
Terror Explored

Josh and Lance were just simple high school students before finding themselves thrown into a realm of eternal horror and danger. Now the two of them have to work with the veterans of the realm and the other newbies to create a team that can survive and defeat God's realm. A fanfic inspired by Terror Infinity.

Dreadtotem · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Team Growth

It was several hours later when Josh woke up, there wasn't really a day or night in the lobby, so he wasn't sure if it was the next day or not. Regardless he was awake and decided to go out and scan through the exchange lists until everyone woke up. He put on a fresh pair of jeans and a plain purple shirt before exiting his room only to stop after one step out the door. He was only a little surprised that Lance was still out there under God, it wasn't uncommon for the boy to stay up all night when studying. What was really surprising was the young woman next to him. She had long black hair that was tied up in a neat bun and was dressed professionally. Her cold calculating glare gave completed the image of a ruthless lawyer except for her youthful face. She couldn't be older than Josh and based on her body she could match him in any athletic department. The most dazzling part about her was her sparkling green eyes that burned into Josh's. The teen had to take a moment to remember how to breathe before continuing towards his stepbrother.

Josh assumed this was Lance's human creation, which was intriguing. Josh was interested that Lance chose to create a woman. His stepbrother had never dated as far as he knew, Josh had even questioned his sexuality on a few occasions. Did lance have a thing for professional woman? This probably wasn't something that should be asked in front of her. According to Logan human creations were no different than regular people so talking about them like they were an item would probably not have a good result. They would talk later but Josh had to admit his brother had created a stunning beauty.

"Good morning" Lance said, breaking Josh out of his thought. Josh realized he had made it to the other two and had just been staring at the new girl without saying anything.

"Oh, um good morning" Josh said awkwardly trying to think of a way to explain what he had been doing without being weird.

"This is Eve" Lance introduced the young woman. She took a step forward and offered a hand to Josh.

"Pleasure to meet you" she said once he took it and shook it. Her warm words did not match her cold stare and business-like handshake.

"I made her to act as sort of a personal assistant while we're here" Lance explained. Josh noticed for the first time that Eve was holding a briefcase in her free hand and Lance had several pieces of paper in his hands.

"Assistant?" Josh asked in surprise.

"Of course," Lance said with a wave towards the ball of light "There's so much in the exchange system I'd need someone to help me sort through it and keep things organized."

Josh let out a small chuckle, that seemed a lot more like Lance. Boosting his productivity instead of creating someone for an actual relationship. No doubt he has some logical reason she's so beautiful. Lance began to explain a few of the exchanges he was interested in when Matt exited from his room. It wasn't much longer that the rest of the team came out. Logan was the last to come out but when he did, he made the biggest entrance.

"What did you do?" he yelled at Lance "I told you not to exchange for anything until we all talked"

Josh looked at Lance in confusion, there was nothing he could see that had changed about him.

"I'm sorry but I got excited and had to test a theory" Lance said calmly.

"Lance, we said that because we still had things, we didn't tell you guys" Gwen said looking worriedly at Eve "How much did you spend?"

"around 5000 points and my C rank reward" he admitted after a moment of hesitation "and I know you withheld some information. Like the ability to split a C rank reward into three D rank rewards."

"Idiot!" Logan snapped "why wouldn't you wait if you know there's more to find out?"

"I needed to test a theory" Lance defended himself.

"Well I hope it was worth it" the leader shot back "did this theory tell you that you need to pay a D rank reward so your human creation wouldn't have to come into the movie world with you?"

"No" Lance said but looked more curious than concerned "I intended for Eve to join us in the movies since I created her"

"What?!?" Gwen asked in shock.

"why would you want that?" Matt questioned.

"That was part of my theory" Lance answered, he turned to Eve "Show them" The young woman nodded and put the briefcase on the floor. She cupped her hands together and pushed them forward so that everyone could see. After a moment steam started to come out from her hands, except it wasn't steam. A thin layer of frost had covered the palms of her hands, and the steam was actually the water vapor in the air.

