
Chapter 44: Demons.

"Rimuru POV:"

Right now, Ciel and I are heading towards our house to meet the old man. We are going to see him because we have some work for that good-for-nothing dragon.

"Hey, Bro!!" I called to Veldora as we entered our house.

Almost immediately, Veldora came towards us, his presence as imposing as ever.

"Hoho, so you've returned?" he said with an ear-to-ear grin. I can't tell if it is a statement or a question.

But then I noticed something unusual. Why is his hairs are blue?!!!

"What happened? Why is your hairs are all blue?" I asked, unable to understand what was going on in his empty head that made him do this bizarre change.

Veldora laughed heartily, clearly pleased with my question.

"Kuhahahaha!! About this—behold, now I have become a full-fledged Super Saiyan Blue! Hahaha!!" he announced, striking a pose and flexing his muscles as if he were a character straight out of a certain shonen anime.

I sighed, realizing once again how deep his otaku tendencies ran. He must have used some type of magic to turn the color of his hair blue as part of his obsession with one of his favorite series.

Damn, a true otaku through and through.

I'll just leave him as he is and won't question him anymore, or else his otaku disease might affect me.

"Hahaha, I see. Let's set that aside for now. I have some work for you," I told him, revealing the main reason behind our visit.

As we were talking, we sat down on the chairs in the living room, making ourselves comfortable. And by "we," I mean Ciel and me, because Veldora just made himself comfortable on the couch.

I glanced around and noticed that Charys's workload had increased significantly since we left. Without us around, Veldora had been making more messes for Charys to clean up, essentially turning him into a full-time caretaker and housekeeper. The evidence of Veldora's chaos is everywhere: scattered books and disorganized rooms. I feel somewhat bad for him.

"What?! But I have some things to do!" Veldora whined, clearly displeased at the prospect of doing work.

"Something to do, huh? I'm pretty sure it's reading manga or something related to what you're doing now," I said to him, narrowing my eyes.

"Well... eto..... um, no, you're wrong. It's not that. It's just... just, haaa! It's just that I want to learn some light magic. That's it. I am going to learn some light magic," he said. At first, it seemed like he was making an excuse, but in the end, he seemed rather convincing.

"Well, there's no need to worry because the work that I'm going to give you will help you learn magic," I told him. Now he's looking at me with half thankful and half arrogant eyes.

"Kuhahahahaha, I see, I see. If you insist that much, then I think I can help you for this once, because I am The Great Mighty Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest! Kuhahahahaha!" he said, again showing his tsundere side while boasting about himself.

*Sigh* What a good-for-nothing, overpowered dragon!

"So tell me, what do I have to do?" Veldora questioned me after finishing boasting.

"Well, about that... nothing much. First, I will give you something that you have to give to Ramiris. Tell her it is a gift from me. Later on, from her, you can learn whatever type of magic you want," I told him, explaining the first task.

"I will do that, but what about me? Where is my gift?" he said, showing his childish side.

"I will give you something special when you complete both of the tasks that I am going to give you," I said to him.

It's a hook, line, and sinker. Now that he's completely hooked on the idea of receiving something from me, he'll do the task flawlessly.

"Listen closely, Veldora! This is an important task!" I said to him with full seriousness.

"Yes, Rimuru!" he responded seriously.


"Your second task is this: after you learn magic from Ramiris, you have to go to that blondie's place, the Eastern Empire, and meet Velgrynd. Tell her that I have called for her as soon as possible. Also, instruct her to leave a parallel existence there and ensure that no one will find out—not even that blondie Hero. This way, nobody will know that she has left the Eastern Empire. Also, make sure that no one can find you either; not a single soul should find out where you are, what you are doing, or where Velgrynd is," I told him in the most serious manner possible.

"I understand, Rimuru. I will do exactly as you've instructed. So, please give me the item I need to give to Ramiris," he said, asking about what he needed to deliver to Ramiris.

"Ah... about that, I'll give it to you. But first, we should go outside," I said, and we started heading outside.

"Diablo, you can come now!" I called out to Diablo.

As I said that, the gate to the underworld appeared and opened. From that gate, five demons emerged.

Obviously, first came Diablo. As he appeared, he kneeled before me.

