
Tensura: when Reincarnated I become Dragonewt

One day, a boy met an untimely end due to an unfortunate accident. However, just before death, he heard a mysterious voice and found himself in an unfamiliar place upon regaining consciousness. It was a different world, a place he had secretly longed for while alive, enjoying manga, games, and the like. As the reincarnated boy, with a mix of slight anxiety and great expectations, he resolved to live alongside important friends he would make in that world. This is the story that begins with a reincarnated individual, a lively lizardman, and a somewhat suspicious female hermit crossing paths.

koijiro21 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

I was completely naked when I was reincarnated

When I regained consciousness, pain coursed through my body. Groaning from the ache, I slowly got up and opened my eyes, confronted by an unbelievable sight.

"Where... where is this...? Why am I in the middle of the forest!?"

I saw plenty of trees and greenery. The sounds reaching my ears were that of the wind rustling the foliage and the chirping of birds.

Undoubtedly, I was in a forest. And it seemed quite vast. Why was I here? I should have died in the urban streets, not in nature.


"...I'm... completely naked..."

I instinctively grabbed my head in disbelief. Strange... I was supposed to be wearing my school uniform... Was I stripped by someone? That doesn't make sense...

I had no idea about my current location or the circumstances I was in. I glanced upward, still naked, somehow hoping for an answer. Then, I spotted a single broken tree branch among many.

"I see... these branches and leaves cushioned my fall... No, that can't be right!?"

I momentarily accepted the thought, then immediately denied it. Amidst the confusion, I almost forgot—I had fallen from the sky to this place. And it should have been from quite a height. There's no way I'd survive just because some branches and leaves cushioned my fall.

"Probably instant death from falling that height... Yet, I'm just wounded... This doesn't make sense!"

I muttered as I redirected my gaze from the sky back to my body, finally noticing the strange change that had occurred.

"The wounds... only these? The ones from when I was hit by the car are gone...!?"

I didn't actually see the injuries when I was hit by the car, but the wounds that should have been there were gone. There were some scrapes and swollen areas, likely from the fall. Still, they were too few.

It was all too strange. I might need to sort out this situation. Or maybe it was an escape from reality because I had no idea what to do in this situation, especially being naked...

Then, as I lowered my gaze, I noticed something else about my body.

"...No way... it's... bigger...!?"

Not an innuendo or a physiological occurrence.

The original size I remembered... well, it was quite cute and shy, usually hidden... but now?

It was different. Completely different—larger, yet not too vulgar in size and shape. And it was protruding with confidence... no, sticking out confidently.

"Not just my son... I feel like my line of sight is higher than usual, and I might have grown taller... and my voice seems different too..."

By standing up straight, the mystery deepened further. I had no clue about many things, but first, I wanted to know what had happened to my body.

As I looked around for a way to see myself, I spotted a small pond not too far away.

"Oh, there! Maybe I can see my reflection on the water's surface... Alright, let's go!"

Before finishing my words, I started running toward the pond, yet again finding something out of place. My body moved with a force I couldn't conceive to have come from me. Startled, I immediately stopped, realizing I had been running incredibly fast.

"What... what was that movement... Did my increased body size also enhance my strength...? No, that's not it... it feels more fundamental, like something at the core is different..."

Earlier, I found it strange to survive with these minor injuries after such a fall... Perhaps, the current me had become significantly powerful and sturdy. That could explain how I survived the fall from that height.

It's all rather puzzling. Feeling scared myself, I decided to walk slowly towards the pond. It was something I'd never do or even consider in normal circumstances, but amidst all these mysteries and confusion, it became the least of my worries. Of course, it was also because there was no one around.

Finally reaching the pond and peering into the water, I was hit with another shock.

"W... who the heck is this guy!?"

I almost shouted at the person reflected in the water because it was someone entirely different from me.

A masculine face, beautiful long hair in a stunning shade of pink. He was slightly slender, yet his physique looked incredibly well-toned.

Unable to believe what I was seeing, I hesitantly touched my own face. That's when I noticed something else unbelievable.

"T... this face... That's right, no mistake! It's 'Randle'!"

Yes, somehow I had become "Randal" from "Granblue Fantasy." I grabbed my hair with one hand, tried tying it like a ponytail, and it was already perfect. No matter how I looked, it was "Randal," my favorite character. And indeed, my voice seemed different too. I checked it a few times by speaking aloud, but I'm probably now voiced by Wataru Hatano.

The overwhelming situation might have drained the strength from my body. Trying to move away from the pond, I staggered and ended up falling.

