
A nameless child in the battlefield

Year 2314 of the re-creation era, Licia island; after 300 years from the discovery of the island only 4 faction remain:

The kingdom of Uthua, at East, famous for their architecture and craftsmanship and are defense inclined.

The confederation, at Center-South, is the smallest and weakest state of the island, but they are the most scientifically advanced state and they are also the only democratic one

The twin state, at West, are two state that collaborate as if they are one, they are a theocracy and their names were originally Sole and Luna

The Asturg empire, at North, is the biggest and most powerfull state, the legend wants that the first king wasn't a colonist like the one from the other nation, but an exiled prince of an empire outside of the island

At South there is a peninsula that is the only way to enter the main continent, it was sealed off by the most powerfull gift user of the island 250 years ago

In the Center there is a wasteland made by the corpse of soldier that the four nation send to try to take over eachother. In the midst of that wasteland, Count Makarov of Uthua and his soldier found a child feeding from the corpses of dead imperial soldier.

After another bloody battle Count Makarov was yet again searching for survivors, in this day and age no one apart from him cared enough to try to save other people lifes, but he was different, after the death of his son Lucas in war because of an incompetent general that did not search for survivor he swore that he would try to save all the survivor of a battle. After a lot of steps and a few rescue Count Makarov and his soldier's found a bewildering view, the corpses of more than 100 imperial soldier were on the ground and in the middle of the corpses there was a child feasting on a corpse, the count tought that the child couldn't be older than 8, but what was a child doing here? in one of the most dangerous place in the island? While the count was lost in his thoughts one of the soldier screamed: "You are in front of his highness the Count, bow to his presence and identify yourself!"; the child suddenly turned his head towards the soldiers, his aspect was demonic, pale complexion, long black hair, red pupil and a black sclera; the child did not attack the soldier, after all he had enough food for a month, but the soldier were wary of the child and they proposed to kill him but Count refused immediatly the idea, he saw a talent in the child and in the spur of the moment esclamed: "I like you kid, i want to take you in my home and train you, what do you think?", the kid reply was " ** ****** ****** ** *******" the kid didn't know how to speak and it was pretty dumb for the Count to suppose that he could, the Count embarassed by the fact decided to take the child home with him anyway and since he didn't have a name he called him Nameless, the Count suck at choosing names.

I want to specify that the "gift" i mentioned in the first chapter are possesed by very few people, the majority of people use Mana if they are mage, Divinity if they are priest and Aura if they are warrior

Nick208ccreators' thoughts