
Ben's unconventional methods

( Real World, The sector D apartment )

Leo confronted Luke about his findings at the MP exchange store when he logged out of the game.

While they had to report to work in a few minutes and needed to get ready, Leo did not waste a single moment of their time together as he said everything in a single breath.

He explained how Earth was going to end in four months time and how there was going to be a second round of ships leaving the planet soon.

He also explained how Earth was turning into anarchy and how for mother to reach the arc ship they needed to hire protection for her that would cost 300 MP.

He said everything non-stop, as Luke digested the information with a straight face, as in the end he revealed that he had 3000 MP roughly, which when added to Leo's 1000, gave them a combined wealth of 4000 MP to spend.