
Teen Lion: a Teen Wolf Fan-Fic

Thomas, a teenager who lives in Beacon Hills, finds out he is a werelion. He will discover new needs and new abilities, while trying to find his way of living and undercover his past. ---------------------------------------- While it is a harem I'll try to make it a good one with romance and logic. It isn't an harem just placed there casually, as werewolves have packs, MC will have his own pride. As time pass plot may get some changes. I can already tell you that I'm planning to add a volume about Mc's past toward the end. I hope you all will help me get better in english by pointing out any errors i make. Also the chapters get longer as time pass. ----------------------------------------- If you want to be 10 chapters ahead of the public release schedule you can join my Patreon, where you will also get to take part in pools and read exclusive non-canon R18 chapters. My patreon is also named WebReaderPub. patreon.com/user?u=60696780 ----------------------------------------- This is the link to my discord--> https://discord.gg/3gdmy26q ----------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: Teen Wolf doesn't belong to me, I only own the MC and some OCs.

WebReaderPub · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
85 Chs

Chapter 66 R18

--MC POV--

I was just able to restrain her with some chains before the eclipse ended.

"Thomas…" She murmured.

"I'm here" I said, trying to reassure her.

"I was not alone… there is my sister too" sister? What is she talking about.

Raising my gaze I saw that from the vault another girl emerged, who was already in her werewolf form and was unable to control herself because of the sudden appearance of the moon.

"Damn" from what Laura said she is her sister so I can't hurt her, although I don't know how this is possible since her whole family was killed years ago.

The werewolf immediately charged at me, and I did my best to not hurt her.

Afters some clashes I was able to get a hold of her.

One of my arm immobilized hers, while the other was being bitten by the "Newly appeared sister".

Although it hurt it was the bast way to stop her from trying to turn her head and bite my ear.

Using my bigger and taller body I was able to completely raise her from the ground and carry her with me.

"Let's go" I said, while carrying the girl, as Malia and Allison held Laura, who was a lot calmer compared to the one in my arm.

She must have been in that vault for a lot of time.

We soon reached the van we had brought to contain Laura and on the way, I probably left a long trail of blood that fell from my arm.

"Allison comes with me in the back. I need someone to look after Laura" I wanted to see how Allison was feeling after what she did.

"Are you okay?" I asked her once we were inside and the van departed.

"Yeah, I thought I would feel worse, but if you think about it, I'm an hunter and my role is to help people who can't defend themselves from monsters like him. In that situation it really was either him or Laura." She said and I was happy to see that there was no sign of regret.

She made that choice willingly after thinking, it wasn't something impulsive. She knew that killing him was the best choice in her situation.

Suddenly the werewolf girl was able to move a little her hands and with her nails she slashed my pants and boxers in one single cut.

"What the hell… fuck, she has been drinking my blood" I had just realized that her beastly appearance had disappeared, and while her hunger remained, it was now a different type of hunger.

"Hey, calm down" I said trying to stop her from touching my now exposed dick with her hands and to do so I had to free her mouth and hold both her hands, but this allowed her to start licking and kissing my face.

I could see that Allison was astonished at the sudden turn of events, while Laura was looking at me with lust and longing.

"Fuck…" uttered Laura.

Laura's word brought Allison back to reality.

"What should I do?" Asked Allison to Laura, but she didn't get the answer from Laura.

"The moon wasn't the only connection that was blocked from reaching me… feeling the mark again is making me go crazy" said Laura as she started to crawl toward me.

Even the binding didn't seems enough to stop her and Allison was too confused to do anything.

Soon she reached my dick, while I battled to stop her sister from trying to rape me.

The first thing Laura did was to smell my odour that she missed for nearly a month and right after that, unable to resist the temptation any longer, she brough her mouth to my member and directly swallowed the whole thing.

"Fuck" I shouted and the sudden warm sensation I felt from my dick, made me lose the strength in my arms for a moment.

This moment of weakness was fully exploited, by the hungry girl, who ripped of her clothes with her now free hands and started hugging me and kissing me, uncaring of the fact that her sister was sucking me off just under her.

I know I should stop this, since Allison was here too, but it felt too good to resist and my hands rather than stopping them, went on the new girl ass, acting as a support for her, so that she could hug me with her legs too.

Laura was deepthroating me, while I was kissing her sister just above.

Now that she was in her human form I could tell that like her siblings, she too was so beautiful that anyone would want to have her as a girlfriend, and yet here she was kissing me, a stranger, together with her sister.

I soon came in Laura's mouth, who accepted eagerly my seed.

"Clean it well, we don't want your sister to get pregnant" following my word to the letter she sucked my gland of all the sperm I just produced, while making obscene sounds.

I could see the red face of Allison, who was unable to stop looking at the debauchery happening in front of her.

The moment my rod was cleaned, Laura detached her head from it, and without me asking she aligned it with her sister cunt.

Seeing that everything was prepared I brought down her perky ass I was holding, and my dick slowly penetrated her sexual organ, till it reached her womb.

Immediately she screamed, and from the tightness I presume she was a virgin.

This meant that later I would have to pay the price for my actions, but technically it was her who raped me, and Laura aided too.

Immediately I started to piston her with regular movements, slowly increasing my speed, making her moan constantly.