"I exchanged the frost elf bloodline for her" Lance explained as everyone looked in surprise at the small display of power.

"You can make exchanges for a human creation?" Josh asked.

"Yes, though we only ever exchanged a few stat points before" Logan answered, "never even considered something that costs at least a D rank reward,"

"I only got the D rank bloodline," Lance confirmed then motioned to God. Suddenly Josh and the rest of the team could feel a message from God waiting for them. Apparently, it was possible to share information from the exchange system with everyone.

Frost elf bloodline

Changes the human body to slightly match a frost elf's physiology. Boosts reaction speed, cell vitality, immunization, and intelligence. Slight boost to muscle density and mental capacity. Gives access to ice-based life force. Cost D rank reward and 900 points

"The question is still why?" the leader questioned.

"To prove my theory" Lance began "yesterday you said that no one can survive here alone. That got me thinking about team dynamic. How do we get more team members?"

"God gives us new members every movie based on the difficulty of the mission" Matt answered.

"Right but is there much reason behind which newbies are brought in?" Lance continued

"The only regularly seen newbies are psyche force users when we don't have one" Logan explained "otherwise they seem fairly random"

"That's what I thought" Lance said, "So how do we guarantee our team build stays balanced?"

"What do you mean by that?" Josh questioned.

"Oh!" Gwen exclaimed before Lance could respond "Like in a game you need to mix different classes to progress farther. Like two melee fighters are strong but a melee fighter and a healer will progress faster and further"

"Exactly!" Lance agreed "there's no way to be sure we'll get a newbie who would actually fills a role in the team that we were missing. So why not make one?"

"You're suggesting we fill our team with human creations?" Logan asked skeptically. He had never considered the option. He had thought of creating a bodyguard but never a real team member.

"Well" the smirk on Lance's face dropped "that was my original plan but after experimenting when I was creating Eve, I found a few problems with that idea,"

"Problems like what?" Logan questioned.

"Memories and personalities" Lance began "from my best guess unless we specify God gives the human creation a predetermined personality. We can manipulate this with our own memories and preferences, but God won't fill in too much skill wise. You could make someone who has a strong urge to use a bow and arrow, but their skill won't be any better than yours"

"So, it would only work for people who have previous combat experience?" Matt mused.

"Couldn't we just train them?" Josh asked, "They'll basically be like Lance and I. they'd only have the same time and training we'd get but we can still have them fill in roles we're missing,"

"That's an option" Logan muttered

"It would be a drain on resources" Gwen interjected "we only have ten days in this world before the next movie. There's only so much we can train in during that time the only real way to guarantee their survival would be to make exchanges with God. This is an investment we wouldn't get a return on."

"Explain" Logan requested

"Each member gets 1000 points from surviving a movie" the gamer elaborated "this is the bare minimum everyone earns, but a human creation wouldn't earn this. Not to mention if they or the person created them die, we lose everything invested in them will be lost. I only see this as a possibility either when we've reached a point where points are easy to farm or when we're stalling our rating"

"Stalling our what?" Lance interrupted

"God rates each team's strength when deciding the next movie's difficulty" Logan explained "the majority of it is based on the strongest member and then the rest of the member's power is taken into consideration. We can try and stall our rating by limiting my own purchases as well as sharing my points among the team"

"Interesting" Lance mused.

"Did you find anything else about the human creations?" Logan asked

"No that's all I've concluded so far" Lance answered "I'll let you know when I find something else"

"Fine then let's put this on hold for a bit" the leader declared "we can revisit after the exchanges. I'd rather put my points into full members on a team before an artificial one."

"Let's start planning for the next movie" Gwen nodded towards God as she asked, "What is it?"

