
Lucifer vs 250,000!!

Deep inside the Jura Forest, Diablo could be seen dragging Razen and the King of Falmuth by some sort of black matter.

They were both unconscious.

"Torturing that Arch-Bishop to death was a bore, all he did was scream and didn't even try to fight back, I would have used him for my plans but by what Lucifer told me earlier, he plans to take on a different route." Diablo sighed at the Arch-Bishops weakness.

"But If Lucifer does what I think he's gonna do, then things shall get interesting in the near future." Diablo added with a mysterious smile.

Continuing to walk, he looks in a certain direction to his left with narrowed eyes.

"Kufufu, It seems their almost here, l should drop these two off at the underground prison and meet the guests." Diablo smirked.


Diablo snapped his head toward the sky, in the far distance, he could see a large airship exploding in the air.

Debris was falling everywhere as it crashed down into the ground.


Causing another explosion, albeit smaller than the previous one but nonetheless large.

"Is that Lucifer?" Diablo narrowed his eyes even further and could see a black dot with a tinge of purple, flying straight through the ships bypassing their defenses effortlessly.

"Kufufu, what a unique being. Treating such high defense as mere child's play, as expected of my Lord's brother, he's not completely useless." While Diablo won't admit it outrightly to Lucifer's face, he can't help but respect his strength and intelligence.

'There's more to this then meets the eye. He's not breaking their Magic defenses by brute force because such tactics wouldn't work against a seasoned army such as the Eastern Empire, even I myself am not that confident that I could use brute force. But rather he first analyzed the Magic defense's engineering and reverse-engineered it so he could bypass it effortlessly.' Diablo pondered.

"Kufufu, with him over there, they should be fine, so I should hurry and finish my tasks so I can get praised by my master!" Diablo quickly forgot about Lucifer's situation and eagerly left to complete his tasks.


In the skies, Lucifer can be seen speeding through dozens of airships easily.

'It took me some time but after I figured out their defenses from the first airship, everything after that was easy.' Lucifer smiled as he increased his speed.

Until he stopped and observed below him, it seemed Shion and Benimaru were doing excellent.

They were completely destroying the foot soldiers, Benimaru was continuously using his hellfire which would kill thousands while slicing through hundreds of soldiers with his katana.

Shion herself was on a rampage, not giving anyone mercy.

She would jump up and crash land back down, slicing through hundreds of disoriented soldiers easily with her Hercules blade.

While the thousand they brought with them were right behind them, taking on 2 or 3 men each.

"Look at them go!" Lucifer whistled.

Looking back up, he could see Gabiru and his men going after one airship at a time together.

'Hmm, usually when things go this well, they suddenly turn for the worse.' Lucifer thought inwardly, frowning.

And as he said, an individual seemed to have dropped down on the battlefield from the leading airship

"Benimaru or Shion should be able to hold that guy off, I need to make sure the more tougher opponents don't interfere." Lucifer quickly surmised before blasting off toward other airships.


While Benimaru was dodging a blade of water from his back, he noticed an individual falling into the battlefield directly at him.

Benimaru quickly moved out of the way before he could get hit.


'Black robe?' Benimaru questioned after seeing a glimpse of the man, even if it was a small detail, he wore quite distinct clothes, so he must have been a high-ranking individual.

Once the smoke cleared up, in front of Benimaru was a middle-aged man with black hair and eyes.

"The names, Calgurio, the commander of the largest force under the Eastern Empire, the Armed Corp." Calgurio introduced himself with a smirk.

"Am I supposed to be impressed?" Benimaru questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"No you should be happy, I rarely fight but I didn't wanna bother the commanders of the Royal Corp and my Lord with something as mundane as this. So be honored you get to fight me." Calgurio explained while looking at Benimaru with an inquisitive look.

"You don't seem that strong." Benimaru remarked with a smirk.

"Even though I'm the weakest of the commanders, I'll be enough for you!" Calgurio replied calmly.

"I doubt that." Benimaru chuckled but was inwardly in deep thought.

