
Tempest of the Steel Mecha

Suppressing miracles Concealing the truth Eternal fervor and passion An immortal legend of tyranny!

Daoist5LB6oW · เกม
98 Chs

First Contact

Once immersed in a state of learning, time flies by quickly. Li Feng and Mark are somewhat notorious troublemakers in school. One day, Li Feng would daydream in class, while Mark was only interested in chasing after girls. However, now they both walk while reading books, and this huge transformation has brought great joy to the teachers, as it is considered a great success in quality education. The prodigal son has returned and is worth his weight in gold.

As typical of Li Feng and Mark, they are not as optimistic as their teachers. The more they strive, the more problems they discover. However, at this point, they can only rely on rote memorization. Fortunately, there are many professional resources and materials available online, as humans are the best at summarizing. Despite the evolution of examination methods over hundreds of years, it is still the same.

"Mark, can you still hold on?"

Mark, with a pale face, gritted his teeth and nodded. The fibers were not so easily digestible, and Mark's stomach was obviously not as strong as Li Feng's, as he had been experiencing diarrhea for three consecutive days. Seeing a book, his eyes glazed over, but this guy is determined to persevere.

Mark is the type of person who goes all out once he decides to do something. He is brave, and if given the space to let his creativity flow, he would surely excel. However, it is difficult to demonstrate this in school, especially in high school.

"Are you going to continue after class today?"

At the mention of this, Mark's face immediately brightened, radiating a sense of excitement as if he had seen a goddess. "Haha, not today, I have a big event. Oh yeah!"

Seeing this reaction, Li Feng can easily imagine that it must be related to women. He furrowed his brow and said, "You're not thinking of chasing after girls again, are you? Once you start, all your pent-up energy will be wasted!

"Who are you talking about? Certainly not me, the pure and kind-hearted one. Today, we have a guest professor from the Yalang Military Academy coming to give a lecture. Our goal is Yalang, and we can't let this opportunity pass by."

Mark spoke seriously, with a stern expression. The wind blew, his hair lightly swaying, giving him a somewhat otherworldly aura. However, his shining eyes betrayed him.

"That professor must be a woman, and a beautiful one at that!"

"Haha, you've figured me out. But she's here to give us a lecture, so we must show our support and also prepare for interviews and such."

Mark grinned proudly, showing off his teeth as if he had already passed the written and physical tests. Li Feng could only shake his head. Whenever this guy hears about a beautiful woman, his spirits immediately rise. If the professor encourages him, he might even be able to pass the Yalang exam in one go.

Professor Zhou Zhi, from the A-level Yalang Military Academy, was scheduled to give a lecture at 3pm. As an upperclassman and teacher, her advice would undoubtedly be of great help to students who want to apply to Yalang.

Li Feng thought that not many people would dare to apply to Yalang, but with the constant lectures at various prestigious schools these days, there might not be as few applicants as he thought. If it weren't for Mark's impatience, he would have preferred to arrive an hour early and study beforehand.

However, Li Feng decided to make the most of his time and brought his textbooks with him. But when they arrived at the venue, they realized…they were late!

The small conference room, which could accommodate five hundred people, was already packed. Goodness, were these people here to listen to the lecture or to see the beautiful professor?

Mark sighed repeatedly beside him. Seats were out of the question, and they could only stand in the hallway. But somehow they were pushed to the front. Li Feng wondered whether it was the power of the beautiful woman or the reputation of Yalang.

The school did not expect the lecture to be so popular, so it started half an hour earlier. Professor Zhou's understanding nature immediately won her great favor among the students. When she stepped onto the stage, the venue was immediately ignited.

It does not seem like a graduation speech, but rather a star appearance. Zhou Zhi is dressed in a white professional attire, with a skirt that is one centimeter above the knee. It neither appears conservative nor too revealing, displaying her stunning legs in a perfect way. Without the need for stockings, her naturally fair and tender skin has the greatest impact. Wearing a pair of light purple-framed glasses, she appears less luxurious and noble than at the banquet, but more knowledgeable and wise. Her hair is casually pinned up, highlighting the beauty of a mature woman!

No wonder she caused such a sensation when she appeared. It is rumored that this professor is the number one beauty at the Yalang Military Academy, and now it seems that the rumors are true. Mark cannot stop smacking his tongue and murmuring to himself, "She's a beauty, a rare one!"

Li Feng doesn't pay much attention to her appearance, but he does want to hear more about the admission requirements for the Yalang Military Academy. After all, the school officials must be more accurate. Since he is going to do it, he will do it to the best of his ability. However, when he sees this teacher, he is also shocked by her appearance. This is not like the past, where the military academy was a concentration camp for ugly women. Now it is different, and one should not underestimate women. More than half of the captains and staff of the interstellar warship are women. The caution and delicacy of women are very helpful for space travel. Therefore, a female soldier can not only be beautiful, but also have a higher military rank than men.

But the influence of beauty is fleeting. Zhou Zhi has already locked onto Li Feng's position backstage. Just like in intelligence reports, this student is a bit foolish. At this time, he is still studying hard with his book…and such a person and that cold and ruthless expert are not a match.

Zhou Zhi acknowledges the applause of the students and looks over them. Unintentionally, her gaze meets Li Feng's. Although she did not notice anything special about him, she does not have Tang Ling's supernatural abilities, and the distance is too far to feel anything. However, just from this brief contact, Li Feng instantly senses that this teacher is not simple. Her body is definitely not as weak as it appears. During his time in the Devil's Forest, he could sense the approach or observation of any powerful creature. He felt the same kind of threat from Zhou Zhi!