
Testament Demon DxD: Rise of the Imperial Dragon

A Prince of Imperialism dies in his 30's and finds himself in Darkness. After being there for unknown time he encounters several beings which grant him a chance to reincarnate in a 'Twisted World" and with few wishes. As he studies and learns more about the new world, he will become more powerful and encounter strong foes and allies. And with his desire to conquer and hail supreme and dominate, will he be able to build an empire, or will he lose to his strongest enemy in the end? In a tale of masculine mentality, power, seduction, and ambition, Wad’s goal to dominance and supremacy promises to be a wild ride. Will he come out on top and rule? Or fail to the enemies? (TRIGGER: I do not own any of the characters except my MC. I do not own the cover nor the Animes in the Twisted World.) 'The Twisted World' is a mixture of Fantasy, Ecchi and H*ntai animes. Read the novel to know which. But yes High School DxD takes 40% of the world, with Shinmai Maou no Testament taking 20%. (CHAPTERS ARE RANDOMLY POSTED. YOU MIGHT GET 2/3 CHAPTERS A DAY, 5 CHAPTERS A WEEK, OR JUST 1 CHAPTER A DAY. THEY ARE RANDOMLY POSTED. BUT I GUARANTEE THAT IT WON'T TAKE A WHOLE MONTH JUST FOR 1 CHAPTER TO BE POSTED) Alternative Title: Reincarnation in a Twisted World of Anime ______________________________________________________________________ Weak Main Character Before the Start of the Plot. Strong After the Start of the Plot. KingdomBuilding Action + Adventure. Massive Harem + Romance. Character Development. R18+ Content. Offensive Language. No Yuri/Yaoi Long and Semi-Long Chapters. What else do you want? . . . By the way —this fic does have lactation fetish. ______________________________________________________________________ LINKS Discord: https://discord.gg/bJ4zDnWnzX Twitter: Patr eon: ______________________________________________________________________ Enjoy Reading!

ReincarnatedDoggo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Meeting the Queen of High Elves

Time passed and another sight welcomes us.

A sight I've seen something similar to only once—a sight that can only be described as fantasy, but it is not; this world is real.

It was pretty much similar to the Dark Elf Village, a big village-like town, with unique trees, flowers, and rare herbs everywhere. And buildings made out of either leaves or wood. I don't really know how or what to describe the view and feeling... But it feels... Surreal? Unreal? I mean, it does feel real because of the sensations on my skin and the cool breeze of wind lightly weaving my hair; however, no matter how many times I see this beautiful, dreamlike sight, even if I already saw something similar back in the Dark Elf Village, it does feel like a dream.

In front of us are big, majestic flags made of fine silk, waving gracefully in the breeze. Each flag is green and white, with intricate golden embroidery forming a crown at the center. The crown is adorned with delicate leaves at its base, symbolizing the high elves' connection to nature. These flags, mounted on tall, ornately carved wooden poles, stand proudly on both the right and left sides of the entrance barrier gate. Their vibrant colors and detailed designs capture the eye, reflecting the elegance and grandeur of the high elf kingdom.

With the two high elves leading us inside the gate, we enter the village and immediately become the center of attention. All eyes focused in our direction.

The attention went from the two high elves to Chloe and the others—and then fixated on me due to the obvious fact that I'm only a human—

—not just a human, but a human with no visible 'power'; as I'm concealing my power and magic.

Basically, I'm an ordinary human being who's powerless.

Additionally, the high elves are beautiful and are also wearing revealing dresses similar to the dark elves'.

-Third Person Point of View-

As the party made their way inside the High Elf Tribe's village, they were getting too many glances from everywhere.

Just like the Dark Elf Tribe, the high elves are a race of females only, and every high elf present felt speechless upon seeing a handsome, tall, and young boy following behind the dark elven royal messenger Chloe, with two other dark elves clinging to him and another one right behind him; they certainly knew the identity of the three.

They are none other than the Dark Elf Knight Elda Ballad, her Commander Delva Celebrian, and her sister Evelyn Celebrian, who is an advisor to their queen Olga Discordia.

"Delva-sama and Evelyn-sama are clinging to a human!?" Everyone coincidentally said to themselves in unison as they stared, shocked at the group, particularly Wad and the two elves on his arms. They couldn't help but feel curious about this young man.

And of course, just like their dark counterparts, they are giving Wad gazes full of hatred and fear; perhaps they have quite the past with the humans of this nation?

The party finally reached the castle of the high elf queen.

The castle has a not-so-big wooden gate, and five wooden towers; four in all four directions, and the fifth—which is the tallest and made out of stone—in the center, just like the dark elf castle.

