
Teen wolf: A unique werewolf

The main character of the fan fiction Jack Anderson gets three wishes and gets into the world of Teen wolf. He is not an ordinary werewolf and will try to live his new life with familiar characters. I want to note that English is not my native language, so forgive my mistakes. I will use a translator. If there are any errors, please tell me. I do not own the copyright of Teen wolf and the cover art. Only the main character belongs to me.

YerzhanTurbekov · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
18 Chs

Chapter 3 Start of school (Edited)

When I woke up early in the morning, I felt just fine. Sitting on the bed, I looked at the time, " Oh, so there's still time before school," I thought. After that, I got up and went to the bathroom. Going into the bathroom, I took off the dressing and noticed that the bite mark had disappeared, as if it had never happened. After taking a cold bath and refreshing myself, I looked at the mirror and saw a new self. My face looked more dotted and slender, that is, more handsome than before. Deciding to examine his body, he took off his T-shirt. And I was waiting for another surprise. My body looked thinner than before, and my muscles also seemed more aesthetic. Every muscle was clearly visible and they seemed to be filled with strength.

- So let's finish this and check my wolf changes, I said to myself.

With this, my face and nails changed. The nails became claws, and dark brown sideburns appeared on the face. The most shocking thing was the color of my eyes and my fangs. The eyes shone with a cold silver color, but there were six fangs instead of four. It's like Scott's fangs when he started evolving. And I could feel my power.  Probably, now my strength is equal to Peter's strength. This is so if you count only pure power. In other respects, I am much superior to him. What is only the regenerative ability worth. It makes me almost immortal. And I feel that I can control this power without any problems. And even the full moon will not be able to affect my control.

I, having decided to finish all this business, went down to breakfast. When I entered the kitchen and noticed Leon preparing breakfast.

- Good morning, Leona, how are you? I decided to ask.

- Oh, hi, Jack, everything's fine, how are you? Ready for school? Leona asked with a smile.

- Thank you, yes, I'm ready and I feel just incredible, I replied with a wide smile and sat down at the table.

"That's good," Leona said, and looked at my side.

- Hey, Jack, what happened to you? Have you changed at first I asked, then she confirmed in bewilderment.

I was thinking about telling her what was going on, but I decided to leave it as it is for now.

- Really? I asked, smiling.

"I don't know, but I don't think I know if it's prettier," Leona said and put an egg with bacon and orange juice in front of me.

When we had almost finished breakfast, Leona stood up and looked at me and smiled.

"Come on, Jack, I've got a present for you," she said.

I got up as she asked and followed her. When we went outside, I saw her. The same Aston Martin DBS Superleggera in red. It was this model of the car that I showed her then. I was very excited and looked at her with a grateful look. She smiled and threw the car keys in my direction.

- This is the very first model, enjoy it, she said and went inside.

I got in the car and decided to go to school.

/ Beacon Hills School|

Scott had just appeared in front of the school and was heading towards the school. Stiles saw him from behind and ran up to him.

"Hey, Scott, wait up! Stiles exclaimed as he got closer to Scott, he saw him with a strange expression on his face, as if something bad had happened.

"Are you okay?" Stiles asked.

"No, some animal bit Jack and me last night when you left us alone in the woods. By the way, thank you, " Scott said, lifting his shirt to reveal the bandaged part with blood.

Stiles was about to answer when he saw the girl he liked, Lydia, walking towards him. Well, it's more like going to the entrance to the school.

"Hi, Lydia," Stiles said.

But Lydia, as always, simply did not pay attention and went inside the school.

Right at this moment, a red car appeared in front of the school with a loud noise and parked.

|At this moment inside the car|

"Oh, those two looks," I said to myself when I saw Scott and Stiles. They stood with their mouths open and looked in my direction. It's not their fault, everyone who was outside looked like this.

I quickly got out of the car and approached them.

- Hey, how are you? Scott, how are you feeling? I asked them.

They finally came to their senses and were excited.

- Everything is fine, they both answered. After that, Scott looked at his side.

- It looks like it will do, but how is your hand? he asked.

"You won't believe it, but it's all healed," I said, showing them my hand. Scott was in shock, and Stiles did not believe what he saw at all. He wondered inwardly if it was true, Scott told him.

- Yo, let's go inside or we'll be late now, I said and walked towards the door.

The lesson started as usual, but then I heard the phone ring. I knew immediately that it was Alison Argent.

While watching the series, I was very sad that she died. And I couldn't let her die, and I made a promise to myself that this time it definitely wouldn't happen.

