
Teen Titans Genderbent

Basic love story about our Teen Titans if they were different genders.

Batman117 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs


"What happened?" Ddot asks frantically typing and yelling commands into the ships command system.

"We hit an asteroid during jumpspace. Sir what do we do?" Yttocs asks as the captain runs to the comm unit.

"All units, this is your commander speaking. We have encountered some difficulties. Please evacuate to the escape pods 1-116 take anything you can carry. At the speed we are moving if we hit something this vessel is history." The leader asks.

"But sir, why 1-116? You are evacuating to yes?" Ddot asks.

"No. Someone has to stop the ship long enough to launch the pods."

"But Prince Sunfire..." Yttocs begins to try and counter but is cut off.

"Look... this is a battle ship... Whatever World we crash on will not worry over a one man ship... and don't say anything about rank. A new ruler can be elected." Sunfire says looking at the screen and seeing pods 1-114 loaded. "Now go... please."


"Go!" He commands interrupting Ddot because he knows if they stay any longer he will change his mind and launch the other without them.

"It's been an honor serving you." The two Lt.s say together holding back tears.

"It's been an honor knowing and serving alongside you two." He tells them and they give a final salute and following their last command by going to the pods.

Sunfire watches as finally pods 115 and 116 bling ready.

After a small struggle with the jump drive, the ship screams as steel and other technologies begin to rip apart.

"Good bye old friends." Sunfire say launching the pods.

On Earth

"Robyn something big entered our space. It just lost at least an 110... no 116 smaller pieces." Cyber says.

"What? It's headed towards Earth. Is it an asteroid?" Robyn asks.

"Negative." Crow answers. "It appeared out of no where and has some sort of beacon. I think its a ship."

"We going to check it out?" Changeling asks.

"Yes. A ship with a hundred and sixteen passengers is suspicious." Robyn says.


"What planet is set for crash?" Sunfire asks the ship computer.

"E-ear-th. Langu-age var-ies. Crash trajectory, United St-ates, language english, Planet overall emotion. Peaceful." The automated voice answers.

"Chance if crash survival?" He asks.

"Calculating... Chance of survival with injuries minor or severe is 0.00000914578% Survival chance no injuries 0.0000576892%." It answers.

"Time to impact?"

"3 1/2 minutes..." It answers before the system rumbles off and they enter the atmosphere and the ship begins to once again scream and tear apart as its bridge becomes engulfed in flames and he sits in the seat buckled down prepared to meet the end.

"Hehe. You had good run old chap." He says to himself as he watches the Earth grow closer and closer. Then the last thing he sees is a series of flashes as the ship makes impact followed by an explosion.


"Sir... Do we have a signal?" Ddot asks the current leader.

"Negative... The signal vanished during impact." Yttocs answers as they race through space in their escape pods headed for home.


"Where is the site?" Robyn asks as the streak across the sky.

"Two miles East of Jump City." Crow answers.

"Place of impact?" Robyn asks.

"Secluded mountain. Possibly a valley. No human populations, just animals." Cyber answers.

"Good." She says.

Crash Site

"Aaaahhh." Sunfire groans as he gains consciousness.

"Am I dead?" He wonders to himself and after a quick look around he see that the ship is nothing but torn and melted metal. "I wonder where I went. I don't see fire but I also don't see pearly gates either."

Finally he sits up to find out where he is and finds the source of his pain. A small piece of pipe about two inches thick pierced through right below his right shoulder.

"Why almost beaten by a pipe how NIICE!" He screams yanking out the pipe and knowing that metal has some toxic odors he stumbles out of the ship and falls to his knees finally knowing the full extent of his injuries.

"Dislocated right leg, deep gash on left calf, hole in right shoulder, left arm good, possible broken ribs on both sides, everything else bruised." He talks to himself to distract himself from the then reaches into his sash and pulls out an 12 fl oz spray can.

"Nothing can beat bio-foam." He says spraying his shoulder first then grits his teeth as the foam begins expanding and hissing until the wound is does the same with the rest of his body.

"I'm just going to lay here and enjoy the night." He says just now realizing his surroundings.

Watching from the tree line

"He looks pretty good for someone who looks dead. I wonder if his kind has standards, would I fit any if them?" Robyn asks herself after watching the alien male emerge.

"Tough guy, huh?" Cyber says to no one particular.

"Just a show to draw away from his weakness." Robyn says.

"He seems to be peaceful." Changeling says.

"Seems and is are two different words." Crow says crushing the thought.

"Lets take him down. Those hundred and sixteen ships can arrive any moment and an invasion won't be good for anyone." Robyn says. "Titans, Go!"


Sunfire's eyes open at the sound of a snapped twig and he jumps into a fighting stance by starting up a glowball on his left hand and then swallowing the pain that came with his legs.

The first two of the group he sees is a person half human half robot with a female build and the other a green girl. The next person he sees is a male with a purple hood. With them he sees no problem at trying to take them on, but the last, the one he assumed was the leader, A female clad in a mainly green jumpsuit and a R on the left breast. She represented a problem but he maintained his stance even with the building pain in his leg with the gash.

"Battle isn't going to help me here. The ship said they were mainly peaceful so I need to try and start with that." He thinks to himself still keeping the stance.

