
Tell me who I am

It is better to keep what happened in the past untold or there will be consequences...

AprilBae04 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Hide and Seek

'Mom are we lost?'

'No sweetie just playing hide and seek but the game rule is to be very quiet'

I followed my mom and played along. Every child knows when their mother is acting differently.

'Then what are we hiding from? '

'Hurry, this side'. My mother pushed me behind the longest tree i think have seen in my 10 years of life.

'Stay there don't utter any word and stay put until I come to you' I nodded.

'Hide and i will seek okay?'

But there was no seeking...

[Many years later]

6 years have passed. I want to know the truth, that no one has given me. Maybe I should find out myself. Seek for the truth.

After school I'd Always wonder around the woods thinking that some memories will flash before me, that game is all I can remember. The sweet moments I had with my mother.

So deep in my thoughts, stumbling over something brought me back to reality. The ground felt so cold and wet.

I reached out to my back pocket for my Phone. With slippery fingers trying to push the torch button and reflecting it in front of me.

What is this?


Red as blood.



My screaming voice echooing in the depth of the woods.

A person? The face... His face, all bloody and bruised. As I explored around with my phone that was still giving me enough light I came down to his chest. More blood, oozing out of his chest. I tried to touch the wound on his chest but...

he grabbed my hand within a second and pushed me against the opposite tree.

My back aching as I stood up, he started moving and opened his eyes.

I didn't get quit the time to inquire more of him since he got up so fast and pushed me back against the tree.

I didn't get the reflexes all of a sudden. Was he not aware of his state at the moment? The tight grip around my pulse. Undesirable strength.

'You're hurt, you shouldn't do this'

'No!' He yelled.

I moved closer anyways, touching a carved line right under his right eye. I expected to pull my hand but nothing. Allowing me to touch his scar.

My eyes automatically fixated back to his bleeding chest. There was nothing...no blood?...

'You need to go to the hospital