In that state, feeling a bit dazed, I eventually sighed heavily, covering my face with my hands, and murmured as if lamenting.

"I'm terribly sorry to Randal and all the Randal fans!"

It was a heartfelt confession.

...I might be thought of as saying strange things at a time like this, but I couldn't help it. I love Randal to bits, but I didn't want to become him. An otaku like me, who only shares gender as a common factor with Randal, becoming such a cool character feels like I'm tainting him. The troublesome female otakus might kill me if they find out. That's how otakus are... probably.

"...Could it be that because I became Randal with a strong body, I survived the fall from that height with these minor injuries...? And the wounds from being hit by a car disappeared at that time... No, but why did I become Randal in the first place...?"

Could this be the world of "Granblue Fantasy"? Is this the so-called reincarnation into another world that's been a hot topic lately?

The moment I began pondering that, suddenly...

"Ice Blizzard of the Wicked Ogre!"

"Eh... Aaaah!!?"

Abruptly, I was struck by a fierce blizzard from the side and blown away. Shivering from the intense pain and cold, I looked towards the voice, seeing two men standing there. But those two weren't ordinary humans.

"What, Is that H-Horns ...!?"

"Huh? What's with you? First time seeing an Ogre of the Great Orge tribe?"

Those two were taller than 2 meters, maybe... massive in stature compared to normal humans. Their skin was dusky, and one had two horns from the forehead, while the other had one, but both had impressive horns.

"Did they say Ogre?.... Wait, were they in Granblue...!?"

"Also, that blizzard-like thing just now...?"

"It's my Art technique. How was it? Pretty effective, right?"

The silver-haired Ogre who released the blizzard said so, grinning. Art...? It seemed different from magic, considering the presence of non-human races; this was probably indeed a fantasy world?

While I was confused, the other Ogre... the one with black hair and a massive sword-like greatsword spoke to the silver-haired Ogre while scanning the surroundings.

"...Hey, Silver Hair. I thought you were taking a bath or something, but there's nothing here."

"What!? Seriously, Black Hair... I thought this guy would be worth a fortune if stripped naked... I didn't expect there was already someone here."

Disappointed with their plan's failure, the Ogres sighed as they faced each other. They probably didn't think I'd be naked from the start, which was understandable. But they seemed to call each other by their hair colors instead of their names. Weird guys.

No, I shouldn't be thinking about that. These guys, even though I just met them, I can say one thing for sure.

(These guys... are definitely bad guys...!)

They attacked me out of nowhere, thinking of stripping my skin. If I encountered anyone, I planned to ask where this place was, but they didn't seem like they'd tell me. Ignoring the pain and the confusion about my location, I focused on how to escape from these ogres in front of me.

"Tch, because of your weird comment, I followed you... and the only naked human male here, what's going on?"

"Shut up! It's not like I'm not curious. But damn, I thought I'd make a small fortune if I stripped someone... never expected someone else was here already."


I had no idea where to run, but escaping from these ogres was my only concern. Despite the pain, I gritted my teeth and got up. I turned my back to the ogres, trying to flee from the spot when...

"Don't think you can escape! Ice Blizzard of the Wicked Ogre!"

"N-No... Aaahhh...!!?"

Before I could take a step, the silver-haired ogre released another blast of cold. It felt more potent than the previous one, and I was thrown off again, falling to the ground.


"Hahaha! Fool, did you really think you could escape from me? Just a mere human!"

"Too bad, naked guy. We're pretty strong among the ogres. Well, we can't beat the 'youths' or 'elders,' though."

"Don't say unnecessary things! ...I'll kill them someday... But before that."

Two ogres, slightly annoyed, approach me. The silver-haired one, who has come up to where I am lying, looks down at me with a malicious grin, then squats down and grabs my neck.


"First, it's your turn. You'll accompany me to kill some time."

Saying this, the silver-haired ogre slowly stands up, lifting me. He puts force into his hand gripping my neck while grinning slyly. A pained voice escapes my throat along with the air as I feel my neck being crushed by tremendous force.

"Kuh... agh...!"

"Heh heh... You're making such an interesting face. Now, how should we play...?"

"Hey, hey, let me enjoy too. It's not every day I get to see a human, let alone one suffering like this."

The two ogres laugh at me, who is caught and unable to move. They seemed to be only thinking about how to kill me.

(Damn, my neck and body hurt like hell... Why... why do I have to go through this...!)

I lament in my mind and clench my fists out of frustration. Why do I have to suffer like this? Is this some sort of punishment? Have I committed such a grave mistake that I must endure this much suffering?