The castle is made out of stone bricks and bears too much similarity to the dark elf queen's castle; except that instead of black bricks they are white bricks, and instead of black and purple flags they are white and green, placed on top of the gate and on the towers and all over the building.

There are too many guards stationed around the gate and obviously inside the castle.

Chloe was in front of the party; she approached the guards and told them that they came here by the order of Her Majesty Queen Olga, to deliver a recommendation letter to Her Majesty Queen Celestine. They were allowed to enter immediately.

Wad likewise was being gazed at with different expressions: anger, fear, hate, etc.

The poor Wad can't do anything but let it slide for now. There's something more important than complaining about this, and Wad does not like to complain; he never did.

Evelyn looks annoyed at all of this, "Wad-sama, why are they looking at you like that?" She asks with annoyance visible in her expression while hugging his right arm tightly.

"Right!" Elda chimes in, annoyed.

"Because I—" Before he could elaborate to them —Delva interrupts him.

"—Because they still don't know his grace. Once he protects them and defeats the despicable and detestable army of demons, they will all swarm around him like little worms." She answers, confidently.

Wad felt speechless but also happy because Delva thinks about him that way. This is really a first time for him; for someone to like you and get along with you that fast, not to mention putting their trust in you, this is unnatural for him but welcomed.

Evelyn and Elda nodded their heads in agreement, satisfied with the answer.

"Cough." Chloe fakes a cough to gain their attention, "We have arrived."

As they have made their way to where the tallest tower is, a huge palace got into their view. It was slightly different than the previous palace in the Dark Elf territory.

Four elves with unique-looking armor that invokes a knightly image are standing on guard. They were also surprised like the latter by the sudden party who came into their sight. After that, the party's gotten inside the palace, and now they're in front of a door; which looks quite big, like the one in the previous Dark Elf palace, with two knights standing on guard right in front of it.

Delva, Evelyn, and Elda finally went back to their serious mode and were now standing right behind Wad on his sides. Wad wasn't surprised by seeing Evelyn leaving her gentle nature in the slightest; in fact, he was expecting this because there's no way there's an advisor like that to a ruler.

But Elda actually surprised him! An airhead like her became serious? As expected of a formidable knight like her! Duh...

"Halt! Identify yourselves!" The two guards demand loudly in unison.

Chloe takes a step to the front, "We are the messengers from the Dark Elf Tribe. We came here by the order of Her Majesty, Queen Olga Discordia—"

"Let them in." Suddenly, a feminine and gentle voice sounded from behind them.

Everyone averted their gaze towards the newcomer...

-Wad's Point of View-

All of us avert our attention to the direction where the voice came from.

As I see the new individual, I briefly glance at the two guards, who now have the look of surprise, before it switches to respect.

It is a beautiful, tall, and young woman with a curvaceous body which lengths about 170cm...and HUGE buxom!

Is that an F-cup?

This is the first time I see it!

Ahem. Ahem...

She has long blonde hair that reaches down to her thighs, with shades of green at the end and a noticeable cowlick on the top of her head, with long hair strands. She has blue eyes and long-pointed ears. She appears to be wearing a pink flower and leaf ornament in her hair and a red stone on her neck's collar, and green and white clothes that cover her chest, arms, and legs, with a green and yellow string bikini.

(Reference https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/5/5c/Lucie_Menelumia.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/288?cb=20201208083133)

Both of us make eye contact—and she gave me a soothing, warm, and gentle smile—stunning me but it also makes me more at ease; however, I've become cautious of her.

I break our eye contact and glance at Chloe, who had a smile upon seeing this woman.

"It's been a long time, Lucie." Chloe happily says.

The woman named Lucie stops staring at me and looks towards Chloe with a happy smile. "Indeed, Chloe," she replies as she looks toward Delva, Evelyn, and Elda. "I've missed you and everyone.

She looks back to Chloe, "Celestine, Nol, Phyllis, and everyone else also missed you."

"Yes..." Chloe and the others have a reminiscing look as they all are looking at the ground with small smiles. I guess they have quite the past...

How old are they?

I won't ask them...

"Now come. Queen Celestine has been waiting, and we shall not make her wait any longer." The woman says gently as she walks past us. She looks at the two guards, and they nod before opening the door by pushing it.

We can clearly see the wide room, which is a grand hall. As the door opens, the woman goes inside, and we follow right after her. We walk on a lush green carpet this time—but with only ten knights spread throughout the entire hall.

The walls are adorned with intricate tapestries depicting scenes of elven history, and tall windows let in streams of golden sunlight, adding a warm glow to the room. There's also a throne, and close to the throne are a few noblewomen with the same style and body assets as their dark counterparts, just in different colors. Two noticeable women are standing on each side of the throne, with another woman sitting between them.

