
Terror Explored

Josh and Lance were just simple high school students before finding themselves thrown into a realm of eternal horror and danger. Now the two of them have to work with the veterans of the realm and the other newbies to create a team that can survive and defeat God's realm. A fanfic inspired by Terror Infinity.

Dreadtotem · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Battle of the leaders

Turning back the clock a few minutes, Logan was just starting his battle with Stone. After the two enemy team members had gone out to fight, Logan had been left with Stone and a skinny young man with a stereotypical wizards hat and staff. Logan chose to ignore the wizard, focusing instead on throwing another punch towards the enemy leader. Stone blocked with his arm, his thick skin easily absorbing the blow before grabbing Logan and throwing him to the other end of the factory.

With an act of impressive acrobatics Logan managed to land on his feet but the force still sent him sliding into the wall. He's movement stopped. Just in time to watch Stone charging towards him. The devil fruit user changed further into his rhino form, increasing his speed and letting his horn grow to better run through Logan.

The American team leader didn't have a choice but to channel his magic to his legs and jump over the charging enemy. It was at this point the wizard made his presence known and fired off a bolt reddish purple energy at Logan, sending him crashing into the wall once more. The leader had managed to bring his arms up to block and was surprised that the magic attack had left frost where it hit. Using his improved reaction speed from the unlocked mode Logan was able to jump off the wall after the relatively weak magic attack and put some distance between him and the enemy Leader.

Stone who had stopped his charge below Logan yelled out to his teammate "Don't attack with your chaos magic near me, if that had been another type of damage I could've been hurt"

"Sorry boss" the magician called out, fear evident in his voice.

Logan landed and immediately launched towards Stone, once again covering his fist with the sparkling green energy. The enemy leader caught the punch in his massive hand.

"Leader of team East America" he said looking down at the younger man "Why have you attacked us without provocation? Is your greed that great?"

"It's nothing personal." Logan said, "this is a game of survival" After giving his reply Logan kicked at the enemy's stomach. As his leg moved the muscles grew to nearly three times their original size, causing massive damage as it struck. This was the second stage of the unlocked mode, complete mastery of one's body. As the Stone doubled over from the kick Logan took the chance to land a full force punch on the leader's back with his arm muscles fully expanded, sending him to the floor.

As Logan moved in for another attack on the fallen leader his fist was caught again. The enemy leader's arm had also expanded, now truly dwarfing the other leader's size. Stone squeezed with bone breaking force but the shining energy on Logan flowed into his skin giving in an almost metallic green sheen that weathered the strong grasp. Rising up and seeing his grip was having no effect Stone threw a punch with his opposite hand but that was blocked by Logan. The two leaders stood at a standstill both using their strength unlocked from the genetic constraint.

"I'll ask again," Stone spoke as the two struggled against each other "why did you attack us? Did a woman named Abuya tell you where we are?"

"We attacked for survival" Logan responded, "God puts us in these movies to fight and grow so that's what we're doing" A second after Logan responded a beep could be heard from his watch and Stone twitched as if suddenly hearing something. A member of West America had killed a member of East Africa.

A low growl came from Stone, his face contorted becoming more animalistic from both his power and his rage from the death of his teammate. With a bestial yell he broke the stalemate and punched Logan with his enhanced strength, sending him flying back. Logan recovered quickly from the blow and began to let the metallic green energy grow from his arm and coat his entire body, giving him an almost statue like appearance. Seeing the enemy leader enraged, Logan prepared for a far more ferocious fight.

Stone once again charged but as he was running Logan heard a message from God, alerting him that he had lost a team member. Logan was one of the most veteran members of West America and had lost a great number of team members including the former team leader. Another death hurt but he would not let it consume him, instead he let it fuel him. He had been on countless life or death situations since he entered this realm, and this would not be his last. He had to survive, not just for his life but for Robin as well.

Pulling down his shirt collar a thin cord could be seen with a light green crystal pendant. Taking the shape of an elongated octagon the pendant was small enough to just fit in a man's palm but nearly 2 inches thick. Stone saw Logan grab the pendant and remove it from his neck, too enraged to stop his attack he further transformed his upper half further improving his defense from what he suspected was a magic item. He prepared for it to activate but to his surprise Logan took the pendant and bit into it. In three large bites the team leader had eaten the entire pendant. The green energy that had covered Logan's skin lightened until it matched the color of the pendant and as the two leaders locked eyes Logan's pupils lengthened until they were slits, similar to a snake. Putting his two hands in front of his mouth, one clenched fist in front of the other Logan sucked in a mighty breath.

"Jade Dragon's Roar"

A large cyclone of wind came rushing from Logan's mouth, small bits of jade could be seen dispersed within the gale. Stone met the tornado head on, holding his ground against the blast but not without taking damage. The first visible wounds he had received in this fight came from the jade shrapnel as it was propelled by the strong tornado, multiple small cuts were on his face and arms after the blast. Shaking off the left-over shards from the spell, Stone stomped towards Logan with a bestial roar.

