
Terranum Imperium

Cosmic Marines aka genetically augmented and cybernetically augmented soldiers born and bred for war check, world-destroyer spaceships a triangle shaped beasts of war check, an MC who doesn't give a f*ck and isn't a dance protag who goes the entire book without f*cking a single chick check, If youre a fan of kingdom building and Interstellar warfare and conquest then this book Is for you, current goal of two chaps daily so leave youre comments, reviews, and power stones I WANT THEM ALL MUAHAHAHA, alright enough with the bulls*it, Im off to write more chaps for you guys and gals.

99 Chs

C17 Tough Atitude

As I gave the order to release the reporter and her cameraman, the tension that had momentarily gripped the atmosphere eased.

The UNOT military police quickly intervened, escorting the duo away from the scene.

This brief interlude did little to distract from the imposing presence of me and my soldiers as we resumed their march toward the assembly of Thrae's leaders.


President Thomas and the other dignitaries watched with a mixture of awe and shock as the Terran entourage approached.

The physical prowess and the swift, precise movements of Dracula's soldiers were unlike anything they had seen before.

The speed and coordination with which the soldiers had reacted to the reporter's breach were so rapid that the leaders barely managed to catch the movements with their eyes.

The leaders, seasoned politicians and statesmen used to the nuances of diplomatic encounters and military parades, found themselves unprepared for the raw display of military efficiency and discipline.

The Terrans moved with a synchronicity and speed that were superhuman, underscoring their advanced training and the potential capabilities of their forces.

President Thomas, standing at the forefront of the Thraen delegation, felt a mix of respect and underlying apprehension.

The sight of the Terran soldiers, their every move calculated and decisive, was a stark reminder of the Imperium's military might.

He realized that this was not just a diplomatic visit; it was also a demonstration of the Terranum Imperium's power and the formidable force they represented.

The other leaders shared similar thoughts, each processing the scene before them through their own perspectives and concerns.

The show of strength and agility by the Terran soldiers was a clear message: the Terranum Imperium was a force to be reckoned with, both in terms of diplomatic influence and military prowess.

Secretary-General Ngozi Adelaja, observing the disciplined ranks of the Terran soldiers, understood the implications of their presence.

It signified a new era in Thraen history, one where they would have to navigate relations with a civilization that was not only technologically advanced but also possessed a formidable military culture.

The other dignitaries, representing various nations of Thrae, silently acknowledged the gravity of the situation.

The presence of Dracula and his entourage was a turning point, a moment that would redefine Thrae's place in the cosmos and the strategies they would need to adopt in this new interstellar landscape.

As Dracula and his soldiers drew closer, the Thraen leaders steeled themselves for the upcoming encounter.

The initial shock gave way to a resolve to engage with the Imperator and his delegation.

They understood that the forthcoming discussions would require a delicate balance of diplomacy, respect, and a keen awareness of the power dynamics at play.


I entered the grand hall of the United Parliament, the hall, a magnificent blend of Thraen architecture and artistry, resonated with a silent tension as I advanced towards the assembled leaders.

My red eyes scanned the room, taking in the faces of those who represented the future of their planet in this pivotal moment.

At the forefront of the Thraen delegation stood President Thomas, a figure of authority and diplomacy.

Our eyes met, and in that brief exchange, I sensed his resolve mixed with an undercurrent of apprehension.

He was the embodiment of Thrae's leadership, carrying the hopes and fears of his people in this historic encounter.

I strode forward, my uniform impeccable, the medals and insignias reflecting my rank and achievements.

Each step was measured, echoing my status as the leader of a powerful interstellar empire.

Wolf, Hans, and the other heads of Einherjar's departments followed in precise formation, a silent testament to the discipline and order of the Imperium.

"President Thomas,"

I greeted him, my voice resonating with a calm assertiveness.

"I am Imperator Dracula Von Death of the Terranum Imperium. It is a moment of great significance that brings us together."

Thomas stepped forward, extending his hand in a gesture of traditional Thraen greeting.

I grasped it firmly after taking off my glove, aware of the symbolic weight of this handshake.

It was more than a mere formality; it was the first tangible connection between our two civilizations.

"Imperator Dracula,"

Thomas replied feeling the grip and size of my hand which was substantially larger than his, his tone respectful yet cautious.

"Your presence here marks a new chapter in Thrae's history. We stand ready to engage in discussions that will shape our future relations."

I nodded, releasing his hand.

"The future is indeed what we are here to discuss so I'll be frank I need manpower and resources In exchange I'm ready to offer our technologically superior products"

I said not beating around the bush.

"How much?"

Thomas asked cautiously as he studied my dead fish's facial expression.

"The more the better"

I reiterated, emphasizing the scale of our ambitions and requirements.

This was not merely a diplomatic formality; it was a negotiation for tangible benefits that would shape the future of both our civilizations.

Thomas, visibly processing the gravity of my words, paused for a moment.

He was calculating, trying to gauge the extent of our demands and what it would mean for Thrae. His response would be crucial in setting the tone for the rest of the summit.

"The Liberty League and the other nations of Thrae understand the significance of what you're proposing,"

Thomas finally said, his voice steady.

"But we must consider the implications of such an agreement. Our people's welfare, our planet's resources, and our autonomy are of utmost importance."

His concern was valid and expected.

The proposition of trading manpower and resources for advanced technology was a delicate matter, one that involved not just economic calculations, but also ethical and political considerations.

I leaned slightly forward while looking down because of my height, ensuring my voice carried the weight of my conviction.

"President Thomas, do you really think you are capable of keeping youre autonomy?"

I asked as my lips formed Into a devilish smile.

Thomas' expression shifted subtly, a mixture of resolve and caution in his eyes as he met my deathly serious gaze.

The question I posed was direct, challenging the very essence of Thrae's sovereignty in the face of an interstellar power such as the Terranum Imperium.

"Imperator Dracula,"

Thomas replied, maintaining his composure.

"Our autonomy is not just a belief; it's a principle we've upheld through our history. While we recognize the power and advancement of the Terranum Imperium, we also believe in our ability to maintain our sovereignty."

His response was diplomatic yet firm, reflecting the pride and resilience of Thrae's leadership.

It was clear that while they were open to discussions and potential cooperation, they were not willing to compromise on their core values and independence.

I nodded, acknowledging his stance.

"Thomas there's a saying In my hometown bad times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create bad times"

I leaned back, observing Thomas and the other leaders as I delivered a stark assessment of their civilization's current state.

"Your world, Thomas, is facing a multitude of crises, ones that go beyond mere economic or political challenges. These are existential threats, and they stem from deep-rooted issues within your society."

"The obesity epidemic, for instance, is just a symptom of larger problems, more than half of youre population are obese this reflects a lifestyle of excess, a neglect of physical well-being, and a healthcare system that struggles to cope with the consequences. This is a health crisis that undermines the strength and vitality of your population."

I paused, letting the gravity of my words sink in.

"And let's talk about your environment. Climate change, driven by decades of industrialization without regard for ecological balance, is not just heating up your planet. It's causing extreme weather patterns, affecting agriculture, leading to food shortages, and displacing populations. Your seas are rising, and your ice caps are melting. This isn't a distant problem; it's happening now."

The room grew more somber as I laid out the stark realities they faced.

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