
Territory Defense! 100X Rewards From The Start!

One day everyone in the world was sucked into a new world, given a small chunk of land and limited resources and told to surivive by whatever means neccesary. Our main character Leo unlocks his innate skill after the system deems every attribute of his to be trash except for one: Luck! Now his Innate skill 'Midas touch' give him 100 times the rewards for almost everything he does! Watch as Leo overcomes the trauma of killing others, saves his family, and slowly become more and more powerful! Cover Art is not mine! Message me if you wish for me to take it down!

AniMine · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

Low, Mid, and High Grade Evaluations

Leo was stunned as soon as he heard the announcement! He didn't even know that he had done something great enough to warrant an achievement. He was just trying to use the resources that he had gained from the stone chests. Leo opened the global chat to see what everyone thought and instantly knew that he did something almost impossible and that others would surely be after his ability.

[Lin Ye: What?! How did he get a blue recruit!!! That's insane speed, because it means he had to have gotten a blue grade recruit center too!]

[Kyliee: Oh great master! I'm a pretty blonde, won't you take me and let me live under your light?!]

[Jonah: I am a guy, but I wouldn't mind you taking me for the night for some of that luck as well, great master lord!]

[Jesus: This guy's efficiency is insane! I got a martial art that makes me invisible to almost all monsters up to the epic grade and even I haven't gotten a green grade recruit yet!]

[Lance: Simply unfathomable…]

[1.5 billion people are typing…]

Leo was overwhelmed by all the people who were either asking him how he did it, how they could get him on their side or simply offering themselves to him in exchange for some petty rewards. Leo was amused and he was smiling a wide grin in satisfaction. Leo didn't want this attention but he was happy that his name was at least circulating out there at least. Then he had a thought and asked,"System, what happens to other lords when they are conquered by me?"

[Lord Leo, when you conquer another lord you gain their innate skill on top of your own. However you gain the base 0% white grade if it is an active skill. Passive skills do not have grades.]

Leo was even more surprised at this and thought about how awesome this was. He could literally become a walking tank and martial art library all in one simply taking over other lords territory with his overbearing luck! He then asked," what about if I make an alliance with someone?"

[Both sides gain 10% of the other's innate skill. For example if the lord allied with someone who had a 70% active innate skill related to martial arts then the lord would gain only 7% of that skill cultivated by the other party. However, as the other party cultivated that skill into higher grades, Lord Leo's own grade will not rise unless the contract is renewed.]

Leo rubbed his chin slowly, thinking about what this could mean. He would definitely have to ally with people if he wanted to live a semi-peaceful lifestyle, If one could even get close to peaceful in this world. Leo checked his familial chat and saw that now almost all of his family was in it with the exception of Aunt Porsha. They were all quickly sending messages in the chat, asking if by chance he was the lord that had gotten the achievement.

[Mom: Leo!! Was that you?!]

[Arthur: I doubt it Rebecca, Leo is not the strongest person out there, nor the smartest. It is highly unlikely]

[Gaston: Don't jump to conclusions yet! Let the boy answer! See he's typing right now!]

Leo was indeed typing as his uncle Gaston had said. He could've just said it out loud, but typing on the holographic keyboard just felt a lot more natural to him.

[Leo: Yes, it was me. My innate skill boosts my luck a little, and you could say I got really lucky this time!]

Leo downplayed his abilities so his family wouldn't freak out on him, the last thing he needed was his own blood to start to get greedy and turn on him. Only when he was absolutely stable would he tell his family his true ability and its effects.

[Mom: Congratulations son! You are making us all so proud!]

[Fred: Gaston get your big butt to work or the kid is gonna leave us in the dirt!]

[Arthur: Well done lad, keep going and make yourself unkillable! Then we can all just stay at your place, haha!]

Leo smiled as he read his family's messages to him, cheering him on and supporting him. They were some of the best people he could ever have in his life as they almost always supported him and uplifted him. When his father died when he was young, it was his uncle Gaston and his husband Fred who let his mom and himself live in their house until his mom could get back on her feet and support her three children. There were even times when his uncle Arthur and his wife Rosy helped him pay his way through college. Truly they were good people, and now he felt content to let them know his secret when the time came in the future. They had helped him and now, in this savage world, he was going to help them.

As his family continued chatting Leo looked at the new burly man standing before him, who hadn't yet spoken. He was quiet, waiting for the lord to finish his business before he introduced himself. Leo looked the man up and down and the only words he could use to describe would be giant dwarf.

Leo chuckled at the notion of a giant dwarf, if such a thing was even possible, but threw it out of his mind and refocused on the man in front of him. Leo stopped questioning his appearance and said,"What is your name and occupation?"

The burly man bowed his head in recognition and said,"My name is Bu, your lordship." The man paused and thought for a second before continuing with,"As for my occupation, that would be weapon smith and armourer."

Leo gasped in delight and couldn't help himself, saying out loud,"Wow! A blue grade Weapon maker! How lucky am I!?"