Behind him, the other four demons also kneeled.

"My lord, I have returned and I have brought the individuals you ordered," he said to me.

"I see, good! Good!" I replied, acknowledging him before shifting my attention to the demons he had brought.

Hm... he has brought the exact same people that I wanted. And it seems he had given them quite a beating too.

I mean, even though Carrera, Ultima, and Testarossa are spiritual beings and lack a material/physical body, they still have wounds on them, which could only have been caused by Holy Magic. And I'm pretty sure Diablo is responsible for these wounds.

Well, there's nothing I can do about it. If it was necessary to make them my subordinates, so be it.

I'll just leave that matter as it is.

"So, you three—Testarossa, Ultima, and Carrera—do you accept to become my subordinates?" I asked them, because I need to ensure their willingness to serve me. However, my voice did not match my intentions; it was cold as ice, almost threatening, instinctively making them submit to me.

But considering the beating they received from Diablo, I doubted they would refuse; my threatening tone was just the cherry on top.

"I have informed them of your greatness, my lord, and now they wish to serve you," he said again. I am sure their decision is not due to his persuasive words, but because of the beating they had received.

How typical of him. But still, I never asked him.

"Be quiet. I never gave you permission to talk," I sternly shut down Diablo.

I told him this because if I didn't, he might start bossing around my other subordinates in the future. There's a possibility that, inspired by this incident, he could claim to be my closest subordinate and start giving orders to others, even giving his own tasks to them to ensure he can remain by my side as much as possible, which is super creepy and something I don't want. I want all of them to be equals, to respect each other, and not assert superiority over one another.

Also, in front of new subordinates, if he talks like this and I let it slide, it will seem like I am showing favoritism.

"Forgive me for my impudence. For this sin, I shall take my life," he said, ready to end his life. What a guy!

Sigh* What am I going to do with him?

"There is no need to do that. From now on, just keep in mind," I said to him. He stopped, but the look in his eyes, no more praises, at least not now. Here I am in the middle of something!

"Understood, my lord. I am eternally grateful for this generosity," he said, intending to continue, but Ciel had enough of him.

"That's enough, Diablo! One more word and I will send you to the Underworld for a thousand years. You won't be able to meet or talk to the Master during that time," she threatened him with a cold voice, and it worked pretty well. Diablo stopped dead in his tracks. He got up and stood behind us without uttering a single word.

It seems the demon girls also didn't want to hear him, because as Ciel shut him up, they seemed to lighten up a little.

"So where was I? Ah, yes. So you three—Testarossa, Ultima, and Carrera—do you want to become my subordinates?" I asked them again.

"Yes, my lord. It will be our pleasure to serve you!" They said in unison, still kneeling with their heads down.

"Good! So take these bodies as a medium to stay in the material world," I said, handing them the three bodies that I had made from Hihiirokane.

This metal is the same metal as the exoskeleton of Zegion and Diablo's body that I gave him when I summoned him to the material world.

"We are eternally grateful for this!" they exclaimed and started to inhabit the bodies.

As they entered the bodies, flesh, and blood vessels gradually enveloped the rainbow-colored skeletons, a transformation happened before our eyes. The ethereal forms took on substance, shaping into the delicate, yet distinct features of beautiful beings.

Soon after, shimmering magicules swirled around them, weaving into intricate patterns that formed garments, adorning their now-covered skin in elegant attire.

This transformation was not just physical but symbolic, marking their entry into the material realm with newfound purpose and identity.

As they started to shape their bodies to their preference, I quietly, without noticing anyone, infused some of my magicules into them without anyone noticing, thus enhancing their durability and giving the demoness trio a slight boost in both magicules and physical strength.

As they settled into their new bodies, their power increased tremendously. They couldn't contain their overwhelming Haki, and it began to leak out, spreading through the entire forest. However, before anyone could sense it, I quickly erected a barrier around them to prevent their Haki from escaping.

"We are honored to be given power by His Majesty!!" the three of them said, kneeling after inhabiting their bodies.

Huh... His Majesty? What's with that?

Well, whatever.

"I, the White Primordial, Testarossa, pledge my eternal and undying loyalty to you, my lord Rimuru-sama!" Testarossa elegantly declared.

