

Elizabeth and Stiles drove to the McCall residence and ran up stairs to Scott's room. Opening the door they found it empty with and open window.

"Crap we're too late, where do you think he went?" Sighed Stiles anxiously.

"Don't worry, I'll follow his scent. You go home and make sure to stay out of the woods" before he could react Elizabeth had jumped out of the window.


Running through the woods Elizabeth stripped of all her clothes and shifted into her full wolf form, letting out a powerful howl.


At beacon hills hospital a coma patient, Peter Hale, heard the howl of another alpha. Opening his bright red eyes he smirked. "Oh, is that a challenge?"


Scott and Derek were running through the woods trying to escape a group of hunters. They had heard a powerful howl earlier, but didn't have much time to think on it.

"AHHH" Scott let out a scream as he was hit with an arrow in his forearm. The hunter pulled back a second arrow and aimed at his heart.

Before anyone could react a massive beast came out of nowhere, slamming the hunter into a tree. He was unconscious.

After the first Elizabeth had taken advantage of their surprise to quickly take down out two more hunters. Derek being the first too overcome his shock swiftly attacked the other hunters with Elizabeth's help.

It wasn't long before Scott, Derek and Elizabeth were the last ones left awake.

'Where is he? He should be here by no-" She was cut off from her thoughts by a low growl. Turning to the sound everybody saw a second alpha. It was Peter Hale, but only Elizabeth one this. He immediately jumped at Elizabeth and the two alphas started fighting fiercely.




The fight had left Derek and Scott unable to do anything but watch the two monsters battle. This went on for about 20 seconds before a severely injured Peter retreated. Elizabeth wasn't doing much better, as she was bleeding from many wounds.

After a moment of thought she decided not to trust Derek. Rapidly turning she grabbed him by the throat and smashed In to the ground.

A dazed Scott just stood and stared, unable to comprehend the impossible events that had taken place tonight. He recognised one of the massive werewolves. It was the one that had bitten him and it seemed to be enemies with other.

Elizabeth took this moment phase into her human form. Naked she approached the unconscious Derek and took his black leather jacket.

"Miss Everly?" Whispered and even more confused Scott. He felt like none of this was real.

"Hi Scott. Stiles had told me you needed my help. So here I am." she voiced casually.

Scott's confusion quickly turned too anger, still effected by the full moon. "YOU KNEW I WAS A WEREWOLF ALL ALONG!? AND YOU NEVER SAID ANYTHING?!" He shouted enraged.

"Scott I never knew you were turned against your will. I though you had chosen this, so I didn't see why I should bring it up. Especially too my student" she said tiredly. Elizabeth didn't blame him, this was his first full moon. She would be more concerned if he wasn't angry.

"Bu-" he started only to get cut off by a growl from Elizabeth. "Scott I understand how you feel, but blaming me will get you no where. If you insist on questioning me, you can find me tomorrow. I'm injured because I was protecting you, remember that. No I'm gonna gonna go before Derek and the hunters wake up. I suggest you do as well." Elizabeth walked up to the hunters and hit them in their heads so they would stay unconscious a little longer than Derek.

She ran of, purposely limping to make Scott feel a little guilty.


Scott was walking down the road, shirtless. Stiles arrived with his car and took him in. Scott told him everything that had happened.

"You know what actually worries me the most?" Scott asked his friend after a moment of silent.

"If you say Allison, I swear to God I'm going to punch you in the face" Stiles answered.

"She probably hates me now" Scott said frustrated.

"I doubt that. But you're gonna have to come up with a pretty amazing apology. Or you know you could just... Tell her the truth and say that you're a freaking werewolf." Scott looked at him serious "Okay bad idea... Hey, we'll get through this. Oh and I still can't believe that we have a werewolf teacher.

"Miss Everly. A werewolf. Derek and I are lucky she was there to save our asses. I really shouldn't have blown up at her." Scott was mad at himself. His science teacher could have died protecting him and he took out his frustrations on her.

"Don't worry dude. Look, she seems reasonable, I'm sure she gotten over it by now" Stiles comforted.


"I don't know Scott, I'm just tryna make you feel better"


It was the next morning and Elizabeth wad completely healed. 'Faster than expected' she thought. Driving too school she pondered on last nights events.

To Elizabeth attracting Peter to the fight was essential. She needed a Scott to see them both, otherwise she would be mistaken for the werewolf that had bitten him. In full wolf form, they both looked very similar even though there were some differences.

The hunters should still think that there's only one alpha. Elizabeth was definitely planning on killing Kate Argent when she arrive to town. In her opinion, the world would be a better place without the bitch.

Pulling into the school she made her way to class when she spotted Scott with is jaw practically touching the ground as he stared at Allison and her father. "I'm screwed" she heard him whisper causing her to giggle.

It was 10 minutes before class started that Stiles and Scott walked in.

"I had a feeling I'd be seeing you a little early. Take a seat. You have questions? Go on then."

She said patiently.

"We already know your a werewolf, but can you tell us more? Like why do your eyes glow differently?" Stiles asked eagerly. Scott leaned forward curiously as well.

"Well my eyes are red because I'm an alpha. This means I'm stronger, faster and I can create more werewolves. Alphas also have the potential to trigger a better wolf transformation. Like what Scott saw last night" she answered. "You're just a beta Scott, so your eyes are yellow, and blue eyes mean you have taken an innocent life. Next question."

Scott and Stiles were both surprised that the colours had such an important meaning.

"Why did the other alpha turn me" Scott questioned angrily.

"I'm sorry this happened to you, but you have to accept it. There is no going back. You are what you are. As for why he turned you, thats obvious. He wants you in his pack Scott, he wants your subordination, he wants you to kill who he tells you to kill Scott. That's why." Elizabeth replied with a serious expression. She watched as the colour drained from both their faces.

Nothing was said for a good two minutes as the boys digested this information. "What do we do? Can you help?" Scott asked desperately causing Elizabeth to inwardly smirk.

"Yes I can help Scott, but only if you join my pack. I'll be your alpha from this day forward if you agree. I won't have you go around killing at random like the wolf who turned you, but I do expect subordination when it's needed. If you take my offer I can help protect you like I did last night. I'll protect your family and friends." She offered kindly.

Scott hesitated.

"Scott if you refuse, that's fine. But I won't risk my life to help protect someone that's not a part of my pack. I'm sure you understand why."

"Is there anyone else in your pack?" Scott asked, wanting to understand what was being offered.

Elizabeth put on a smile and replied. "No Scott, but there will be. You'd be the first join and my second in command"

Scott took a deep breath and turned to Stiles, looking for some advice. "I say you go for it Scott. She hasn't given us a reason not to trust her yet, and she can help you gain control. What other option is there? Derek? Yea, no, that's a terrible idea" Stiles responded earnestly.

Scott steeled his nerves and turned back to his science teacher. "Ok, I'm in. I'll be your beta."

Elizabeth couldn't help the smirk that crawled onto her face. "You won't regret it" she said flashing her eyes red.