'He's the weakest!? Judging by his Magicules, he's as strong as me or even stronger! I can't begin to imagine the others but Lord Lucifer said to trust him! If it's him and Lord Rimuru they can definitely defeat them!' Benimaru hardened his resolve and readied himself for battle.


Across the battlefield, Shion could be seen slashing through bodies effortlessly, her swordsmanship was based on instinct rather than technique.

But suddenly she felt a blade slashing toward her neck from behind.

Doing a backflip, she effectively dodges and lands behind the perpetrator.

But then sensing an attack from below she jumps up.

As soon as she did so, a woman came out of the ground with a sword, stabbing toward Shion's previous spot.

"Tsk, she dodged."

"She dodged both of us, be careful."

"Who are you?" Once Shion landed, she narrowed her eyes at the two individuals who were grumbling.

"We're Royal knights, I'm number 9, you can call me Anna, while he's number 10, you can call him Caspian." The lady with blonde hair and green eyes responded with a slight smile.

Shion furrowed her brows, she was confused on why the enemy was being so cooperative.

"Your probably wondering why I'm being so nice, well we just don't perceive you as a threat that needs to be taken seriously." She added while the man just stayed silent.

"Fufu, is this was Lord Lucifer was talking about? When enemies try to rile you up with bullshit!" Shion smiled while readying her sword.

"Well that didn't get her mad, let's just attack, we should be able to overpower her." Caspian remarked, he had white messy hair with blue eyes.

Anna sighed but nonetheless lunged at Shion with her sword.


Lucifer could be seen gliding in the air directly in front of an airship, his purple hair was fluttering slightly behind him.

He had his pistol out and was aiming at the airship, there were only a few airships left and he wanted to take them all down before they decided to be smarter and choose to send actual powerful opponents after him.

The airship continued to fire magic against him but he just simply stood there, allowing his barrier to defend him.

He glanced down and noticed Benimaru and Shion fighting.

'Damn, it seems their both going to lose, even though Shion is holding her own, she's bound to run out of stamina. Benimaru looks like he's getting slightly overpowered, he's bound to slip up eventually against a skilled fighter.' Lucifer narrowed his eyes in thought, completely forgetting about the airship that was shooting him.

Suddenly a man appeared next to Lucifer with his fist launched toward Lucifer's face.

Lucifer widened his eyes in surprise.

But without wasting time he put his arms in an x-cross since he knew his barrier wouldn't hold.


Bypassing the barrier easily, the man's fist connected with Lucifer's arms.


Lucifer could feel his bones cracking while being launched straight to the middle of the battle field.


Debris enveloped the area where Lucifer crashed down.

Once it disappeared a large crater was there with Lucifer in the middle of it.

"That hurt." Lucifer muttered while not even trying to move from his laid-down position.

He waited while his bloodied mangled arms healed.

Suddenly a man appeared outside the crater.

"To think he blocked it, I was sure that I caught him off guard." Kondo muttered with a frown.

He looked down at the crate and noticed Lucifer "unconscious" in the middle.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I know your not unconscious." Kondo narrowed his eyes at the stupidity in front of him.

Lucifer sneakily opened his right eye and peaked at Kondo, he immediately closed them back once he noticed Kondo was looking directly at him.

"Are you serious now?" Kondo's frown deepened at the blatant idiocy of the situation.

"Tsk, why can't you just walk down and take your death quietly." Lucifer slowly got up and patted his clothes of the dirt.

Kondo just held a gaze full of scrutiny toward Lucifer.

"Serious type huh? Aye by the way, what type of Ultimate Skill do you have?" Lucifer shamelessly asked with a smile.

"I don't have time for this, I'll tell you this once. Surrender and you can live." Kondo looked at Lucifer, waiting for his answer.

"Hmm? Surrender? GO SUCK YA MUDDA!" Lucifer flipped Kondo off before stepping out of the crater onto the battle field.

Suddenly Lucifer stopped moving.


"Don't die! PLEASE DON'T DIE!"


Lucifer could hear screams everywhere, from both his and the Empire's people.

"*Sigh* Why am I always in some sort of war? It's always tiring." Lucifer muttered, the atmosphere around him changed.