"I, the Yellow Primordial, Carrera, pledge my eternal and undying loyalty to you, my lord Rimuru-sama!" Following Testarossa, Carrera said, attempting to show as much courtesy as she could, but in the end, her arrogance slipped through a little.

"I, the Violet Primordial, Ultima, pledge my eternal and undying loyalty to you, my lord Rimuru-sama!" Last but not least, Ultima declared, her statement carrying a hint of cuteness further accentuated by her cute little ponytail.

Sometimes I wonder, is Ultima really a demon?

"Rise, my demons! I, The Chaos Creator, The King of All Existence: Rimuru Tempest, accept you as my subordinates!" I declared. Just as I declared, they received my protection, and their strength increased significantly.

Actually, every being that I have named by me, has received my 'Divine Protection,' even if they are not my subordinates, like Guy.

However, the protection that these three just received is different. This blessing will significantly increase their power and give them a boost in magicules. Additionally, it makes them somewhat resistant to my Haki.

What I mean is they will still feel the pressure, but less than others. It's similar to the time 20,000 years ago when I threatened Guy— I released some of my Haki. At that time, despite being as strong as Guy and Velz, Diablo was not as affected by my Haki as much as they were.

He was scared and all, but it affected him less than others who don't have my blessing. After receiving this special protection, they also gained a significant boost in energy, like my other subordinates, and in some cases, they evolved.

The effects vary among individuals; some experience a boost in magicules, some evolve, some gain increased physical strength, or some obtain an overall boost in power. And now, here, these three have gained a boost in power.

"Girls, for the time being, you will stay with my other subordinate. There, you can do whatever you want, just don't cause too much destruction. He's quite strong, so if you wish, you can spar with him," I ordered them.

"Thank you, my Lord/Rimuru-sama!" they said in unison.

"Charys!" I called Charys.

"Yes, Rimuru-sama?" He approached and asked.

"Bring them to Zegion and inform him that these three girls are my new subordinates," I ordered him.

"Understood," he replied and began to leave, with the demoness trio following closely behind him.

Now that the trio is settled, let's focus on him.

"So you..." I said, looking towards the other demon that Diablo had brought.

Why does he have so many wounds? And somehow, he seems more powerful than he should be. What happened?

"Diablo!" I called out, and he understood the task, stepping forward to explain.

"He is the special one that you told me to bring here. I personally made sure that he is worthy enough to be in my lord's presence," Diablo explained to me.

>>Ciel, did you know what Diablo did to her?<<

I asked Ciel through our minds. I inquired because if something like this had happened, she would definitely be aware of it.

<<Yes, master. When you instructed him to bring this specific demon you, Diablo thought he was too weak be in your presence. So, decided train and make stronger.>>

>>I see. So, what exactly did he do?<<

<<Well, master, he fought him to assess and figure out what needed improve. After that, mercilessly beat a pulp, even killing several times, only revive continue beating him. This process was repeated multiple times.>>

>>Well, that's a rather strange way to make someone strong, but then again, every demon from the black lineage is weird in its own way. They are from Diablo's lineage, after all, so it's understandable. No wonder he went that way. But still, it's impressive that Diablo learned the revival magic.<<

<<No, master. Diablo did not know revival magic at that time. He asked me about the magic, so I taught him how to use 'Secret Art of Revival' and Resurrection.'>>(with a proud face)

>>You did a good job, Ciel. Now he is much stronger than before. So, did he gain any unique skills or something?<<

<<Yes, master. Through the constant beating and fighting with Diablo, where he always loses then Diablo kills him in most brutal way using Holy magic, felt helpless. During these fights, couldn't manage to negate or block even one of Diablo's magic attacks. It was through this helplessness overwhelming power that his unique skill, [Reverser], born.>>

>>Interesting. Tell me more about this skill.<<

<<Currently, this skill has two sub-skills: [Thought Acceleration] and [Inverted Fusion]. Inverted Fusion allows him to create fuse opposing natures into a new contradictory form. If he uses ability properly, can his demonic essence with angelic essence, creating something beyond angel or demon.>>

>>That's one heck of an ability.<<

<<Indeed, if used properly with full efficiency, it is a useful and powerful ability.>>

>>Okay, then whenever he meets the requirements for further evolution, tell me. We will evolve him because I am interested in what kind of evolutionary path he will take.<<

<<Understood. >>

"You did an excellent job, Diablo," I praised him, acknowledging his success in making the demon stronger. He certainly did a good job.

