
Tensura: Broken Heart

Love, love, love, love who? "... That one person." Who is that person? Tell me who? "The one whose destiny entangled with mine to the point of existing as one." Existing as one? Is this even possible? But who will love you that much other than me? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! "Fufu is this even a question, My wife..." Wife? You have gotten married even though you have me? I will kill her? I will drive her into madness. "You can't, she is already mad... Madly is in love with me..." Madly in love for... For what? "For love..." Why? Why? What is the reason? "To be loved..." By whom permission? "By love..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits to Rimuru6360, link for original on Wattpad -> https://www.wattpad.com/story/295691257

GodOfPeacefulDeath · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
57 Chs

Chapter 55 - A true friend...

Four hundred million years again passed and Veldora was born, he is as I thought very very destructive, he literally destroyed the first city that he saw after his birth. Didn't he have a brain? Yeah, for a second I forget how stupid he was but I'm not interested in him right now because currently, I'm going to visit Veldanava. The reason? He is the reason!! I kindly told that bastard, he is going to die in the next five to six thousand years, but I did not want him to die... Rather than me, Velzard will be sad.

"You didn't have to worry... I will manage it."

That's what that bastard said to me but he still wasn't doing anything about it... Still lingering around that girl, Lucia was it. I did not even want to see her for Velzard's shake, I have to save that damn lizard.


With a loud thud, I landed on the 'Heavenly Star Castle' or so he called it. After landing on the ground I made my way directly into his room and Yes!! Told him to do something about his death.

"I already said it you didn't have to worry about me... I have a way."

He replied calmly, but rather than calm he is more nonchalant. How? How can he be so calm in the face of death? Is this a joke to him? Is he thinking that he will be reborn again like Veldora?

But he did not hear my words and started to do his work. My lord God please give this bastard of a God some

"Aren't you taking my words too lightly? We are talking about your death here!! You are not going to be resurrected like Veldora!!!"

I shouted angrily but he still did not move from the place, his face was calm and composed. What is he thinking right now? I don't know, fu*k I don't wanna know

Why isn't he saying anything?

My temper was is increasing with every passing second but his mouth was still shut and finally, I exploded.

"Hey!!" I shouted. "I will give you some time to think about it next time when I come I want my answer and I will not take your silence as an answer like today." With that said, I left the Heavenly Star Castle.

"Hey, Satoru why are you fighting with brother?!" The moment I exit the castle Velzard appeared in front of me while looking at me angrily. What?! I'm the victim here.

"I was arguing with him because—"

<< Master!! >>

Oh shit!! I nearly blurt out the secret, fu*k I can't even tell her. If I ever do... No, no, no why did I promise that bastard? I'm an idiot! Shit, what should I do?

"I-It's non of your business," I said and teleported away from her. Damn! She was mad at me because I didn't go with her to meet Veldora but I can't meet him otherwise the situation in the future will be too complicated. Velgrynd is enough, I did not meet her that much only one time anyway.

But Veldora is a no-go.

Third person pov

In a faraway place at the very corner of the multiverse, suddenly a huge amount of magicules started to move. The number of magicules was beyond one imagination and a dragon-like creature can be seen flying in the empty space, he has dark scales and dark red eyes that that was glowing with power and a huge, terrifying-looking body.


He opened his mouth and roared sending a big wave of magicules into the empty space. The space trembled and shattered into many small pieces like glass... but then suddenly out of nowhere some creatures with white wings appeared and started to attack the dragon.

They attack the dragon with all their might but the dragon did not even bother to look at them, then a huge attack hit its body. He didn't even move from his place and looked at them with his terrifying bloody red eyes and growled in annoyance.


He roared and another wave of destruction was sent into space but this time the wave has some targets the men with white wings.

"Put the barriers!!!" The leader of the angels shouted and without any delay, the other angels followed his command and put up a barrier.... but the power of the destruction wave was too much for the angels, and the barrier shattered into tiny pieces.

"Ahh!!" The Angels shouted in pain and agony. The wave of destruction has broken all the protective barriers around their body and inflicted all of them with heavy wounds, even the skills like «Pain Nullification» did not seem to be working against the attack.

Seeing all the angels defeated in one attack the leader decided to retreat and teleported all the alive angels back into the heavenly castle.

The moment angels left the battlefield a jet black-haired boy around 6 feet in height appeared seemingly out of nowhere, his golden color eyes looked into the bloody red once and a smirk appeared on his lips.

"You come right at the time when I was feeling annoyed I will use you to relieve my annoyance." The black-haired boy said to the dragon, who was flying in front of him. The dragon did not possess ego and intelligence so he didn't understand his words, but deep inside his soul he felt threatened by the black-hair person standing in front of him.


He roared not only in anger and frustration, but to also remove the uneasiness from his heart. Veldanava looked at him with amusement and excitement as he sealed most of his power.