"I made a promise but look, as you can see my people are dying when I said I would keep them safe. What a fucking joke! Even though we can probably resurrect them, I couldn't do shit, I prioritized our victory over deaths such as these!" Lucifer exclaimed with a sad smile.

"They probably have children waiting for them! God! Why can't I ever just live in fucking peace!?" Lucifer added.

Kondo just stared at him silently, he couldn't disagree since he also agreed.

"Regardless, My Lord believed you to be a threat for some reason, so I shall kill you where you stand!" Kondo exclaimed, he was about to lunge at Lucifer but noticed a figure crashing down across the battlefield.

Kondo was about to just ignore it and continue the battle but he noticed Lucifer was paying very close attention to it for some reason.

'Shit! Judging by the aura of that individual he's on Hinata's level and he just landed by Benimaru and Shion who are circled.'

'Fuck! I really didn't wanna do this but I have no choice!' Lucifer slowly breathed in and exhaled.

Kondo materialized a guandao spear in his right hand and launched at Lucifer.

Once Kondo was nearing Lucifer, time suddenly slowed down for Lucifer.

{Notice: Does The User Wish To Forcefully Evolve?

Warning: If the User Decides To Forcefully Evolve, The User Will Damage Their Own Soul.

Do You Still Wish To Continue?

[Yes] or [No]?}

"Well, I always loved a little danger to my life."

"So why not! YES!" Lucifer smirked.

This all happened in an instant.

Kondo was confused about why he was smirking but didn't slow down his punch.

As soon as Kondo's punch was inches away, suddenly he felt a punch land on his cheek and he was launched thousands of meters away.

Lucifer was nowhere to be seen.

Appearing in front of a bloodied Benimaru and Shion who were surrounded.

"Yo!" He waved nonchalantly.

"Lord Lucifer!"

"Lord Lucifer!"

Benimaru and Shion were surprised at his appearnce.

"Everyone from Tempest goes back now! None of you will be able to keep up in the following battle! This is an order!" Lucifer exclaimed while nonchalantly staring at the individual who crash-landed earlier.

On closer look, he recognized the man as one of the royal guards, his name was Damrada, a man whose strength was on par or even stronger than Hinata's.

"But sir! We can still figh-!" Shion tried to argue but Benimaru grabbed her and ran.

'As long as we stay here, we will be a burden to Lord Lucifer!' Benimaru inwardly thought with a frown.

Shion was trying to break out of the grip and she almost did until Benimaru suddenly stopped.

"Shion! Enough! We are too weak to be of any help, we'll only be a burden to him!" Benimaru tried to reason with Shion.

"I don't care, I can't just let him fight those guys by himself. Did you not see his face!?"

Benimaru stayed silent.

"He seemed as if he was preparing himself to die with such a sad smile! He didn't even say he would stay alive! We can't just let our Lord die!" Shion screamed with worried eyes.

"I know but we can't do anything, so we should try our best to wake up Lord Rimuru! And bring back more help like Diablo!" Benimaru explained, hoping Shion would agree.

"But-*Sigh*!" Shion seemed conflicted but found reasoning in Benimaru's argument so she begrudgingly left Lucifer while staring at his back as she fled with a sad smile.

'Stay Safe Lord Lucifer.' Shion prayed inwardly.


Back to Lucifer, he could be seen standing by himself.

In front of him were over 200,000 soldiers with beasts mixed inside, around 8-10 airships in the air with their guns pointed at him.

There were a few distinct individuals in the front of the army with power levels of Hinata and Awakened Demon Lords.

Taking out a cigar from his pockets, he was about to light it with his fire magic but stopped.

'I should quit this habit.' Lucifer threw the cigar away and watched as he was being surrounded.

Lucifer seemed to be looking seemingly nowhere.

{Ultimate Skill: [Hermes, The Conductor] was obtained.}

"Sounds interesting, why don't I check it out." Lucifer muttered with a smirk.


Don't worry, I'll be listing all his skills probably in the next chapter or giving a brief summary.

Also, check out my Lookism fanfic!

Let me know yall thoughts!

Luxuriantcreators' thoughts