
Teen Wolf is Teen Wolf...Well, Maybe?

A new Stiles is about to rock the world of Teen Wolf, he is going to take everyone by storm. He is about to rock the boat...... A Lot!!! ////// Pairing Decided! //////// I own nothing by my own ideas, found pic on Pinterest!

91422 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
5 Chs


"Are you sure this is what you want? I mean don't get me wrong it is a great wish, but you will lose yourself in the process. You know that right?" R.O.B asked as he looked the Specter floating in front of him.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I just kind of want this it seems better then knowing what is to come, that just ruins the world after all." The Specter spoke.

The Specter had just died and given wishes which he already gave answers for, instead of actually getting something for himself though he took a different route. Well he was still getting something for himself but he wouldn't be him any more, which was something that he was actually okay with, he didn't want to lose the fun after all.

He had just asked to be sent to Teen Wolf as a Tribrid he also asked to be put in the body of Stiles, he had reasons for this though, it wasn't just an impulse decision for him. Firstly it would be something that got him into the plot while not having to work his way in, this also let him know everything that was going on in the circle of friends.

Secondly it would make it where he didn't need a whole new background, he wouldn't just be put into the story without any warning, that way nothing would be to different from the show. Thankfully he was allowed to actually keep the information of being a Tribrid when he became Stiles, he would still be Stiles but with knowledge of what he was just not how he came to be, confusing but not.

The only reason he wasn't taking over the body was because Stiles doesn't die, it would be easier if he did but since he didn't then there was nothing he could do about it, well there was actually.

When they were 'killed' in season 3 while being held underwater, he could have just skipped to that time but it wouldn't help with his backstory, there was no way to explain how he suddenly became a Tribrid at least the route he was taking would give him answers. He also was going to be able to go into a full Wolf form, another downside though was that he needed to earn how own Alpha spark, which could be done by the ways of the show, so he wasn't just going to be insanely strong in the beginning, at best he would know some magic.

"Well if you are done explaining to whoever you are explaining to in your head I would like to send you off now, there is more for me to do then just sit here." R.O.B said bringing his attention back.

He coughed but nodded, well nodded whatever he nodded, "Yeah let's do this then."


Friday Night

When he woke again he was panting, Stiles looked around the room while thinking of that crazy dream he just had, he didn't know what to believe or think of it, though looking at the new necklace around his neck his eyes went wide. It was something he was familiar with White Oak, something he had never heard of before the dream, it was something he knew would kill him if it was stabbed into his heart.

His breathing got a lot rougher thinking about it, he didn't expect that the dream was real, that would just change a lot about what he knew of the world though, he was hanging on to it being fake. All he could do was whimper though looking to the night stand and seeing a his new Grimoire sitting there, of course it was blank though so he didn't have any spells in it.

He would have to put those in himself, which was something that would take time since he was still freaking out at the moment.

He was now a Tribrid, a vampire-werewolf-witch combination, though he let out a breath of relief knowing that he didn't need to kill someone to become a werewolf, it was something just in his blood now. The next full moon he would be shifting, and he didn't have a say in it at all, it was just something that was going to happen, it was also suppose to be painful.

Stiles only knew this from the information he got from his dream, he lived out a whole life learning about them but he didn't really get any information on spells, which sucked. All he got to know about spells was that when he learned to do them was respect nature, if he didn't then he could end up making nature fight him back.

What really sent a shiver down his spine was learning about his Vampire side, it wasn't active at the moment of course, but in order for him to activate it he needed to die. The moment he did he would come right back to life, just stronger and immortal, it gave him a shudder at the thought though, he wasn't a fan of dying.

Sitting on the side of the bed he hung his head, his life just got a whole lot harder, the only plus side he could think of was the fact that he didn't have ADHD any more. The sun still wasn't up so he decided to deal with it all in the morning, at the moment it was to much for him, he couldn't worry about it right now.



When the sun rose Stile was awake but he was no longer in the room he was walking towards the woods while carrying his new grimoire with him, he was going to try magic since it was something that was just there. For the first time though he needed to be in tune with nature though, so he was going to be as deep in the woods as he could be.