Logan met him halfway with a magic powered punch, his eyes still maintaining their slit appearance. The two exchanged a series of blows, neither truly gaining nor losing ground. Both had boosted their attack and defense to a peak but still were on equal levels. It was at this time that another beep was heard from Logan's watch signaling another kill by his team. Stone let out another roar and his attacks became wilder and more desperate.

Logan went on the defensive at the enemy's outrage, he could see he didn't have a clear advantage to win here. He could wait for a team member to show up and maybe give him the chance he needed but that had a high chance of death. He now saw why Abuya didn't want to join in this battle, if Stone went after anyone who didn't have near his toughness or reaction speed they would be flattened in a matter of seconds. It took Logan's strengthened jade dragon's scales just to survive this long. No, he needed to finish this fight on his own, he had an idea of how to do it, but he needed an opportunity to use it. Just five seconds would be enough to prepare himself.

As if answering him, an opportunity arose as a third beep sounded from Logan's watch, signaling one more death of team East Africa. This time Stone's roar of anger also held some confusion as he had only sent two members of his team to fight the enemy. He spared a glance to check if the wizard was still in the factory and Logan took the chance. Pouring an abundance of energy into his hand the dragon slayer struck at an area that had a cluster of small wounds from his roar. His sharpened nails dug into the wounds and tore the flesh in a large gash across the bicep, cutting through the thick muscles. Stone screamed in pain and lashed out, but Logan managed to evade and with a powered kick distanced himself from the enemy leader.

Stone put a hand on the wound to try to slow the bleeding and also took a moment to continue looking for his teammate. Unfortunately, there was no one else in the factory but the two leaders, the cowardly wizard had fled as soon as the first death notification and he saw his leader begin to become enraged. Stone wanted to curse his cowardly teammate but before he could even open his mouth, he felt a sudden sense of danger appear behind him.

Logan had not been idle while Stone searched for his already gone teammate, he had said he only needed five seconds and in those five seconds he confirmed his victory. From his pocket the dragon slayer pulled out a glowing sphere. It almost looked like a snow globe with a jade green dragon head inside of it. The exchange system in god's dimension held nearly any items or abilities one could imagine. Many of which seemed to be copied from the multitude of anime, movies, video games, and books found in the world. A good example of this would be Logan's dragon slayer magic which came from the anime Fairy Tail or Matt's Mamodo bloodline that came from the manga Zatch Bell. Such a wide array of exchanges could lead to an unimaginable amount of combinations of items and abilities for players, but Logan had found items and abilities from the same source often had beneficial synergy.

Such as the dragon slayer lacrima he held in his hand, a magic crystal that can be powered with various magics and spells from the Fairy Tail world. This one held jade dragon slayer magic and had been one of the most expensive purchases Logan had made for a consumable item. Unfortunately, its description of consumable matched in more ways than one. With a grimace Logan opened his mouth as wide as he could and forced the sphere into his mouth and down his throat. After a second of feeling his throat clogged up the lacrima seemed to fade away leaving the magic energy inside which was then absorbed into Logan.

Stone turned to see his opponent had changed, scales now covered the jade colored skin, his canines had grown to give him proper fangs and his eyes now were completely green with only the slit pupils remaining. Stone could feel the power radiating from his enemy and realized in his moment of thoughtlessness he had become outmatched. Logan had entered Dragon Force.

Dragon Force was an advanced ability of dragon slayers, greatly boosting their magic strength to the point they were said to be as strong as a true dragon. The only way for a dragon slayer to enter this state was to take in a large amount of magical energy. It was proven it didn't have to be a similar elemental energy, but Logan liked to keep things simple.

So, with his bolstered power Logan launched at the enemy team leader ready to finish this battle. Stone for the first time showed fear and fled. Changing fully into his rhino form and began to run but Logan's speed had also grown an incredible amount. In a flash he was in front of the rhino and holding him down by the horn. With little effort Logan picked up the enemy leader and threw him into the air. Once more taking in a large breath Logan let out another Jade dragon's roar, this one had much larger jade shrapnel that tore into the enemy and blew off a large chunk of the factory roof. Stone fell to ground now in his human form and a large number of wounds covering his body. Logan made his way over and with a single stomp earned his team another point.

Logan let out a loud sigh after making sure his enemy was dead, the scales on his body began to fade and his draconic features also began to return to normal. Dragon force barely lasted thirty seconds meaning he couldn't have afforded to let the match go on. He hated using an item that cost him a B rank reward but he had earned one with the unlocked members death so he couldn't be too mad. The dragon slayer wanted to go join his team and see who they had lost and who the third kill had been but as the last remnants of dragon force faded so did his strength and Logan found himself lying on the ground slowly fading into unconsciousness.