Even though Veldanava sealed most of his power but still the battle was completely one-sided. For the first time in his life, the dragon felt fear and tried his hardest to flee far away from the black-haired person.

He feels terrified.

"Hmm," Veldanava hummed to himself as his cold golden-colored eyes looked at the Dragon. "I have some important work to do so I will let you go for now." He whispered coldly in the dark space and left the place like he was never there in the first place.

There was another hidden reason, he is sure that Satoru will annoy him. So he will relieve his stress again... in him shortly.

"Damn!! He did not even understand that if I didn't die, he will not be born in the future and his existence will vanish... That stupid slime!!" Veldanava said angerly as he looked at the dark space.

He is worried about Satoru... If his existence became a hindrance to Satoru's reincarnation because according to Satoru, Veldanava was dead when he got reincarnated.

... But this 'world' can't affect Rimuru/Satoru, not even space and time, let alone a mere reincarnation cycle but to the current Veldanava who has lost his 'omniscience' with a large amount of his knowledge— there is no way of knowing it. And he will not even tell the reason to any other person because of his pride and who the hell will say these types of things? Veldanava is sure that Satoru will find a way to resurrect him in the future.

He is more than happy to give up his life in the place of his friend Satoru... Truly a great friend, a bit stupid though.


Not once the dragon dared to look back while fleeing from Veldanava. He is terrified too terrified to look back— he did not feel this powerless and helpless in his whole life. So he drifted away into space far far away from his original position.

After drifting away in space without any destination for 3 days and nights the dragon finally appeared in front of a small world where the species are still trying to grow.

... Without any thought, he entered the planet while destroying everyone and everything, that comes in his way.

Black-colored energy started together in his mouth and after a few seconds, he fired the black-colored beam of energy in front of him, the pure beam of destruction destroyed everything, that comes in its way.

One after another the dragon fired many attacks just to remove the fear and uneasiness from his heart, but it didn't seem to work. Due to not having any intelligence, he did not understand what he is feeling.

Fear and terror gripped his heart and etched too deep into his soul. He did not stop his rampage just like a 'God of destruction' he destroyed everything that comes in his way, and his red-colored eyes glowed in pure power and rage.

Such a mere 'thought' of removing the fear from his heart brought about an incredible change in Ivarage.

Ivarage— a being without intelligence, without reason, and who had done nothing but carry out destructive actions out of instinct, was now imbued with an emotion.

Until now, Ivarage's only purpose in life had been the urge to destroy. But at that moment, he felt "hatred."

It was the germination of an intellect and an emotion. Even the gods could not have foreseen that the fear that he has inflected in Ivarage's heart would provoke Ivarage.

Moreover, the transformation did not stop there. As a result of taking in more than ten thousand souls, Ivarage had entered a time of evolution.


It should be said that the time had arrived. The 'evil god' would be reborn as an incarnation of malice.

More cunning, more evil, and more intent to destroy the world.

<< Announcement. The necessary soul has been met, all the necessary conditions have been fulfilled, and the 'Halloween Carnival festival' evolution of individual Ivarage has been started. >>

The voice of the world announced in his head but he did not understand a word, his eyes felt heavy and finally after destroying the whole planet while killing more than ten million creatures, he stopped and slowly closed his eyes falling asleep due to his evolution.


After 3 days he slowly and lazily opens his eyes showing nothing but hatred, and hatred towards someone that he could not able to beat a few days ago nearly six days have passed since then, but his raw strength has grown a lot nearly ten times compared to his previous strength.

Not only physically or energy vise but also in intelligence he has grown a lot compared to his previous self. He is not the same ivarage his ego has been refined and become stronger and more mature compared to earlier.

All the souls have been absorbed by his body, but still, he is angry— angry beyond one's imagination and the cause of his anger and hatred was nonother than the person who beat him and nearly killed him six days ago.

His eyes glowed coldly and a terrifying amount of aura was released by his body, the aura was so terrible and destructive that the world tremble and crumbled into pieces.... completely destroyed just by mere aura unconsciously released by his body.

"Hahaha, just wait, I will kill you." He said coldly and laughed into the empty space the space started to tremble, and time started to fluctuate.

On the other side...

What is this terrible aura? Rimuru and Veldanava thought to themselves as they felt the aura of ivarage.

"This aura. . . Don't tell me is this the aura of that lizard that I beat a week ago?" A chill run down Veldanava's spine as he felt the cold and ruthless aura filled with nothing but murderous intent.

"... Good thing that only I can feel this aura otherwise..." Veldanava stops thinking after that, his golden-colored eyes flash with a little worry. For the first time in billions of years, Veldanava felt this worried, his luck was also great because Rimuru was currently resting in his 'Imaginary Space' while thinking of a way to make up with Velzard.

'I have to safeguard little Velz and others at all costs.' He thought to himself.