
Did a mummy just try to r*** me?

Ryouta: My name is Tenchi Nura, but I'm called Ryouta Kise. As for why I'm called that...well my family situation is a little complicated.

Ryouta: I am the offspring of a forbidden romance between a yokai and human? Sounds romantic right..well I was kind of abandon by them and giving to my uncle to raise me...well don't worry they had another child and kept him...I'm not bitter

Ryouta: My uncle who 'raised me' has a harem but no biological kids of his own. Due to marriage, I have gained 3 older sisters who are bro-cons and 3 younger sisters. I also have a brother and sister around my age. The sister who is my age was mentally unstable after her experiments done to her. but with my help, she was healed...no thanks to the fucking organization

Ryouta: What is the organization you may be wondering? Its a shit group of people who experiment on humans, yokai, esper, aliens. They say their goal is for the betterment of humanity and to advance the species. You may ask but Ryouta, that doesn't sound that bad. If you think kidnapping, raping, genetic modification, turning perfect normal kids into cyborgs to gain their power, genocide and training kids to be murdered which are some of the stuff they do not bad well yeah your right. Oh they also have hands on some nations and is one of the secret controllers of the world

Ryouta: Well, I'll destroy them...Not on some hero thing but on the fact they will try to use my sister. Oh, I'm 15 by the way in case your wondering. How can a 15-year-old kid defeat a powerful organization...well I'm strong.

Ryouta: I trained at a young age with my grandpa Katsuhito Masaki till I was 6. My grandpa is strong like at least Demi-god level. Whats a demi-god level...it took till I was at this level to understand but it's like heroes status. people start thinking they are sons of gods. they can walk on water and fly...

Ryouta: After 6, I went on a journey with my uncle and learned from a dojo under several masters the elder of the dojo being at least Demi-god level. I gained powers, techniques and learned tons of skills over the course of my life. I worked hard and only did nothing but train...ok I'm lying. I cheated just a little. I have a unique technique called Copy that enables me to copy any ability I see once. So I just copied my master's abilities and training style and was able to learn how to do things easily. I still worked hard...incredibly hard.

Ryouta: I know I can't fight alone so I have a group of people with me and we call us Devil may cry because we will make even make the devil cry. The leader of DMC is Mari Tsutsui and also the person who will be my first wife. My partner Botan is one of our intel heads...ses also will be my second wife...

Ryouta: What DMC does is odd jobs dealing with Yokai, espers or aliens

Ryouta: But I don't do just do that. I am also an athlete. My sports are all types. I even won gold medals in the Olympics. My goal is to be the greatest athlete of all time. I have a long time way there.

Ryouta: huh, you thought I wanted to be a hero or something like that...Nope, that's boring.

Ryouta: I hope you treat me good for the next few years

Ryouta: then I bow and everyone would scream AHH Ryouta is so cool! he has such an amazing past

Ryouta said making girly sounding voice.

Botan: Then what happens

Ryouta: then I'd...AHH, how long have you been there?

Ryouta just notices a beautiful girl flying on a broom next to him in a kimono.

Botan flicks her hair imitating Ryouta performance

Botan: My name is Tenchi Nura and I'm a big cool Olympic star. I am strong...please like me

Ryouta face twitches

Botan: I don't think you should make that kind of introduction in class

Ryouta: I was just playing...so what's going on

Botan: Nothing I just wanted to see you go to high school... you grow up so fast.

Ryouta turns an looks at her strangely

Ryouta: I've been wondering for a while...how old are you

Ryouta receives a punch in his face and Botan yelled at him for asking a woman her age saying shes forever 16 leaving him shrugging it off

Ryouta: Shes a spirit so I thought ages didn't matter to them...I was just curious how much of an old lady

a sandal hit his head had

Ryouta smiles and runs off thinking 'whew my morning teasing my wife is good as always'

As he approaches the Misaki residence Ryouta face gets serious

Ryouta:' Inside the Misaki shrine there is an evil demon sealed. It is my intention of freeing this demon...but Gramps has the key. Depending on its nature will determine what I do with the demon, kill or sending it back to the underworld or...