So, to try and not start something he decides that a joke could lighten up the place. "I come in peace...ces (pieces)."

He takes a quick look around and swallows as he studies their faces. Then Cyber and Changeling appear to begin choking and then he realizes they are surpressing their laughs.

"So, your not planning an invasion?" Crow asks.

"No. I have no intentions of harming anyone on this planet." He answers quickly growing sleepy.

"He may not be like the last aliens. He may actually be peaceful." Robyn thinks.

"Why was there so many ships in space then?" Robyn asks eyeing him. "Why'd I ask like that?"

"That was my crew and their escape pods." He says sounding smarty by accident but she didn't see it as an accident and tosses a bird-da-rang at him and with his bad arm deflects it.

"Why did you do that?" He whines.

"How come your not dead? How are you standing?" She asks coldly ignoring him. "What's wrong with you? He is not like the last two that came."

He wasn't going to admit it but that question hurt a little and he didn't know why. He didn't know her so why did that hurt him?

"Soften up a bit Robyn." Cyber says. "He has no bad intentions and has injuries that are pretty severe, lets take him back to the tower and interrogate him."

"Robyn huh?" He mentally says.

"I'm Cyber. That's Changeling, Crow and Robyn." Cyber says introducing them. "We're the Teen Titans."

"I'm..." He stops wondering if he should tell them his rank as Prince and decides against.

"I'm Sunfire. Former Commander of the Flix." He answers.

"Commander, huh? He can command me anytime." Robyn thinks studying him.

"Former?" Cyber asks.

"There it is." He answers jerking his thumb to the debris behind him then he follows his thumb and falls backwards followed by darkness.

1 week later

"Where am I?" Sunfire wonders.

"Titans Tower. You've been here a week." A familiar, but sweet voice says.

"You can read minds?" He asks looking around then his eye fall onto the source of the voice.

"No, you were talking to yourself." Robyn answers.

Seeing her was no surprise. He had been captured loads of times before and the leader always trued to make him talk, but what caught him off guard was her apparel. A tight white cloth material on her upper body and a tight blue garment he assumed was her leggings. He also wondered how she could move.

"If I may ask, can you breathe? Your garments look like they do not fit." He says kind if curious.

"They are kind of tight and breathing is slightly difficult. Would mind if I take them off? You can help if you want." She offers.

He thinks over her offer wishing he had asked for the Earthly ways before crashing. Then his rational being if it was wrong she would not have offered for help.

Just as he goes to answer a voice stops him. "Do not accept the offer, it is a test to see if you are good or not. Also no matter what she says about it she is trying to trick you." The voice says before going quiet.

"If you don't mind, could you change garments somewhere else? I don't want you to think me bad." He says.

"I won't think that. You don't me to suffocate do you?" She asks sadly.

"Suffocate? What's that? She seems sad but she is trying to play me. Dang it, I knew I should have taken advanced language for the Corellian Sector, I know maybe my world's customs are the same." He thinks to himself.

"No, I don't want that, it just on my home planet it is disgraceful for male and female to see each other without garments." He says noting her seemingly relieved sigh.

"Will you at least help me up?" She asks honestly not being able to.

He decides that helping her up can do no harm so he walks over and offers his which she accepts. As he pulls her up he immediately regrets using his right hand and instinctively lets her go half way up.

"Eek." She yelps expecting to hit the ground but finds herself in the person who dropped her arms.

"My apologies. I had forgot I am injured. I did not hurt you did I? Please do not lie if I did." He says like he had just done something horrible.

"I'm fine. You know your legs are hurt to right?" She asks.

"I do and its killing me to maintain this position." He says pulling her to her feet.

After she leaves his tough persona disappears and he collapses to the cot. Then not getting up he surveys the room. He knew they were watching him and they monitored his and Robyn's conversations.

"You hungry?" Robyn asks coldly, poking her head into the room.

"A little." He lies. He was starving, a week of not eating he could eat anything.

"Alright." She says leaving.

After a small while she returns with a bag with M on it.

"Its a hamburger, french fries, and a strawberry milkshake." She says dropping it on him and placing the shake on the ground.

"A what?" He

"Food." She replies. "Enjoy."

"How do I know that?" He asks.

"Because I said so."

"Take a bite then."


"Because you put something in it?"

She almost bit his head off at the remark but remembering he was a warrior she held her tongue.

"If I try everything first will you eat?" She asks, her soft side coming out a bit.

"Yes." He answers.

"Alright, let me see it." She says receiving the stuff. "How do you know there are no poisons in my mouth?"

"I don't. But I trust you." He says. "You want half? I don't really like eating alone."

"I'm just testing it..." "Please. I can tell you about me and where I'm from." He says interrupting her.

"I guess it won't kill me." She says then raises her eyebrow as he messes with his belt.

After a minute of messing he pulls out a device about the size of a deck of cards.

"It clones stuff." He says cloning the food and they beginning eating also keeping his promise he tells her most of the stuff about himself and answering all her questions.

Later that night

"Ah... Robyn. What a ravishing name... Wait what are you thinking? You are engaged. Wait was... Wait are these emotions?" He begins thinking.

Robyn's Room

"Robyn, what is wrong you? Stop being cold to him. He already has proven to be different than the last race of aliens, plus he told you more then you could have imagined about himself." Robyn mentally argues with herself.