"I am not worthy enough to receive praise from you, my lord," he humbly replied. He seemed like he wanted to say more, but I cut him off immediately because I didn't want to listen to his blabbering right now.

"Well, will you serve me?" Not wanting to hear any more from Diablo, I shifted my attention towards this demon and asked him.

"It will be my pleasure to serve the Lord of Diablo-sama," he replied, still bowing.

I think Diablo might have overdone it a little, as the demon hadn't even moved since arriving here.

"I see. Then take these parts of the golem as a medium to stay in the material world," I said, bringing the golem out from my [Imaginary Space].

It's not made from any special metal; just normal Adamantite. I think this metal is of legendary grade or something.

"From now on, your name will be 'Beretta'," I declared.

Just as I named it, the newly named Beretta inhabited and fused with the golem, and began to evolve. At first, it formed into a circle, but then its chest, head, hips, arms, and legs took shape, along with a face.

The face was now hidden behind a mask. Instead of the previous black skin, and long black hair, it now had pale and bloodless skin, and flowing white hair. The eye slits on the mask glowed crimson.

"I, Beretta, the descendant of the Black lineage, pledge my loyalty to you, my lord," he declared as he inhabited and fused with the golem I gave him.

<<Ciel, what kind of new race has he become?>>

<<Master, Beretta has evolved from 'Greater Demon' to 'Arch Doll,' a completely new species.>>

<<New, huh.... This is interesting. But I think this enough for today; we still have some work to do.>>

"Beretta, now Veldora will take you to one of my friends, and your job is to serve that person," I assigned his task.

"Understood, Rimuru-sama!" Beretta replied, bowing respectfully.

"Hey, old man!" I called out to Veldora, who was sitting on the grass, leaning against a tree and reading his manga without a care in the world.

"Huh... did you finish your thing?" Veldora asked, standing up.

"Yes, I'm done with what I was doing. And this is Beretta, the demon that you need to bring to Ramiris," I introduced them to each other.

"I'll be leaving now, and don't forget the gift that you promised me," Veldora said before leaving with Beretta.

"Diablo," I addressed him.

Now that everyone else had left, only Ciel, Diablo, and I were left in the garden.

"I have a very special job for you," I told him.

"Yes, my lord," Diablo responded promptly.

"Listen closely, this is your new task..." With that I began to explain his new task.

"Did you understand everything?" I asked after finishing the explanation.

"Yes, my lord, I will do this job with utmost care," he replied with a nod.

"Good, you can go now," I said, and with a respectful bow, he left.

Now that Ciel and I are alone...

"Hey Ciel, let's go inside," I said to her.

"Yeeeep!" Ciel gave a surprised reaction.

She reacted this way because before she could say anything, I princess carried her, and we headed towards our bedroom to sleep.





*Time-Skip: The Next Day.*

"I feel refreshed!"

This was the first thought that came to mind as I woke up. Actually, I can't say I slept; instead, I should say I took a nap because I only slept for an hour and a half.

Upon waking up, I saw the most beautiful thing in all creation—Ciel's face.

I could gaze upon this face for eternity.

"Time to wake up, honey!" I whispered softly, leaning in to gently kiss her forehead.

"Is it morning already?" She mumbled, still half-asleep.

"Yes, it's morning," I confirmed with a smile.

"And today, we're going on a date!" I added enthusiastically.

As I spoke, her eyes widened in surprise and joy, and she sat up quickly with astonishing speed.

"Really?!" Her voice sparkled with excitement.

"Yes, really!" I chuckled, enjoying her reaction.

Now, she was beaming with a bright smile.

"Let's take a shower, and then we have so many things to do," I said, heading towards the bathroom with her beside me.

Oh, how I enjoy these quiet moments with her in the morning and don't forget about shower.


And that's the end. That's all for this chapter.

Please let me know your thoughts on the chapter in the comments. It really motivates me to write new chapters.

Word Count: 3.4k