Ryouta controlled his breathing and used his spiritual awareness to sense where his grandfather was

Ryouta: I can try to fight him but...killing him is doable but beating him is difficult...

Ryouta thinks for a moment and decides to steal the keys to the seal location.


Ryouta used his skills to quickly infiltrate into his grandfather's office.

Ryouta puts his hands together like a ninja

Ryouta: nin nin the keys must be somewhere.

He quickly went through all the draws and read the documents but found nothing

Then suddenly the door of the office open and his grandfather came through the door

Katsuhito: It was curiosity that killed the cat Tenchi. He said swinging the keys around

he looked around and saw...no one was there...

Katsuhito: huh, wasn't my grandson here...

He looks around and sees it looks like no one had entered. He couldn't even find traces of Ryouta spiritual energy

Katsuhito:..am I getting old...

he walks out of the office confused

Ryouta who is camouflage smiles and then he disappears and reappears in front of the sealed cave

Ryouta takes out the keys and unlocks the gate of the seal

Ryouta: thanks for the keys gramps...you really are getting old

He walks in the dark and deadly silent cave and sees a giant Rock with seals all around it. Strangely it seems to be floating

Ryouta: neat

Ryouta just looks and continues to walk around and sees a small shrine. Ryouta opens the shrine and sees a sword inside of the shrine

Ryouta: oh this is that legendary sword of my ancestor

Ryouta: I wonder how strong it is...may its a weapon I can use on humans...

Ryouta reaches in and grabs the sword pulling it out of the shrine

Ryouta: hmm, let us see how amazing this sword is

nervously Ryouta removes the sheath and sees...

Ryouta: it's just a rusted old piece of junk. Damn it...give me a break...some legendary weapon

Ryouta smashs the sword into a rock with a seal on it. Destroying the rusted blade... the rock then broke in too

Ryouta: fuck I could have had that crazy swordsmith fix it...wait what did that seal say?

Then there was a tremble and the flying rock fell down

Ryouta: what's happening?" he said approaching the giant rock

He touches the rock to see if he can see any differences. He then notices

that a new path opened up in the cave after the rock fell

Ryouta: a passageway huh

Ryouta went through the passage and as he was walking he notices the floor was wet...

Ryouta walked and hit his head

Ryouta: maybe I'm too tall for this...

He said as he walked but then he notices that the floor was like a slippery slide that goes somewhere he isn't sure...he tripped...that's how he found out. He decides it might be interesting if he goes down the slide all the way.

As he goes to the bottom he sees a light coming from the center of the room. He then goes towards the center with the sword in his hand and looks at the center...

Ryouta: Ohh it is just a giant glowing light..no problem

He then sees a decayed Demon in the center of the light. In a body of water (water tomb)

Ryouta drops his sword thinking that the ghost of the demon must be alive but when he dropped it he freaked out ready to attack the demon with all his powers

Ryouta: oh I guess nothing here

He goes to pick up the sword

Ryouta: Since the demons dead I guess I should get out of here

As he grabs the sword a hand grabs his

Ryouta looks and sees the demon was the one grabbing him and it slowly comes out of the water tomb.

With a grip stronger than his. it goes and caressing Ryouta face and almost kisses him. The sword starting glowing and it shot out a spiritual wave sending Ryouta and the demon blasted away

Ryouta was pissed off he quickly ran out to the passageway and closing the passage and fixing the rock he broke with some rope

Ryouta: that mummy tried to **** me... Trying to take advantage of me when all I was trying to do was help her...fuck. I'll keep her sealed for a few more years

Ryouta didn't know that at this moment a tree was glowing in the Misaki garden sending a message to off-world...well Ryouta wouldn't care anyway


Ryouta is walking towards his school. the location was strange because its in the middle of nowhere. Ryouta ran for about 2 hours...He then sees at the end of the forest a huge school...no a town...no a castle town...

Ryouta: The fuck kind of school is this? Also how come I couldn't see this massive place from in the forest...

Ryouta shrugs and decides to explore

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