
Terra Nova Online : Rise Of The Strongest Player

"Fake it till you make it" It was a phrase that became Leo's only hope for survival as he was forced to play the role of the biggest big boss when he was nothing more than a small fish. Set in a world where Earth is riddled with natural disasters and humans must migrate to new planets onboard massive arc ships, this novel follows the journey of the Skyshard brothers Luke and Leo as they fight against their fate and rise to the top from the lowest of lows. --------------- A/N - This novel will explore the concept of misunderstandings and a MC whose real strength is over exaggerated through a rigged system. It will be a humorous blend of concepts such as Sci-Fi, Fantasy, MMORPG and Slice Of Life into one novel. If you are tired of conventional novels and are looking for something new, This book will definitely satisfy your itch, so please give it a try! Discord - https://discord.com/invite/PPhnY3ZAqH

Raj_Shah_7152 · เกม
326 Chs

Leo Vs Tracy (2)

"Contestants ready?" The match referee asked, as both Leo and Tracy nodded their heads in acknowledgement.

"Good luck, masked boy, you'll need it-" Tracy said confidently as she notched an arrow into her bow and pointed it straight towards Leo's head.

"Lol" Leo said out loud, as he dismissed the Elf's words like it meant nothing to him.

"BEGIN-" The referee announced, as Tracy let an arrow out towards Leo at blinding speed.



Blocking the arrow with his dagger, Leo deflected the blow as he dashed towards Tracy to shorten the gap between himself and her.

Since Tracy was an archer, the longer distance between the two opponents was only ever going to work out in her favor, however, if he could close down the gap, Leo knew that the advantage would shift in his favor.