

Uchiha Kai was reincarnated into the uchiha clan with the legendary Kyōka Suigetsu. After relentlessly training for nearly 14 years he was finally able to unlock the Shikai of Kyōka Suigetsu. Now there is only one week before the night of genocide, see how Uchiha Kai will show the real terror of illusions to the ninja world. The MC is going to be neutral evil or chaotic neutral. So soft hearted guys don't read.

Mortimer_Darkbane · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Your Genjutsu is too weak

At the same time, in the house of the Uchiha patriarch Fugaku. Itachi had just killed both of his parents and was ready to start the genocide of the Uchiha clan. But when he stepped out of the house he saw Uchiha Kai standing outside with an unsheathed sword. Itachi was always been wary of uchiha Kai, but after Shisuis death Itachi had unlocked the mangekyou sharingan, so he no longer cared about this so called genious of the Uchiha clan. Because Itachi no that as long as an Uchiha doesn't have a mangekyou sharingan, then he is no longer a match to him.

The moon cast an eerie glow over the Uchiha clan compound as Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Itachi faced each other in a tense standoff. The air crackled with the intensity of their chakra, and the night seemed to hold its breath in anticipation.

Itachi, still clad in his ANBU mask, spoke with calm determination, "Kai, I didn't want it to come to this. But your actions threaten the very foundation of our village."

Without another word, Itachi launched himself at Kai, kunai flashing in the moonlight. Kai effortlessly dodged with a swift sidestep, his three tomoe Sharingan tracking every move of his opponent. Itachi's attacks were precise and deadly, but Kai seemed to dance through them with otherworldly grace.

The clash of their weapons echoed through the silent night as Itachi unleashed a barrage of shuriken, each aimed with deadly accuracy. Kai, using his Sharingan to predict Itachi's movements, effortlessly dodged or deflected each projectile. The dance of steel continued, both warriors moving with a speed that blurred the lines between illusion and reality.

Suddenly, Itachi disappeared with a Body Flicker, reappearing behind Kai with a kunai poised to strike. But Kai, seemingly aware of Itachi's every move, countered with a swift spin, parrying the attack effortlessly. The exchange of blows intensified, a symphony of clashing metal filling the air.

Itachi knew that if he continued like this, he would awaken the entire clan, so he directly activated his Mangekyou Sharingan. Then he said, "Kai, you really are a strong opponent, but as long as you don't have eyes like mine, then you are no longer a match for me." After saying this, Itachi directly activated Tsukuyomi, an exclusive ability of Itachi's Mangekyou Sharingan, which can put anyone in a genjutsu world where they will be tortured for 3 days.

To Itachi's surprise, his Genjutsu didn't work on Kai, and Kai was still standing there as if nothing had happened. Itachi was really confused; Kai was directly staring at his Mangekyou Sharingan, but still, he was not falling under his Genjutsu. Seeing Itachi's confused expression, Kai finally spoke:

Kai: "Your Genjutsu is really weak. Genjutsu of this level will not work on me."

But Itachi wasn't ready to give up. He used Great Fireball Jutsu, and while Kai was dodging it, Itachi activated his second ability, "Amaterasu." Suddenly, black flames engulfed Uchiha Kai, and then Itachi stabbed Kai's chest with his Kunai, just to make sure Kai was completely dead. Then Itachi spoke:

"No matter how strong you are, without Mangekyou Sharingan, you will never defeat me."

But suddenly, Itachi heard Kai's voice coming from behind him. When Itachi turned around, he saw Uchiha Kai standing there unharmed with Mangekyou Sharingan in his eyes. Itachi was clearly shocked; he was sure that he had hit Kai with Amaterasu, and he was also sure that his Kunai had directly stabbed Uchiha Kai. But now Kai was just standing there without any scratch. Then who the hell did he stab right now? Itachi asked himself. But then he heard Kai's sound:

Kai: "Shatter Kyoka Suigetsu." Suddenly, the scene in front of Itachi shattered like glass. Then he heard a familiar voice, "Brothe...brother....why?" This was Uchiha Sasuke, who was on the brink of death and was now burning in Amaterasu. Seeing this scene, Itachi immediately put out Amaterasu and tried to save Sasuke, but it was too late; Sasuke had suffered a heavy blow to his chest and had already burned most of his body. Itachi rushed and held Sasuke in his arms, but he saw Sasuke had stopped breathing. Uchiha Sasuke had been killed by Itachi.

During this time, Kai was not even there at all; it was just the illusion of Kai that was there all along. This was also the reason why Tsukuyomi wasn't working at all because Itachi was just casting Tsukuyomi into an empty space before him. Most of the time, Itachi was only fighting with some illusion that wasn't even there. And at the last minute, Uchiha Kai manipulated the illusion he placed on Sasuke and led Sasuke to here. So when finally when Itachi landed the finishing blow, it had hit Sasuke, and little Sasuke was killed by Itachi.

The real Kai had just arrived there with his clansmen, and the scene they saw was Uchiha Itachi kneeling on the floor with the corpse of his younger brother lying before him. The corpse was half burned and had also been stabbed in the heart. Seeing this bloody scene, Hazuki Uchiha, who had just reached there with Kai, spoke:

"What a vicious demon you are, Itachi. Not only did you kill the patriarch, but you even killed your own brother in such a cruel way."

Another clansman spoke: "We should immediately put this demon in prison and torture him for his crimes."

Another one spoke: "We should just kill this demon right away." Uchiha Kai suddenly raised his hands, and everyone stopped speaking. Then Kai said in a loud voice: "Since the patriarch is killed by the rebel Uchiha Itachi, from now on, I will be taking the responsibility of the patriarch, and I will also be the chief of the police department from now on. If anyone disagrees, please raise your voice."

Everyone had nodded in agreement; they had already seen the Mangekyou Sharingan of Uchiha Kai and were convinced by him. As for the people in the peaceful faction, well, their only hope and support were the patriarch and his genius son Itachi, but now one is dead and one is labeled as a rebel. So none of the people in the peaceful faction dared to raise their voice. Also, they were aware that Itachi was going to kill the entire clan by colliding with the higher-ups of the Konoha, so they also let go of the last attachment they had with this village.

But then they heard the voice of Itachi Uchiha: "I will make sure none of you will live to see the light of tomorrow." Itachi's eyes were bleeding blood, and then he directly activated his Susanoo.