After finding a good place he sat on a tree stump, the tree must have been huge consider how big the stump was, he just had a strange feeling that this was going to be the best spot for him. Sitting cross legged on the stump he closed his eyes, meditation was always the best place to start, so he thought he might as well give it a try.

It didn't take long for him to get centered, and it must have been because of the dream but he was able to tap into the magic quickly, it felt as if a egg was cracked over his head, or cold water thrown on him. His body felt lighter as it was getting in tune with the new magic that was swirling its way through his body.

If his eyes were open at that time he would have seen that just below him there was a faint glow on the tree stump, it seemed to vibrate with energy as he sat there taking it in. Stiles would now be one of the few who could always make his way back to the Nemeton, he had unknowingly turned it into his own personal beacon, as he grew stronger he could store magic in it and it could also supply him.

Opening his eyes Stiles looked around, everything just seemed so clearer to him, with the addition of his wolf side his senses were beyond max enhanced making everything just seem brighter. Smiling to himself a little Stiles set his new grimoire in front of him while opening it to the first page.

The thing was blank but he knew that as he learned spells himself it would fill, he wouldn't need to do it but all the information he learned about a spell would be put inside. He was glad it was magical just like him so he wouldn't need to waste time adding every little thing, it also covered plants and other things that he could use his magic with, so it was helpful.

Two hours later and he was laying down on the stump a little pissed, although he has magic it was hard learning it, though to be honest he had been trying to do the hardest things he could think of. Still he was hoping that he could at least be able to do something maybe even just making a little fire on his finger or something, but he couldn't.

As he laid there his phone rang, "Yes?" He asked not bothering to look at who was calling, since the only people who called him were Scott or his dad, but his dad was at work so it had to be Scott at the moment.

"Dude where are you?! You were suppose to be here and hour ago so that you could help me train to get into the first line this year." Scott said, which this was something he completely forgot about.

Thumbing the white oak piece on the necklace that looked like a fang he said into the phone, "Sorry man, forgot about that. I will be over soon to help out wait on me."

Collecting his things he made his way back to where he parked his jeep, he sighed seeing the sight of it though, it was something that he really wanted to take care of, he hated/loved his jeep. He really wished he could get a new one, but that cost money that he didn't have, it was something that he couldn't dream of at the moment.

As it was he knew that they were in an okay standing, but he couldn't just ask his dad for a new Jeep, since he knew they weren't in a financial situation where he could get one. Though it did give him thoughts about doing something about that, he never looked into it but he thought maybe he could do something about earning some money.

Although he couldn't use magic to make money, one because he literally nothing about it at the moment, and two because he was sure that it would back fire in a huge way. He could only look into other ways of making money, he needed to find something to change his situation for the best.


Finally making it to Scott's, luckily his jeep didn't break down on the way, he made his way inside but stopped and stared at Scott's mom who was in the kitchen at the moment cooking. He had to admit that Scott's mom was a good looking woman, she had..... he stopped his thought process while shaking his head, that was his best friends mom he couldn't think like that.

"Hey Melissa." He said while walking towards the stairs, they talked a long time ago and she insisted that he call her Melissa instead of Ms. McCall since he spent so much time there.

"Hey Stiles! What are you two doing today?" She asked calling out to him as he almost made it to the top of the stairs.

"Nothing, just going to be helping Scott practice so that he can make first line." He said back stopping just in case she had something to add, he could hear her from Scott's room just fine but that didn't mean he could just talk to her as if it was normal.

"Oh okay, at least it is better then following your dad around as he finds some interesting case." She said before going back to her cooking.

Stiles couldn't fault her for what she said, but there was nothing new on his dad cases anyway, just some animals attacking other animals really. His office was only really called in because some that were hunted weren't suppose to be, also because they were placed in places that animals couldn't get to, so they figured someone in town was doing it.

