
Technology Library (English)

Reincarnated with a bookstore full of high-tech information, his goal is the search for knowledge, exploring different universes to study their peculiarities.

BOZALTO · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Spark Hacked and...

"Come here let me show you what you're going to do and where you're going to work" says the Foreman to which Red follows him (I can't decide whether to call him Foreman or Valdez).

"At your age, you have to study, no, until what time are you allowed to work?" he asks himself as he looks at some information on a device.

"Yes, I have to see 4 hours of class a day, I can come from morning until 3pm" Red answers without worry, having decided to hire him, the Foreman has already thought about such a problem before.

The foreman nods and tells him "that's enough, remember a couple of things Sparky, stay away from the weirdos that come to the shipyard, there are all kinds of weirdos out there, sometimes the Nova Corps come here to arrest one of them." them so make sure you find somewhere to hide fast if that happens, because they usually don't give themselves up peacefully"

"I understand" Red tells him as they arrive in front of a ship that has a large hole in the hull.

"This ship was attacked by pirates, they used a harpoon that cooked the components paralyzing it, the only reason they managed to get here was that they were lucky to be detected by an empire ship when everything happened" says the foreman

"Your job will be to help dismantle the ship to remove all the damaged parts, which are the majority so this ship is going to the trash, we are just looking to see what can be saved, the guys working there will explain everything in detail, and I have given you instructions so don't hesitate to ask"

He says before turning around and walking off in the direction of another ship.

"Well here I go" Red says to himself as he gets on the ship and begins to talk to his companions introducing himself and catching up on the trade.

¨I don't think I see any progress in my plans at the moment, but I'm not worried, if experience has taught me anything, it's not to overestimate what I can do in a day, but I never underestimate what I can achieve in a year¨ he thinks Network starting to work.

Getting up early in the morning, taking a bath and cooking two meals for him and his little sister, going out to work, collecting some materials that he thinks I can use from scrap, although he wouldn't know how to use them since he lacks knowledge.

But that's what he works on when he gets home he does some exercise, showers, cooks a dinner for two, goes to the classes he has to do, and then studies the content of the Halo section on nanotechnology, taking notes on the technology. from Xandar too.

The development of the fighting technique decides to put it aside for now, to solve an immediate need he has to study something different... computer science. To get those 4 hours back from the Xandarian study system and get rid of Child Protective Services supervision through Spark.

It is better if he can spend that time learning only what he wants, more importantly his actions would not be restricted to what a child should or should not do for his safety.

¨It's been 4 months since I started working at the shipyard and only now have I managed to take control of Spark so I don't mess around, 4 months with my fast learning speed and all available Spark vulnerabilities since I own it, my Hacking skills are a shame¨ thinks Red in self-sneer as he closes the control panel of the house.

"Well, it would be too much to ask for more, at least I shouldn't be so tired anymore, I'll be able to rest a bit more, even with the increased stamina and recovery speed granted by the gene seed, that routine was already taking its toll on me" he thinks to himself while stretching.

¨Speaking of breaks, my pretty and adorable little sister hasn't left the house for 4 months, I have to go out with her on my days off, not just study¨ Red realizes, feeling a little guilty.

"I think if Yellow hasn't complained yet or asked me to take her out for a walk and eat ice cream or something, it's because she's busy studying since she's not as smart as me, and because VR has quite a few games with those who don't get bored, but there are things that can't be achieved at home, tomorrow is my day off from work, it's a good time to go out¨ he thinks walking to Yellow's room to give him the good news.

"Yellow I have good news for you" he says cheerfully as soon as he enters the room to which she looks away from her holopad and responds sarcastically.

"what, mom and dad are back?" yellow

Red is stunned for a moment by her response, but he quickly composes himself and continues with his cheerful but now more uncomfortable voice.

"No, but tomorrow we are going out to play, don't you want to go out?" he asks her.

"Who wants to date you!" Yellow exclaims disappointed.

"No? Well, what a shame I was planning to buy ice cream, take a walk on the beach or the river, and buy more sweets to bring back, but since you don't want to go out I'll have to forget about it" he says turning around as if off the air, he's already used to Yellow's usual chutzpah.

Seeing Red leave her she quickly puts down the holopad and is quick to tug at his arm and say.

"No, wait big brother, if I want to go, let's go yes" Yellow says desperately.

Red responds by nodding with a smile to her response, a little amused by her "Get ready and go to sleep early, we'll leave tomorrow at 8 after breakfast" he says before going back to his room to continue studying.

"Thanks, Red" says his little sister behind him, apparently excited.

Going back to his room, he begins to do the math, with the money he has earned working up to now, it is not enough to buy any state-of-the-art technology, much less tools to work with that kind of technology, but it is used to buy less advanced tools.

Anyway you don't have the knowledge to work with it, but hey those "less advanced" tools are just for the standard of a galactic civilization, you could still use them to build some armor, maybe not nanotech but with it integrated to add functions .

The more he advances, the more he realizes the amount of resources he needs to achieve his goals, becoming a mercenary is a must.

Better to do it sooner rather than later, he doesn't plan to stay a second longer than the 5 years he has proposed to me to prepare.

Luckily he has his parents' ship, they brought it back home, it's parked downstairs in front of the building and it wasn't damaged during the kree attack, originally he didn't want to go out with that thing, it's a civilian ship with no proper equipment, want to be a mercenary with that thing it's like screaming to be blown to pieces with an explosion when hit by an enemy blaster.

"Well I'll see what I can do, it has the advantage of being able to go unnoticed as a civilian ship against pirates, if I install a good energy shield I should be able to use it safely to get close to pirate ships and when I'm working as a mercenary I should have awakened the ability that the Void Dragon gives me by now, and I can use it to jump from my ship to the pirates when I'm close enough. Ughh, another thing on the list, learning to drive¨ Red writes in his notebook

The next morning getting up early as usual, after studying a bit and cooking he goes to call his little sister, who seems to have fallen asleep shaking her until she wakes up, still a little groggy.

"Wake up Yellow, go eat the food, it's already ready, and it's already half past seven, if you don't get up I'll go alone" he says and only then does she reconsider, run to the kitchen and start eating hurriedly, to which he stares at her waiting for her to choke, which surprisingly doesn't happen, he finishes eating and goes back to the room to get ready.

"Wait a minute Red I'll finish quickly" he tells me as he leaves, to which I look at the time and sigh 7:41.

¨I already knew everything from my memories or those of the original Red, but I had never experienced it myself, there are many new things to see, I have to say that Xandar has a very well-kept landscape, combining the thick green very well natural in the science fiction landscape¨ think Red in introspective

Yellow and he went to the park, they bought things in various candy stores, there were all kinds of sweets that they couldn't recognize, they walked along the sand of the river that crosses the city and had lunch in a food establishment near there too.

"Did you like the Yellow food? I think it was good" he asks, leaving the premises.

"No! It was too spicy" says Yellow complaining

"I told you not to ask for the same thing as me" reproaching her for her foolishness, suddenly at that moment he sees something familiar in the sky, it's the blasters from several ships fighting, he uses his hand to block the sunlight and see better, only then taking advantage of his gene-seed-enhanced eyesight can what are huge numbers of ships... Kree ships.

"Yellow, come with me, run!" he yells, taking his little sister's hand to run in the direction of the river or more specifically under the bridge.

Translated by Google, if you see any errors, please leave a message.

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