
Terrarian in ATLA (dropped)

Follow Athena on an adventure in the World of avatar as a Terrarian where she fights booses helps end the 100 year war for a little while and eventually kills the final boss.

THE_SAVAGE_KITTY · วิดีโอเกม
9 Chs


I was in luck their was onky 3 gurard - the firebender who's posted up in the tower and it smells kike hes been drinking so I don't have to worry about himwatch the guards patrols I watch and wait for an opening to make it the ships on the dock Again I was pretty lucky as it looked luck as a small ship was docked at the port and it looked earily similar to the sloop from Sea of Theives which I thankfully no lifed so I shouldn't have a problem sailing it.

But that was a problem for later for now time to sneak onto the sloop and get out of here.

(Image of patrol and dock here)

After making a plan of action I started Waiting for guard 2 to walk to me and turn around to walk back to his post.

Soon he did exactly that while guard 1 was also walking away

'okay this feels trapy but its my only way off this island'

Follwoing after guard 2 I hide in a bush when he gets to his post and walk back on his route which he quickly does ans only shit what hell is going on with my luck today and why the hell are these soldiers so uncoordinated I have direct acces to the sloop Right now I have to make a run for it.

So I did I ran as fast as I could to the sloop and made it on board untransforming Immediately and finding the anchor under the canopy and raising it so I can get the ship moving I then move to the deck of the ship and see ropes tied down to keep the ship in port should the anchor not work.

Thinking quickly I take out my short sqord and slice through the ropes holding the ship to port just in time to hear guard 3 say

"HAY what are you doing on their little girl get off"

Ignoring Guard three I lower the sail, tie it down then and angle it to get some wind before the guard has time to make it to the ship and grab onto the ladder setting sail north to hopefully make my way to the north pole and learn some damn water bending

After getting a ways away from the port I could hear the bell that was next to the fire bender ringing "fuck" turning around I see the soldier three ringing the tiwer while the fire bender telling him to stop ringing the bell.

Annoyingly the soldier ignored the moron and kept ringing the bell and looking to the left and right I could see why as some smaller Fire nation ships start making their way towards me

They look like a combination of a jetskie and the sloop from Sea of Theives.

Looking to my left and right I start thinking that It was over but then inspiration struck me

'If I can bend the water to propel the ship I should be able to out run them hopfully'

Looking behind the ship I start doing the moves to push and pull water like I remembered from the show and looking at the water hopfully I saw it start to move but it wasnt enough so I tried to increase the speed and that Seemed to help a bit.

Lokking angrily at the water I cursed


Some how that made it work and the wave started to rise until finally I made one big pulling motion and the wave crushed just behind the shipand started to push the ship across the water out speeding the sloop skies by at least 3 times and sailing into the distance with all the Momentum from the wave and the fact that we had full wind.

After hopefully getting away from the fire nation my heart stops pounding so loud that I couldn't hear anything and then I hear the 'mouning' coming from below deck and I rush down to hurry and repair and bail out the water....

Then I see two soliders a male and female going at it like rabbits and not gonna lie if it wasn't so nasty i'd probably be admiring the girls figure but no I *'need'* to kill them equiping my iron dagger I sneak up on the male guard who is pounding the girl in the mating press position and slit his throat then immeadiatly stab the women in the throat and take the dagger out before she can do anything.

My Heart still pounding in my ears I hurry and grab the mans corpse and start dragging it to behind the just under the canopy then I throw him overboard then I do the same with the women.

Then I walk up to the top deck and sit right behind the wheel and take deep long breaths.





"Out" repeat for longer then I'm willing to admit but once I finally calmed down I take put the letter and start reading using it to keep me grounded

After reading the letter a few times I flip it around to see it more words

"HAHA LOL YOU PROBABLY FORGOT TO CHECK THE BACK HAHAHAHAHAAHA well congratulations on turning a peice of paper around heres youur mode list MWAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

1. Calamity Death mode locked

2. Throium

3. Magic storage

4. Consolaria

5. Every accesary is craftable mod

6. Boss checklist, on the house

P.S. don't get us killed"


After reading the letter a few more times to make sure i read it right I just lement my Torturous fate of having to do Calamity death mode irl.

"Ahhhhhh their is no way I am going to be able to get started on this before the war has ended"