
Territorial Ruler: The Plants I Planted Are Alive!

On this day, everyone transmigrated to an alternate world within a single night and was all given their own territory. But outside their territories, countless monsters lurk in the jungles, they will obliterate any foreign species that they encounter. So, in order to survive, you must quickly build up your own territory and strengthen the defensive powers in your territory. Built powerful troops in order to fend against the invaders and conquer big enough territories. Jiang Chen was one of the transmigrators, but the territory that he had received was very small and had no soldiers inside capable of battle. Just then, he abruptly received a magical system — Plant Life System. As such, while the other players were leading farmers and going crazy chopping down plants in their territories, Jiang Chen quietly planted his potatoes. On the day when the potatoes matured, with a sudden loud boom, his potato…… exploded!

Floating Morals · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

Red Tooth Was Stolen

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

He turned to look at the farmers.

At this moment, the farmers seemed to have received some news as well, and finally understood that their lord had indeed gone cold.

As the saying goes, a wise man submits to circumstances, not to mention that these farmers were only weak and ordinary natives.

They immediately came behind Jiang Chen and knelt down before him.

"We're willing to follow you, sir!"

"Please treat us kindly as you build your territory for you."

Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction.

"Your decision will be very wise."

"Zhang Fei, take these farmers and start returning to the camp."

"It won't be a problem if you're alone, right?"

Jiang Chen called out to the spearman, Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei nodded and bowed respectfully.

"Sir, please be at ease. As long as I descend the mountain and return to the grasslands, I'll be able to find the location of my territory!"

Following that, Jiang Chen spoke to Vader and Lucy.

"The two of you, follow the spearman as well."

"Parker, follow me."

"I'll take a look at the situation of the territories around here."

Jiang Chen quickly made arrangements.

There were men and women among these farmers.

They were all very sturdy.

Their limbs were thick and strong, and their skin was the healthy color of wheat.

They set off on their return journey.

They walked down the mountain towards the side of the small courtyard.

Jiang Chen and Parker returned the same way to investigate.

There were many ruins within the mountain and there were also many wood resources within the mountain, and there was also prey to hunt.

In comparison, this place seemed to be a bit superior to the grasslands.

Jiang Chen was prepared to set up an exploration camp here after the lord's territory took shape.

It would be more convenient to explore this mountain forest.

Jiang Chen and Parker left the mountain forest and passed through the small path they'd opened up when they'd arrived.

"Parker, do you and Zhang Fei both come from the same place?"

Jiang Chen suddenly asked.

Parker paused for a moment after hearing this question, then nodded.

"Yes, your Lordship."

"But we don't come from this kingdom."

"The kingdom we're from is called Blue Moon."

Jiang Chen was deep in thought when he heard this.

He still knew nothing about the size and territory of this world or the distribution of power within the kingdom.

He only knew that this world was many times larger than Earth. There wasn't much of a technological aura about it, but its nature was closer to a magical world.

There were the wolf cavalries that roamed unhindered, the vicious and terrifying monsters, and the mages that could cast magic with a wave of their hands.

More importantly, this world seemed to be dominated by some sort of unimaginable power.

It possessed a system of rules similar to that of a real game.

"Interesting, interesting."

Jiang Chen pinched his chin, a strange light bursting forth in his eyes.

This world was truly much more interesting than the original world!

"Then Parker, do you still remember why you appeared in the small courtyard?"

Jiang Chen continued to ask.

When he heard this question.

A trace of confusion appeared on Parker's face.

"I fought on the battlefield. I remember that my companions and I had already died under the enemy's blades."

"But we entered a white room."

"A voice told me to make a choice."

"To choose to serve a lord, or to choose true death."

"I chose the former, and then followed the guidance of the unseen world, waiting for the Lord's arrival!"

Parker spoke with a reminiscing expression.

"I understand."

Jiang Chen nodded in acknowledgment.

At this moment, the two had already passed through the temporary path.

They had returned to the side of the path up the mountain. Jiang Chen was thinking about a problem.

He subconsciously reached out to touch the tree by the side of the path.

But found nothing.

"Eh? Where's Red Tooth?"

Jiang Chen raised his head and sized up his surroundings with a puzzled expression.

He'd been worried that he'd scare the farmers with the enormous Red Tooth, so he'd tied it to the tree and waited for him.

Only now did he realize that the Red Tooth was gone!

"Holy shit!"

"The world is going downhill!"

"Which wicked and impetuous fellow stole my pet?"

Jiang Chen didn't suspect that the Red Tooth had run away. It had the effect of a contract and was almost 100% loyal to him.

The only possibility was that it had been stolen.

Jiang Chen unsheathed his longsword and shouted somewhat angrily!

At this moment, Parker crouched on the road and discovered some clues.

"Your lordship, I've discovered the hoof prints of Red Tooth descending the mountain!"

"Let's go after him!"

Jiang Chen pointed to the path down the mountain!

Red Tooth was a large-scale demonic beast. It would leave obvious hoof prints on the path down the mountain.

At the same time, Jiang Chen was also thinking in his heart how Red Tooth's strength wasn't weak. He had the bloodline of a demonic beast and was at level six. If he wanted to take Red Tooth away, then that person's strength was definitely not ordinary.

Following the footprints.

Jiang Chen didn't dawdle. He took the iron pillar and began to run wildly.

He chased after them down the mountain.

The advantage of the wolf cavalry's speed was revealed as they walked.

In order to be fast and efficient, Jiang Chen also rode on the giant wolf.

The giant wolf ran wildly down the mountain.

In front of him were the boneyard and the wide meadow.

The giant wolf stopped in a short while.

There were a few sparse trees not far from the edge of the mountain. Two shadows, one big and one small, were standing by the side of the tree.


"What a guy, he still dares to stop to rest!"

"If we catch him, we'll definitely get a good beating!"

Jiang Chen panted as he rolled up his sleeves while swearing.

"Continue to chase!"

The two ran at high speed towards the location of the few trees.

They sprinted all the way.

A dwarf with a full beard and dressed in simple light armor was lying under the tree, snoring loudly.

The red teeth were all casually scattered to the side, dozing off leisurely.

Jiang Chen and Parker had only walked a few meters when they smelled a strong scent of alcohol coming from the dwarf's body.

Just smelling it was enough to make them choke.

This was a grassy field with ventilation all around, yet they could still smell such a strong scent of alcohol. Could this dwarf in front of them have been soaking in a wine barrel for a year?

Was this the dwarf? He looked really sloppy and pitiful.

However, this fellow had stolen his red teeth, so he couldn't just let it go.

Jiang Chen walked over and squatted down beside him. He extended his hand and gently patted his face, which had turned red from being drunk.

This fellow's skin was very rough, and even his face seemed to have firm muscles. It wasn't soft at all when he patted it.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

"Wake up!"


"Huff... huff... huff..."

What responded to him was only the even snoring and the heaving of his firm chest.

Jiang Chen's face was full of black lines. He really wanted to pull out his sword and strike this careless drunkard.

But he was also worried that he wasn't clear of his opponent's strength. What if it was someone even stronger than him.

He suddenly thought of a solution.