The man for his part chuckled softly at Leo's reaction and responded with a hearty,"Yes my lord, I am an official 'Mid Blue Grade Weapon Smith'"

Leo paused and stopped celebrating after he heard another new term he was not familiar with.

He tilted his head in confusion and asked,"What does mid blue grade mean?"

The man also seemed confused and responded,"Do you not know? I am surprised you hired me without even knowing the basics…" Leo's face turned a little red in embarrassment, not knowing what to say. Bu, realizing his mistake quickly continued,"I apologize, that was unbecoming of me. Basically all Grades had a low, mid, and high point in their development. I am about 56% through my blue grade development, so I would be considered mid. From 0% to 40% is low, 41% to 80% is mid, and 81% to 100% is high."

Leo pondered this for a moment, completely forgetting about his embarrassment from earlier. Leo then asked Bu,"Ok, that makes sense but I am not familiar with these fully, what do they mean exactly?"

Bu simply responded," Yes, they really only correspond with how well you are able to make weapons of the same level or higher. For instance 56% of the time I can perfectly match a blueprint of the Blue grade and I may be able to make an item of the orange grade but with only about a 1% chance to actually make it correctly."

Leo nodded his head in understanding and asked,"And I am assuming that you raise this percentage through practice?"

Bu nodded his head as well and responded,"Yes, my lord. Through constant practice and looking at higher grade blueprints and example equipment we can start to understand the principles behind making the weapons more easily."

Leo thought about this for a minute before telling Bu,"Ok, I don't have a weapon making area right now, but hopefully the production workers I am about to summon will be able to help." To which Bu nodded his head once again in confirmation. Leo then placed his 10 green grade scrolls into the hole and waited until all the workers were spawned in.

[Lord Leo has summoned 2 Weapon smiths, 2 Carpenters, 4 Farmers, 1 Stonemason, and 1 Miner]

Leo smiled as he heard this notification pop off in his mind. He waited until everyone was standing in front of him and he started to assign duties to everyone. "Carpenters, I need you to start building the houses, how much land do you need?"

One of the two carpenters spoke up and said,"Your lordship,"I am a high green grade carpenter and I can construct homes that take up 2 units of space, cost only 10 units of wood and house up to 20 people!"

Leo smiled and said," Ok, to the west of this temple, there are 10 units of open space, start your first 5 homes there." After which he beamed 100 units of wood out of his inventory and onto the ground outside of his recruitment center. Then he turned to the Stonemason and said,"I wish to start constructing the roads and a proper place for the weapon smiths to work, how much do you need?"

The stonemason simply responded,"For the roads, every 10 units of road will be 5 units of stone, as for the weapon smiths shop, that will be roughly 50 units of stone and 2 units of space, similar to the housing."

Just like before Leo beamed out 100 units of stone and said,"Here is 100 units, start on the smiths shop first and then start on the roads after you have rested. Build it on the north east side, away from the houses." Leo was already starting to plan out his territory, as he didn't know if things like noise pollution were common here in this world he wanted to separate his different districts for the future. Leo then turned to the 4 farmers and said,'What do you guys need for your farms?'

One of the farmers responded by saying,"We only need 1 unit of land for each farm. 1 unit of farmland will cost you nothing in terms of resources, however I suggest asking the carpenters to put things like scarecrows, and fences to keep out birds and sneaky wildlife."

Leo then asked the farmer,"Makes sense, how much food does 1 unit of farmland produce?"

The farmer bowed his head and said,"1 unit of farmland can produce 50 units of food every 14 days for the most basic wheat crop. Which seeds can be found almost anywhere, if you do not have a better crop for us to plant."

Leo sighed and said,"You're right, at this moment I don't have anything better for you to plant, however that will most likely change in the near future. Personal guard number 2, go with one of the farmers and search the territory for the seeds that he requires."

The second guard next to him bowed and said,"It shall be done!" and quickly left with one of the farmers.

Leo looked at the Miner and said,"What do you need to do your job?"

The miner simply replied,"A mountain or digging spot, my lord!"

Leo smiled and responded,"There is a small mountain range behind the territory, go over there and start collecting." The miner bowed his head and went to do as he was told, simply not minding the tedious and tiring work.

Leo finally turned towards the last two, the weapons smiths and said,"While the rest of them are constructing and building your new shop, you two get to know Bu, my blue grade weapon smith."

The two green grade weapon smiths looked at Bu and bowed in deep respect and then bowed towards Leo and said,"It shall be done!"

Leo was really starting to like all these people being so respectful to him, it was kind of addicting if he was completely honest with himself. He took out the green grade elderwood sword blueprints and handed them to the 3 smiths and said,"These are some blueprints I got by chance, please study and prepare yourselves to make them to upgrade our soldiers when your shop is completed by the stonemason."

Bu bowed his head once more and said,"I will try my hardest to make sure all 50 swords are completed perfectly!"

Leo's eyes got wide and he shouted,"50?!"