation of one of the shades of the Primordial One, was privy to knowledge that other gods were most likely not. She had even imparted some of her esoteric knowledge to both of her students.

Some of this knowledge included the tales of the Primordial Dragons, their dragon authorities, and, more importantly, what happened with them, the thrones of the Seven Archons of Teyvat.

"Focalors, you can't be serious," Kyle said, his voice trembling. "Restoring Neuvillette's power means defying the very order that was established after the Archon War. It means defying the heavenly principles. The consequences could be catastrophic."

Focalors eyes held a mixture of resolve and sorrow. "I understand the risks, Kyle, but we are facing a prophecy that threatens to drown all of Fontaine. If there is a chance to save our people, we must take it, no matter the cost."

Kyle took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing thoughts. "Even if we succeed, what will become of Neuvillette? Restoring his power could change him, make him a threat to Fontaine and all of Teyvat."

Focalors nodded slowly. "That is a risk we must be willing to take. Neuvillette has always been a friend to Fontaine, and I believe he will remain so. But we must be prepared for any outcome."

Kyle sighed, the weight of the decision pressing heavily on him. "Very well. What do we need to do to restore his power?"

"To free his dragon authority we'll need to destroy the throne of the hydro archon"

"No! Absolutely not! We're not going to do that. It would mean your death!"

Focalors looked at Kyle with a grave expression, understanding the gravity of what she had just proposed. "Kyle, I know it sounds extreme, but this might be our only chance to save Fontaine. The prophecy is clear about the fate that awaits our people if we do nothing."

Kyle's eyes were wide with shock and desperation. "But destroying the throne means your death, Focalors. I can't accept that. There has to be another way."

Focalors placed a reassuring hand on Kyle's shoulder. "I have thought about this for a long time. If the prophecy is true, then the throne itself is part of the problem. Egeria's essence and power are tied to it, and that connection must be severed to prevent the prophecy from coming true."

Kyle shook his head vehemently. "No, there must be another solution. We can't just sacrifice you. Egeria wouldn't want this."

Focalors eyes softened, filled with a mix of sadness and determination. "Egeria gave her life fighting the Abyss to protect Fontaine. Now it's my turn to make the ultimate sacrifice"

Kyle clenched his fists, feeling a mix of anger and helplessness. "I won't let you do this alone. We'll find another way, together. We owe it to Egeria and to the people of Fontaine to try every possible option before considering something so drastic."

Focalors smiled sadly. "You have always been brave and loyal, Kyle. That's why I believe in you. But remember, time is not on our side. The waters will rise, and the people will drown unless we act quickly."

Kyle sighed. "What would happen to Fontaine after you're gone? I'm just a human. I'll be gone in another fifty years, long before your plan takes effect. Fontaine will be left a nation without a god."

"It will have a primordial dragon to protect it, far stronger than both of us," Focalors replied.

"You believe in him far too much," Kyle said, his voice tinged with frustration.

"One believed thou were a much greater admirer of him," Focalors responded, her tone lightening with a hint of amusement.

Kyle turned his head refusing to meet her eyes, it was true enough.

"I'll be inviting him as Fontaine's new Iudex," Focalors continued. "I believe over time he will become attached to Fontaine and its people. You know he's a big softie underneath his tough exterior."

Kyle's mind raced with memories of Neuvillette. The dragon had always shown a keen interest in human culture, despite his aloof demeanor. He recalled the times Neuvillette had visited the city, his eyes lighting up at the sight of bustling markets, his genuine curiosity about human traditions and customs. Kyle had always admired the dragon's strength and wisdom.

Focalors continued, her tone filled with a mix of hope and determination. "Neuvillette's authority as a primordial dragon is far beyond what we can comprehend. His power and longevity will provide Fontaine with the protection it needs, long after both of us are gone."

Kyle's shoulders slumped as the weight of her words sank in. "I just... I can't stand the thought of losing you too," he admitted, his voice breaking. "You've been like family to me, Focalors. Egeria was our mentor, our guide. I can't lose you as well."

Focalors placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and brought him in for a hug. "Deep down, you know what needs to be done," she whispered in his ear.

With a heavy heart, Kyle accepted her words.