The young girl on the left is a striking vision of youthful elven beauty. Her petite figure is both delicate and ethereal, reminiscent of the finest porcelain. Her hair, a vibrant shade of pinkish-red, is tied into playful pigtails that cascade down her back like silken ribbons, catching the light with every movement. Her dark green eyes, large and almond-shaped, shimmer with a blend of innocence and wisdom, hinting at the ancient knowledge that belies her youthful appearance.

She is adorned in a luxurious red robe with intricate yellow accents that swirl and dance across the fabric like flames. The robe features a large hood that frames her face, adding an air of mystery to her already enchanting presence. Her footwear consists of elegant red shoes that seem to whisper across the marble floor with every step. Intricate strings of fine silk crisscross her legs and pubic area, enhancing her sensuality without compromising her dignity. A heart-shaped decoration graces the bottom of her belly, while two more adorn her chest, symbolizing her pure yet alluring nature.

(Reference: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/mahou-kaiju-series/images/7/77/Nol.png/revision/latest/thumbnail/width/360/height/360?cb=20190205145157) (Author's Note: Here comes the second Loli, my fellow readers!)

Standing tall and commanding beside the throne is a mature woman whose presence exudes both strength and sensuality. Her figure is curvaceous and statuesque, every movement a testament to her grace and power. Her long, snow-white hair is a cascade of silken strands that flow down to her thighs, tied into elegant pigtails that sway with her every motion. Her pinkish-red eyes are intense and captivating, revealing a depth of experience and a sharp intellect.

She is clad in a purplish-white cloak that clings to her form, highlighting her voluptuous curves while maintaining an air of regal dignity. The cloak, shimmering like liquid silk, shifts subtly in color with her movements, adding an almost magical quality to her appearance. Beneath the cloak, she wears a string bikini that leaves little to the imagination, showcasing her confidence and allure. Her long-pointed ears are adorned with delicate chains of silver and amethyst, enhancing her regal appearance.

(Reference: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/e/ee/Firis_Hagerhelm.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/356?cb=20201209082518)

As I was glancing at all the women inside, even the guards, the blonde girl went and stood beside the other two near the throne. Chloe and we start approaching the woman who is sitting on the throne—

"We already know why and what you've come here for. My name is Nol, and I am the right hand of Her Majesty, Queen Celestine Lucullus. Her Majesty has been waiting for your arrival, human. You may speak to Her Majesty." Her voice was young but serious in tone.

'So, Nol and Phyllis Hagerhelm from Hentai Anime [Youkoso Sukebe Elf no Mori], and the Queen is...' Wad thought inwardly, feeling truly excited and thrilled, but his exterior appearance was really something else...

No one would ever think these are his thoughts with the face he's currently making...

"Greetings, Your Majesty. I am Wad Toujou. I've come here to offer you my help to defend against the horde of Demonic Beasts since you'll be their first destination." Wad said with seriousness and respect in his tone.

"Welcome, I am Celestine Lucullus, the Queen of the High Elves. Why are you offering us your help when you've just met us? And also, how come you knew about their army's first destination?" The Queen, asked Wado, but her suspicion and doubt were clear.

Sitting with regal poise in the center of the throne is Queen Celestine Lucullus, the Queen of the High Elves. Her presence radiates an aura of serene majesty and ancient wisdom. Her long, golden-blonde hair flows like a river of sunlight, reaching down to her ankles and shimmering with a natural brilliance. Her dark green eyes, deep and mysterious, seem to hold the secrets of the ages, while her long-arched ears, adorned with delicate gold earrings, add to her ethereal beauty.

She wears a green leaf crown on her head, intertwined with a gold forehead necklace that glimmers with each subtle movement. Her slim yet shapely body is dressed in a garment made from the finest silk, which only covers her most private parts, held together by a leather string attached to the bottom of the clothing on her belly. This attire, resembling a micro skimpy bikini, leaves her pale skin and ample bosom exposed, yet she carries herself with such grace and dignity that her appearance is more divine than scandalous.

(Reference: https://tulip.paheal.net/_images/7353dea631a9f9ffedc5832ad26be73c/4692716%20-%20Celestine_Lucross%20Kuroinu_Kedakaki_Seijo_Wa_Hakudaku_Ni_Somaru%20Lexaiduer.jpg)

"We've encountered a group of goblins and ogres on our way here. They were delivering a letter, and that's what was written on it. You can ask her if you don't believe me." Wad obliged to give the Queen her answer, and he pointed to Evelyn, who was standing behind his right.