Shaking those thoughts away he went towards Scott's room, from down the hall he could hear him messing the meshing on the lacrosse stick, from the grunts it seemed he was putting a new one in. He brought his long stick to play defense today, he never spent any time in goal so he didn't have any sticks for it, the best he could do was play with a long stick and play a hard defense against Scott making him take difficult shots.

"Hey man!" Stiles said as he entered the room looking over to Scott who was messing with his meshing.

"Thank god you are finally here. I know practice this week is going to be harder and then there is the scrimmage to decide who will be on first line. I really want to get this down, work on different angles for my shot." Scott explained while lacing the last part before he stood up, he was only in some everyday clothes so they weren't going to take it to hard.

"Alright well let's see if you 'training' this summer has helped you any." Stiles said while moving out the room, he had already put his bag out back so he wouldn't need to carry it all around the house before they went out there.

Scott nodded and followed him out, going downstairs they only talked to him mom for a moment before they went out back, Stiles walked over to his bag and took out some balls along with picking up his stick. His mesh was actually a blend of two colors, it was something he did with his personal stick, the colors were royal blue and lime green, he had plenty of colors but this was the most recent one he put in.

"Alright go ahead and put up the best defense you have, I will try and see how many shots I can make." Scott said setting up as they put a ball down the rest were to the side waiting until they needed a new one.

Stiles was actually looking forward to this a little, sure he wanted to be practicing his magic at the moment but this seemed like a good chance for him to test his enhanced senses. Since this morning he has already been able to tell the difference in what he ate and his general out look on the world, but this would let him test his reflex's plus he could also use this chance to train his strength some.

Seeing that they were both in place Stiles nodded for Scott that he was ready, seeing that Scott scooped the ball up and attempted to spin around Stiles as he got closer, though it didn't work like he planned. Stiles hit his mesh with accuracy making the ball fly out, the ball rolled to the side making Scott groan in frustration, he didn't seem to notice how quickly Stiles responded to blocking.

Without a word they set up again, each time though Scott wasn't able to get past Stiles and he finally started to get frustrated, "Damn it! What happened man? Are you taking drugs or something, how did you get this good?" Scott said while glaring a little.

It was a valid question seeing as before he was a wolf, well Tribrid, he was worse then Scott even if they were both horrible at the game Scott was still better then him. Stiles shook his head while looking at him, "No maybe I am just getting lucky, who knows." Stiles said while getting a drink of water.

Scott glared some more while taking a puff of his inhaler looking downcast that he wasn't able to make one shot, Stiles wasn't going to take it easy on him though. It might sound harsh to say but if Scott could get a shot made while he was playing at the lowest he could without using his enhanced senses to much then he would have really improved, but sadly he couldn't.

"Well is there anything else you wanted to work on?" Stiles asked while taking a seat on a chair that was in the back.

"No man, I was just hoping to get some extra work in. I thought after this summer I got better and things in school would be better, but I am still the same as I was, hell even you got better then me." Scott said with frustration clear in his voice.

Stiles took a look at his friend and realized that he was jealous, he was jealous that he actually was better then him, and the comment about everything being better at school. He could only shake his head on the inside, why would he want to change to fit in, in Stiles opinion they were in an okay place, sure they weren't invited to every party but it wasn't like they were just seen as losers in the school.

He also knew that Scott was trying to get a girls attention, though whose he couldn't tell, though that did make him realize that he hadn't thought of Lydia as much as he use to when he had the time. His mind use to be consumed with thinking about following his dad on cases or Lydia, but now it was much clearer, to be honest he didn't care much for doing those things again.

While he still had a little crush on Lydia it didn't mean that he just wanted to pine over her, he wasn't going to be the guy that watched the girl from afar anymore, he was going to step up and take what he wanted. "Alright man, well if we are done here I am going to take off. I actually have something to do today, well more like some school work to do." Stiles said but really he just wanted to go back and work on his magic some more.

He was going to master something by tonight, all he needed to do was just get the spell to work once and he would get a page full of all the knowledge he wanted.

"Yeah man whatever, see you later." Scott said brushing him away.