With my now free mouth I was able to suck her nipples, which were in front of my face and I just noticed they were slightly bigger than Laura's, although the girl in front of me was clearly younger than her sister.

Having your first time taken by a werelion usually makes girls go crazy and the same was happening for the this one, who had her tongue hanging out.

She reminded me of the girls from hentai or of dogs when they put their head outside of the car window.

After making her reaches many climaxes, mine approached too, and knowing that I couldn't mark her as I didn't even know her I opted to release my sperm on the eager Laura who got covered in my fluids.

When I finished, I brought down the girl and hugged her to my side with one hand as we started kissing while standing.

There was no worry that she would run away or wound someone, right now all she wanted was me.

Laura tried to stand to with difficulty, since she was still bound by chains, and this became even harder since the van was moving as we fucked.

So she decided to place her cuffed hands around Allison, for support as she showed me her backside.

With her hand and some wiggling movements she brought both her pants and panties down, exposing her naked rear.

Her ass kept giggling inviting me inside of her, and the fact that Allison was being used by Laura to remain steady so that I could fuck her, just added fire to my arousal.

Immediately I reached for her bouncy ass, and entered her insides with a swift move.


Soon the girl on my side turned my head toward her again and caught my lips as my hands squeezed her ass cheek.

Each of my hands was on the ass of either, allowing me to compare the two girls and the sensation they brought to me.


How did the situation degenerate in such a way?

We were on a rescuing mission, but it soon turned in a threesome and now, Laura who was covered in Thomas' sperm was hugging me, while she was being pounded from behind.

I could feel the impact of Thomas' strong thrusts that were transmitted to my body thanks to my connection with Laura and this made the whole thing more strange and… somewhat arousing.

Soon Laura caught my gaze with her eyes, and in them I could see no reason, but only pure lust.

Before I could realize what was happening, I was being kissed by the woman in front of me.

Damn, she still had some of Thomas' seed on her mouth… and oh my god, it is delicious and intoxicating!

Trying to taste a little more of Thomas flavour I reciprocated the kiss, and without thinking of my current situation, I in some way joined the debauchery in front of me.

At some point as time passed I raised my gaze and looked Thomas right in the eyes.

I want to fuck him too.

I thought as passion, lust and arousal dominated my mind, but just then the door of the van opened.

Fuck I didn't realize we had parked.

--MC POV--

"Well, I must admit that it was a turn on hearing you from the driver seat, but I never expected Allison to join too" Said Lydia, as she looked at us while biting her lips.

"Well, we reached our destination and you don't need me anymore, so I'm going now" I said rapidly as I freed myself from Laura's hold and run away.

"I still have some job to do here, I'm going to fuck them till they calm down, could you close the doors again":

"I can, but I want to spectate" Said Lydia as she entered.

"Me too" added Malia as she also jumped on the van and closed the door behind her.

One hour of pure debauchery passed before Cora dropped down unconscious and Laura regained her reason.

During this time I also fucked Malia once just to have the satisfaction of fucking the whole family as this may be the last time Laura's sister joins the fun.

Obviously Lydia was jealous as she was only allowed to masturbate, but unfortunately my priority was taking care of Laura and the other girl.

I also would have liked to keep going, but now I needs to know what happened to the others first.

--3rdPerson POV--

Morning was about o come, but darkness still reigned on Beacon Hill.

A woman was dragging her exhausted body through the forest, wiggling, and using her arms to move.

In front of her stood a stump of what once was an enormous tree.

Around the stump there was a devastated land as if there was an earthquake just a few hours ago.

The woman suddenly sped up as she neared the tree, eager to touch it, to regain some of the power she lost and survive in her current condition, but just as her hand was about to reach the new sprout on the stump, someone caught her feet and dragged her back .

"Phew I'm just in time it seems. If there is one moral I learned from your story, it is to always see everything through the end. Don't you think so Jennifer?" Asked Thomas who looked down on Jennifer mutilated body.

"You… you betrayer"

"Me? Didn't I tell you I would have never forgiven you for trying to hurt people near me once, but today you decide to provoke me even further, by catching Allison's father and the others" he said.

"Please give me another chance, I'll run away just as you wanted. I'll give up my revenge and stop hurting innocent people" She pleaded.

"You already got your second chance Jennifer, you could have lived a quite life after being spared by Kali, but you chose to pursue revenge and the time has come to pay for your errors and accept the consequences" he said, while raising his claws in the air.

"Please no, I'll be your sex slave, your good girl. I don't want to die".

"I don't have a fetish for monsters, and trust me for now I already have plenty of girls" without any other hesitation he brought his hands down and slashed her neck and then her heart.

Just to make sure it all ended he also burned her body, after all it has already been proved many times that she has the resilience of a cockroach.

"I can understand your drive for revenge, but you were too dangerous and strong to be left alive. By killing indiscriminately, you gained the anger of many people included me, and this ended with your own demise" He said.

This will be his goodbye to her and the last words he'll ever dedicate to Jennifer Blake.

He'll keep her as a reminder to always remain true to himself and never lose sight of his objectives.

(And here you have it! Just as promised, another R18 chapter and according to the result of the poll Cora will be added to the harem. This is also the end of the first half of season three, so you could say we ended it with a bang. The next half will have more R18 chapters, so you can look forward to it.

P.S. this chapter is 2100 words long so make sure to give me some power stones.)