While I was thinking about this, the headmaster came into the classroom with a new student and introduced the whole class. At that moment, Scott asked Stiles to move to another seat, which he did by sitting behind me. After that, everything went as in the original. Scott gave Alison a pen, for which she thanked him.

A few hours later, Stiles and I were standing with Scott, who was looking at Alison.

"Yo, at least go talk to her, and don't be so annoying, besides, she's alone." I tell Scott, but to his bad luck, Lydia and her not-so-nice boyfriend showed up next to her.

"Well, I guess not anymore, judging by the fact that now she will hang out with cool guys," Stiles jokingly tells Scott.

While the three of us were talking, Alison and Lydia had just finished talking to each other, and left in the same direction.

A few hours later, when the day came to an end, it was time for lacrosse tryouts.

/ Locker Room|

When I undressed to put on my sports uniform, Stiles and Scott were in shock.

"Hey, Jack, what happened to your body?" they both asked in disbelief.

- Do you mean my muscles or something? I asked in disbelief.

- Yes, they have become even more sporty and aesthetic? Either he asked, or Stiles claimed. To which Scott simply nodded his head.

"Maybe I was just studying on vacation," I said, to distract their attention.

At that moment, I remembered our first training session.

|1 year ago|

When I first moved to Beacon Hills, I didn't know anyone yet. I was also greeted by the headmaster of the school and brought to my new class and introduced to everyone. That's where I first saw Scott and Stiles.

I was sent to an empty desk behind Stiles, for which I was glad.

Sitting down at my desk, I began to pull out all the accessories. At that moment, Stiles turned to me and said, "Hey, hi, I'm Stiles Stilinski" and held out his hand.

- Hi, and I'm Jack Anderson, nice to meet you, I answered, holding out my hand. So by the end of the school day, I met Scott and we all went to the locker room together.

They also saw my uniform there, but they didn't say anything.

But during training, I was no different, and I couldn't get into the team. And after training, we decided to go home together. While walking, I thought about my plans.

- Hey Jack, why didn't you show all your capabilities? Stiles suddenly asked me, thereby distracting me.

"What are you talking about?" I said, not understanding.

"He's probably talking about your physical fitness," Scott said a little timidly, to which Stiles nodded his head.

" Oh, I just did other sports, and I've never played lacrosse before, I said.

- And, physical form does not mean that a person is good at something, does it? I asked them, distracting them a little.

They had to agree with me, and this situation was quickly forgotten.


After that, I quickly put on all my uniform and went out on the field. After a few minutes, the training began. That is, at first they arranged for us to run for a while. And what is not surprising, I came first. And the second is Scott. Our "great" team captain reacted violently to this, but tried not to show it on his face. But I could clearly see the envy, especially when he looked in my direction. I don't know, maybe it's because of rumors at school about my car or something else.

After a few minutes, the practice of throwing the ball into the goal began.

The coach called Scott and put him on the gate, as in the canon.

When Scott stood up to protect the gate, he noticed Alison and Lydia talking together. I noticed how he was looking at them and uncontrollably turned on his hearing. At that moment, the coach blew the whistle, thereby deafening Scott and forcing him to grab his helmet. After that, he savoringly caught the ball with his head and fell to the ground. I really felt sorry for him.

- This is life, this will serve as a lesson for you in the future, I said mentally.

At this moment, he heard not very pleasant words and, angry, waited for the second ball.

He caught the second ball very easily, which he did not believe himself. This was followed by the third and fourth times.

At this point, Jackson just couldn't stand it, plus his girlfriend was applauding some idiot in his opinion.

Having not endured it, he decided to show all the weaklings how to score a goal and came forward. But that was not the case, he ran, jumped and threw the ball with all his might, but it was all for nothing. Scott caught the ball as easily as before. Seeing this scene, Lydia got up from her seat and shouted to Scott congratulating him.

Finally, after a couple of players, it was my turn. I decided not to show all my strength, and decided to use the technical part. But this does not mean that the impact will be weaker. The blow will be much faster and stronger than usual.

Finally, I ran up and threw the ball with an unreal twist.

At this moment, Scott was not clear, but he saw the ball, and tried to catch it. But in the end, the ball spun strongly and headed into the corner of the net, thereby entering the goal. Everyone was in shock and shouted from the stands.

By the end of the training session, the coach called us and asked in the style of an ordinary, our old and kind coach, what it was. We replied that we just tried our best and gave our best.

To which the coach was happy and added us to the first line

If there are any errors, please write.

And if you have any ideas about who will be his girlfriend, write too.

YerzhanTurbekovcreators' thoughts