"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" Logan answered instantly

"So, a fantasy movie this time" Matt commented

"Right but this is a series we haven't experienced before "Logan continued "so Sci-Fi weapons may be useless"

"Sci-Fi weapons don't work in fantasy worlds?" Josh asked

"Some" the leader explained "I think it has to do with the movie world's level of technology. A world filled with magic may not allow for any Sci-Fi usage while a movie that takes place with modern day technology might allow it"

"Since Harry Potter takes place in the 1990s there's a good chance, they'll be useable" Gwen theorized

"There's no guarantee" Logan decided then motioned towards Josh and Lance "You two choose enhancements that are useful without the aid of Sci-Fi items. I'll work with you two and we'll find some that'll suit you"

Josh nodded but Lance smiled and said "I've already made my exchanges"

"That's right" Logan narrowed his eyes at the teen "you said you used a C rank reward but only revealed one D rank purchase. What were the other two?"

"I chose the angel baron bloodline" Lance explained as he motioned towards God again.

Angel Baron bloodline, rating 79, applicable to most missions.

Changes human body to slightly match angel physiology. Boosts mental capacity, immunization, and cell vitality. Slight boost to muscle density, reaction speed, and intelligence. Gives access to Faith energy and allows use of any faith dedicated items. Cost rank D reward and 750 points

"Why would you want to be an angel?" Josh asked after looking over the exchange. Angelic wasn't a good description for Lance.

"I needed the faith energy for my weapon of choice" Lance explained and then held up his left hand. The majority of the palm and one finger was wrapped with a snow-white paper that continued down his sleeve.

God's Papyrus Beginner rank

A copy of the holy artifact. Creates whatever the wielder has an immense understanding of. Will not automatically defend user. Limited to nonliving items less than a foot in size. Requires Faith energy. Cost D rank reward and 2300 points.

"That's not much of a weapon" Matt commented

"Not yet" Lance said before pointing at the semi-mammodo. Suddenly the paper around his finger shot out and wrapped around Matt's arm.

"Its an upgradable item" Logan explained "It starts out weak but will grow with each rank you put into it"

"Still doesn't look like it'll do much damage" Josh said as he watched Matt struggle against the wrapping. Lance had to have had a substantial boost to his strength as he was able to stand his ground while Matt tugged on the papyrus.

"I'm hoping to focus on the creation abilities instead of combat" Lance explained as he released Matt. Logan stared at the papyrus while it wrapped back around Lance's hand, he didn't look particularly impressed.

"I'm not the type to tell you what to pick" the leader said seriously "but that wouldn't have been what I'd recommend for you. I was thinking you'd be a strategist"

"I'm hoping to be a support role in the team," Lance defended his choice "along with being a strategist. Once I have more rank rewards and points, I'll exchange for something that will boost my intelligence further"

Logan didn't look convinced, but he didn't say anything else on the matter. Instead he turned to Josh and began discussing his exchange options.

"Do you have anything you'd want to exchange for?" he asked, "Any preferences?"

"Not from anything I've seen" Josh admitted "My stats are more physically based so something that could further strengthen that would probably be a good fit"

"I have a recommendation" Lance said suddenly "I've actually picked a weapon and a bloodline for you. Eve give Logan Josh's recommendations"

Eve opened the briefcase and pulled out a folder that had Josh's name on it. Instead of giving the leader the whole folder, she took two papers out and handed them over. Logan read the papers then closed his eyes. Within seconds Josh had two exchanges in his mind.

Demigod Bloodline (Thor)

Changes human body to slightly match children of the Norse God Thor. Boosts muscle density, reaction speed, and cell vitality. Slight boost to immunization. Gives access to Divine energy and allows use of divine items related to Thor. Cost rank D reward and 850 points

Mjolnir descendent

A magical hammer that was built with a small shard of the original Mjolnir inside of it. Is extremely durable and has slight magic resistance. Assists with focus when using Divine energy. Requires Divine energy. Cost rank D reward and 1700 points

"Why these ones?" Josh questioned

"Well the hammer was my original goal" Lance explained "With your experience in baseball you have muscles that are used to swinging and striking with a blunt object. Then I considered Logan's previous mention of synergy between exchanges that come from the same world"

"I agree that these exchanges would work well together" Logan added "They're both also upgradeable which means they'll grow even stronger the more movies you go through, but this would mean you'd be a close combat fighter"

"I'm not afraid to be on the front line" Josh said "but I would like to take some time to look through my options before I commit"

"That's fine" Logan said and handed the papers back to Eve "For now Gwen and Matt can make their choices"

"I've already made my picks this time around" Gwen announced and revealed her choices.