Lost in thoughts of escapism, it happened at that moment.

"Alright... let's start with the arms... Hey, black hair. I'll hold him down, so you..."

"Gghh... Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!"


"Huh... oof!?"

This is what they call sheer brute strength. Sensing death looming near, I acted recklessly before the silver-haired ogre could finish his sentence, swinging my legs wildly.

Honestly, I didn't think it would do anything, but apparently, my kick had considerable power. The silver-haired ogre, struck in the abdomen by my blow, groaned and rolled on the ground.

"Cough, cough... Did I... do it...?"

Freed from the silver-haired ogre's grip, I sat on the ground. Wheezing, I managed to catch my breath and couldn't help but smile as I saw the silver-haired ogre on the ground.

"You... what did you dooooo!?"

Relieved from the dire situation, I had completely forgotten that there was still one more right beside me.

Perhaps angered by the defeat of the silver-haired ogre, the black-haired one roared, swinging the large sword in his hand towards me. Unable to react to the black-haired ogre's actions, blood gushed from my body.


Thrown back by the impact of that blow, I rolled on the ground, screaming. I tried to get up somehow, but perhaps due to the previous attacks, my body reached its limit, and I couldn't muster any strength.

"What's with that human...! Despite being kicked by Silver Hair, he's got some unbelievable strength... And that last blow, I intended to slice him in half..."

"Ugh... He dared to do that... to me, a person of ogre stature...!"

While the black-haired ogre seemed bewildered, the silver-haired one got up. Rubbing the area where I had kicked him, he glared at me with a gaze filled with murderous intent.

"Silver Hair, are you okay?"

"This is nothing!... But I might have underestimated a bit. Now that I think about it, no matter how much I held back, just a human taking two of my Ice Blizzard attacks and getting away with that level of damage is unthinkable."

"Indeed... besides, he endured my attack too."

"A human enduring the power of an ogre... probably an 'adventurer.' Moreover, here in the 'Great Forest of Jura' alone. He must have some decent skills..."

The two ogres talk while approaching me. I try to escape somehow, but my body refuses to listen, reaching its limits. The bleeding is severe, and I can't gather any strength, feeling the cold creeping in.

Seeing me in such a state, the ogres laugh joyously.

"Hahaha! Look at that, Silver Hair, that human's state!"

"Hmph, that's what happens when you anger us ogres. Those wounds would probably kill him if left alone... but I can't calm down like this... Relax, I'll stop causing you pain. I'll finish you off with a serious strike."

With those words, the silver-haired ogre waved his hand toward me. Compressed blizzard swirled in his hand, and despite some distance, my body trembled from the cold emitted from there. Perhaps it was due to fear of death.

(What... I died after being hit by a car... and now, am I going to be killed by monsters?!)

Tears threatened to overflow due to fear and frustration. However, I desperately bit my lip and held them back. I didn't understand why I was doing this myself. Maybe unconsciously, the realization that I was now Randal made me act this way. Even as my favorite character, I couldn't afford to behave shamefully.

(Haha... It's funny to say it myself, but I'm a mirror image of an otaku...)

I chuckled slightly at what I might be thinking at such a moment. The fear didn't dissipate. At this rate, I would surely die. But I had no strength or means to resist.

So, at the very least, I stared straight at the evil orge in front of me, enduring my fear, determined not to disgrace Randal in my death.

"What's with that look in your eyes? You're really getting on my nerves..."

"Hey, Silver Hair, just kill him already! If you won't, I'll do it!"

"I know! I'll freeze his whole body now. With my true──Evil Ogre's Ice Blizzard!!!"

With that cry, the silver-haired ogre directed his hand toward me.

Tremendous cold emanated from his hand, as if it were my impending death. Resigned to this end, that's when it happened──

"Waittttttt! We cannot overlook violence against the powerless!"

Suddenly, a voice echoed around us.


"Huh!? Who are you!"

Surprised by the voice, not just me but also the two ogres turned towards the direction of the voice. There, riding something like a dinosaur, was someone who seemed to be the owner of the voice, charging towards us. The creature the voice's owner was riding seemed quite fast, rapidly closing the distance between us and the voice's owner.

"Chaaaaaarge! Shuttah!"

The voice's owner, who had come right next to us, leaped off the creature he was riding with a shout. Then, gazing at us, with a confident expression and a voice filled with assurance, he loudly proclaimed his name.

"My name is──Gabiru!"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

koijiro21creators' thoughts