

A boy wakes up in the middle of the woods with no idea of who or where he was. Read how he thrives to live and gain a purpose amidst the never ending chaos in the supernatural community of Beacon Hills. .... ... Disclaimer: None of the characters, except the MC, are mine. As always, my story will be cross-posted on Scribblehub and Fanfiction.net

Draul_TheOminous · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
220 Chs


The entire room fell dead cold as Jackson stood in front of Tristan which actually surprised the latter because he knew that he had never been at odds with the lacrosse co-captain.

He looked blankly at him and said. "Will you move?"  

Jackson snorted at the question and looked derisively at Tristan. "Or what? You gonna scare me away with your claws?" 

He laughed at the surprised look on Tristan's face, mistaking it for a surprise shock, meanwhile Tristan wondered where the boy was going with this. 

"Yeah, that's right. I know you and McCall's little secret. And here's the thing: get me what I want and I won't tell everyone in school about your little animal secret." Jackson threatened. 

His thoughts were simple; if McCall couldn't get him what he wanted as soon as possible then he'd just get Tristan to do it since the latter was so generous to show himself at this time. 

Tristan's face changed as he heard Jackson's threat and smelt the stomach-aching stench of greed coming from him. 

He looked at Scott who unconsciously shrunk back and then back at Jackson who was still looking at him and waiting for whatever he wanted to say. 

Before any of them could react, his hands went to Jackson's neck as he lifted the lacrosse co-captain and slammed him against the lockers as his hand tightened against the neck in his grasp. 

Jackson's face went red at his lack of air as he asphyxiated to Tristan's strong grip. It might be his own imagination but he felt the hand growing tighter with every passing second. 

Scott was alarmed at how everything escalated and rushed to stop Tristan by holding his hand in a strong grip and exerting force against it so that Tristan would leave Jackson but it felt as if he was trying to bend reinforced steel. 

Jackson tried to scream but the only sound that left his mouth was muffled gurgles as he started feeling the tension in his bones which made his heart beat wild in panic. 

Tristan looked calmly in his eyes as if he wasn't trying to kill him and said. "Don't piss me off. This will be your last warning."  

He flung Jackson to the side as if he was flinging trash and then stared at Scott, completely disregarding the furiously gasping Jackson off to the side. 

"I need you to do something." He said again and this time Scott finally realized something appalling about the boy in front of him called Tristan. 

He had listened to Tristan's heartbeat throughout the entire thing and that was how he knew that if not for the fact that they were in school then it was very likely that he indeed would have killed Jackson.

His expression had been neutral and composed from the beginning to the end and it was only when Jackson's heart had been strained to the limit did he let him go. 

And his heartbeat never went higher than its normal octave. 

"Is that all you're going to say!? You almost killed him!!" Scott ended up shouting at his nonchalance but only ended up getting frustrated as the only thing he got in reply was an eye roll. 

The two of them fell into a staring contest with a wheezing Jackson in the background as the air in the locker room turned thick with tension. 

"I need you to do something for me." Tristan said again. 

Scott took a few seconds to think of what sort of thing Tristan wanted from him but couldn't come up with anything sensible, other than helping him kill someone that is, but he knew he was going to refuse any such requests no questions asked. 

"What do you want?" He finally asked. 

Tristan was about to speak but a violent cough interrupted him making him turn to Jackson who seemed to have finally gotten his breaths in order. 

"Can you get out?" His request sounded polite but it was anything but, given the low growl that edged his words. 

Not wanting to be told twice, Jackson bolted out of the locker room. The earlier bravado he had against Scott was nowhere to be seen after he was almost killed in one of the most painful ways to die. 

"I need you to check your mum's workplace."

"The hospital? Why?" 

"Because the Alpha is there. I caught his scent in one of the rooms at the other end of the building."

Scott stilled as he heard what Tristan was saying. A slew of emotions went through his body at the implications of this information. 

He could finally confront the Alpha but that meant he was more likely to fight him. And the fact that the Alpha was in the hospital meant that his mom was in the range of danger if a fight were to break out. 

He couldn't help but stutter as he asked. "Wh-what of Derek? Does he know yet?"

"Derek's been captured." And he dropped another bomb that made Scott stumble. 

Derek? Captured? When? 

Not caring about the emotional turmoil he had put Scott in, he described the room where the Alpha was kept before leaving Scott to his own. 

He knew there was no way he could kill the Alpha with just him and Scott. Instead the Alpha might end up killing them both because of Scott. He and Malia might be able to hold down the Alpha but the ugly part of that scenario was that Malia won't be able to keep up with the Alpha's attack. Not to mention that the Alpha could suppress her to a degree. 

Whether he liked it or not, his best bet was Derek. 

He's fought with the man twice and he knew that without his speed giving him an edge, Derek could more than definitely fight against him and Malia and hold his own quite well. 

But that would mean looking for Derek, and spoilers, he didn't know where the Argent's had him chained up. 

"Hayes! Get your ass up the field before I come there and get it for you!"

"Yes, Coach." He'd think about how to break Derek out after he finds out where the grumpy wolf was being stashed. 


On the field, Tristan was swapped in after spending a few minutes on the bench due to him missing game night. If not for the special circumstances surrounding his absence, Coach would have had him on the bench for the next few days. 

"Hayes, get in there." 

But there was just no way he could bear to keep the boy on the sidelines for long. His dream of having McCall, Jackson and Hayes wrecking unwarranted destruction against their opponents wouldn't be accomplished with one of them rotting away on the bench like the rest of the extras. Like Greenberg. 

Tristan jogged into the field and took his position, and by a freak stroke of coincidence he just had to be on the team opposing Scott and Jackson's. 

Jackson spooked as he came face to face with Tristan in the middle of the field for the pass. Just being near Tristan made him remember what he felt like a few minutes ago and the phantom feeling of having this throat squeezed plagued his mind. 

Coach blew the whistle for the kick off but Jackson stayed in the same place, frozen, while Tristan kicked off with the ball. 

Tristan's mind was the farthest thing from the trauma that Jackson was feeling at the same as he was focused on the game. Making a pass to Danny, Jackson's gay best friend, the two of them weaved through the defense as Danny was one of the team's best players while setting the rhythm for a one-two pass style. 


Danny scored with an assist from Tristan which made the entire field buzz up in cheers, meanwhile Jackson was still frozen in the same spot since the match started. 

"Jackson! Jackson!" His attention was roused back to the game by the irate sound of Coach's furious whistling. 

"What the hell are you doing, Jackson!? Huh?" He crouched down and brought his face to Jackson's. 

"Nothing, Coach." Jackson was sweating all over his entire body as his heart danced a frantic tempo due to the panic attack he just had due to being in close proximity with Tristan. 

"Then get moving! Get your funk together." Coach said before walking away. "From the top, people."

For Tristan, he was just warming up as he felt pretty exertive today. He could see Malia and Allison in the stands so he waved at them, and far off to the other side of the field he spotted Boyd being inconspicuous which was kinda hard for a black boy with an impressive physique like him. In fact, Boyd was one, if not the most, muscly stacked boy in school. 

He gestured, tipping off his hat to the boy who laughed and tipped back before focusing on the game. 

He didn't know why but ever since his last tangle with the Alpha, everything looked brighter and more clearer. He couldn't help but find himself expecting of what was to come. 





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