Gamer's Inventory

Gives access to the Gamer's Inventory. A pocket dimension that can store any nonliving items. This is an exchange only available for someone with the unique potential of the Gamer, so inventory space is limited until the actual Gamer exchange is made. Cost C rank reward and 2500 points

Bronze Skin

This is an exchange only available for someone with the unique potential of the Gamer. A spell that turns the user's skin as hard as bronze while remaining flexible. Will not strengthen internal body. Cost C rank reward and 2300

"The inventory will be a lot of help with transporting items" Gwen explained "the spell should boost my defensive abilities. This last movie I was too vulnerable while I was trying to attack so I'd like to fix that before boosting my attack power"

"I agree" Logan nodded "Both will be welcome additions"

Gwen smiled and then made her way under God. She made her exchange and a large number of particles flew from the giant orb towards the Gamer. This was the first time Josh was able to see an exchange be made and was surprised at the flashy process. The particles only lasted a moment and Gwen was automatically tested out her new abilities.

"Like the description said my inventory is limited to a 6 by 6 grid" the gamer said while staring at what looked to be the air in front of her "but I should be able to stack a number of the same items in one of the grids"

"What about the bronze skin?" Lance asked

"It feels the same" she said pinching her skin "we'll have to do some tests to get an accurate idea of how tough it is"

"Very well" Logan said, "Once everyone has made their main exchanges we can practice and decide what to spend the remaining points on" Now it was Matt's turn.

"I'm not sure what to get" he admitted "I have enough for the B rank of the mammodo line but I still haven't unlocked my genetic constraint so it would be a waste"

"How so?" Lance questioned

"Your unlocked level has an effect on how well you can use the exchanges" Logan explained "A B rank exchange for someone who hasn't unlocked would be a waste"

"My biggest weakness is my lack of attack power" Matt summarized "I can't use a weapon because I use my hands for my book and spells"

"You used a combat spell against the ghostman didn't you?" Lance interjected

"Yeah, but that's my strongest spell" Matt answered "It uses up all my heart energy and leaves me too exhausted to move afterwards"

"What about getting an item that expands the amount of heart energy you have?" Lance suggested

"Oh, like an energy batter" Gwen added

Matt looked to Logan "Is there something like that?"

Logan closed his eyes for a moment and then twitched.

Moonlight Stone Amulet

An amulet with a moonlight stone from Zatch Bell. Holds Heart energy and can be used to refill the users reserves. Can be refilled by a heart energy user for a substantial loss or refilled by God for 500 points. Cost two C rank rewards and 3000 points

"This should work" the leader offered

Matt took a moment to look at the exchange and purchased it without hesitation. A simple leather cord appeared in his hands with a crystal blue gem attached to it. He quickly placed it around his neck and grabbed the gem.

"It's filled right now" he explained "I'll need to practice awhile to get a proper understanding of it"

"That leaves you with two C rank rewards left right?" Logan asked

"Yeah and a lot of points" the young man nodded "You should make your main exchanges now and then we can work together on general exchanges for the team"

"Alright but I'm not planning on getting much" the leader admitted "I'll replace my lacrima I used in the last fight and get an extra one which will total two C rank rewards. I'd rather focus on building up the team's strength"

"Josh have you decided on your exchanges?" Lance asked his stepbrother. Josh had been shifting through the exchanges while inly half listening to the others.

"Yes" he said with a sigh "I couldn't find anything that suited me better than what you sent me"

"Alright well make the exchanges and we'll start training" Logan announced.