Evelyn, understanding that it is her turn to speak from all the attention she's getting, made a curtsey and spoke with grace. "I am Evelyn Celebrian, a noble of the Dark Elf Tribe, and one of her Majesty's advisors. What he just said is the truth, and he also saved me from that group of Demonic Beasts alone."

"!!!" Upon hearing this new information, Celestine's professional demeanor and expression broke as she was stunned; 'A human saved an elf? But how... Aren't humans evil and greedy...' She thought to herself.

"Hmph, stop spitting lies! How can a mere human save an elf from a group of goblins and ogres alone? Don't make me laugh!" The white-haired high elf crossed her arms under her massive boobs and scoffed with her eyes closed.

"You! How dare yo-" Chloe wanted to argue but was interrupted by Wado's hand. Stupefied, she glanced at Wad with surprise in her eyes.

She somehow wanted to defend this human boy, this man, for saving her earlier in their first meeting, and for being so generous to cross boundaries and offer his help --even if he'd get something in return --to her Queen. No. To them. The entire Elven race in this "territory".

But now, here he was, suddenly silencing her...?

Wado smiled at her, then averted his gaze to the noblewoman who just insulted him. "Aren't you an aristocrat? Shouldn't you be following manners or something? Insulting me without even introducing yourself." He retorted with a mocking smirk.

"You..." The white-haired elf was caught off guard by the audacity of this human. Her cheeks had a slight hue of pink, but she quickly closed her eyes and turned her face away.

"Hmph... Guess I need to satisfy your curiosity about my glorious noble lineage." The elf smiled as she spoke with pride. She placed her right hand to her right breast and spoke again with pride:

"I am Phyllis Hagerhelm, a High Elf and member of the Aristocratic household of Hagerhelm. Now! Answer me, human!"

Wad sighed, "...So you aren't planning to stop your dramatic speech?" He sighed again.

"Whatever, I have an ability I call Super Growth. The more I practice and train, the faster my strength grows, so I'm probably stronger than the army of Demonic Beasts. You can also ask her if you want." He said and pointed to Chloe.

'I told them because I'm pretty sure the information about my ability and declaration of my help to the Dark Elves has become quite the topic there.'

Chloe stared at Wado with a deadpan and an expression that said: Really? After silencing me? Now you want me to talk for you?

"...What he said isn't a lie but the truth about him. I've witnessed his mana's quick growth after he meditated for only 10 minutes. He also defeated the Demonic Beast General of the Army."

"Huh?!" As Chloe casually dropped the bombshell, everyone snapped and were stunned once again.

Is he really that strong!? -- That's the thought all women came to a conclusion for.

"Ah. And I will become stronger with time, and I don't plan on making enemies with the elves. The forest is quite near to the town I live in, and I don't want to see part of the woods on fire. It's really a beautiful forest that I've never ever seen one similar to before." He remarked with such honesty that made everyone here wonder what he's talking about.

There are many "beautiful" woods everywhere you know? --That's what they wanted to tell him, but he must be just flattering them. Right?

'Not even in my past life." He added in his mind.

"I plead with you, Wad-san, please. Save my people. I'm willing to do anything you want, just save my people." Celestine pleaded, exposing her emotions that made all of her subjects shocked; hopelessness and weakness.

"Your Majesty! You can't just-" They were trying to convince her not to plead, a human at that, but they were interrupted by their Queen.

"No, he's the only one who can save us. I'm willing to do anything just to ensure the safety of my people." Celestine silenced all her girls with a firm look back on her face.

"...Your Majesty, I do not require anything. However, seeing you so careful about your people, and your selfless act... Unlike some rulers... I admire you!" Wado, as a fellow royalty from another world, felt the honesty and determination of the queen before him, so he felt like cheering her up.

"...." Everyone present was slack-jawed with their eyes wide-open. They felt speechless at what they just heard from a human.

"Now, I'll excuse myself. I have a few more important things that I need to take care of." He said then left the hall, surprising everyone even more, and no one dared to stop him, because they all were gobsmacked by what a human just said about their Queen. The Dark Elves tagged along with him.

'He said he admires me...' The Queen, with her eyes wide, thought to herself with a blush, while her hands were on under her boobs, where her heart is bombing.

'This human boy... No. This man is really extraordinary... I wonder if he's actually as good as what he appeared to be. This is the first time I hear someone saying they admired me, and it came from a man...'

Thinking for a moment, Celestine furrowed her brows in determination inspite her flushed cheeks.

'Umu! I've decided, if he really does follow his words, then I'll dedicate myself to him! I'll become his woman!'

This woman... Is she really a queen? Mayhaps, it has to do with this isolated female society.

'I will become his woman!' Celestine thought again.

Important things must be said twice!