
Technology And Tensura

Cover art does NOT belong to me, However when I found it I could not find any credits, if this is your image and you would like me to take it down, please tell me. R18, no lemons or porn, but it will be suggestive and there will be some very graphic vocabulary and descriptions, so be advised. Mention of dark subject like rape included, so not for the faint of heart. This was written purely as a Pasion project and as such has no fixed schedule, I have only written a novel once before this and I abandoned that one real quick, if any of you (if anyone at all is actually reading this) enjoy my story and wish for me to put more time into this I would appreciate if you leave a review and or edit suggestions, I am open to constructive criticism and since I don't have a lot planned out, ideas for the future, again this is simply something I wanted to write and might be dropped at any time, if you want more, please support me, thank you. After killing himself to avoid spending the rest of his life as a vegetable in the hospital doing nothing but costing money to his family and being a burden to others Sebastian is given a chance to reincarnate in another world, Due to his slightly abnormal priorities he is able to gain incredible abilities and reincarnate into Tensura with his memories intact and without parents, however he has never watched/read Tensura but heard of if from others so he wont know future events, He will know the important Nations/Characters names and no more. The mc will be reincarnated when veldenava creates the universe but will not be there for long, you'll see. The mc will be slightly unhinged and has a different set of morals as to the average person, He views rape as the worst crime any being could ever commit, and cheating on your spouse to be a close second, although he sees no problem in having multiple casual relationships as long as all people involved are aware, and unless all parties are fine with it having multiple dedicated relationships is evil, he sees no issue with killing others should they threaten him, people close to him, or innocent lives, but he is not a hero, he will not sacrifice himself or people close to him for a random person he doesn't know, he is a bit of a battle junkie but only enjoys fighting people with similar skill to his own and dislikes fighting people weaker than him, but will still fight back if he is attacked, the mc will likely spend most of the novel referred to as a he however they can change their gender at will and have no problem with being a women, however they are strictly attracted to women, not men, so if you don't like that then don't read this also I likely wont write any smut but it will be implied, and if you don't like Yuri or the views on gender, good for you, I couldn't care less. they also have less of an attachment to life than others and might be slightly reckless at times however paradoxically they enjoy doing things as efficiently as possible, The mc is very powerful but not perfect, if you couldn't tell already this is pretty much a self insert so yeah.

kokishorttail · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs

my utopia part 2 (side story)

I sit on my private island in the middle of the pacific, artificial of course and hidden from even the most advanced satellite, as I play with the drone in my hands for a bit, doing a few double checks before it start, and finally satisfied, I begin the stream.

(No pov)

All around the world every screen on earth, no matter how important, if the display isn't necessary to keep the user alive, something uncommon since the digital controls were also hijacked, continuing whatever task it was doing. suddenly switches to a single thing, any vehicle with digital controls instantly finds itself highjacked, cars pull to the side of the road, planes continue on to their destinations, taking off and flying on their own, nuclear reactors continue to be kept at ideal parameters, but the engineers, drivers, pilots, and passengers all find themselves watching the same video. a video showing a tall, unidentifiable androgynous person, standing there wearing a comfortable jacket and jeans and a futuristic face mask covering their head, in front of a very futuristic looking house, "hello" the person says, their voice being an odd mix of male and female, but not leaning towards either side, and somehow always in whatever language the listener is most comfortable with, even if they are listening from the same audio source, "You may have previously known me as Sebastian, the American scientist responsible for the creation of the Dyson sphere so many of you have been enjoying so far, I would have continued to expand its network to include the entire world, unfortunately it seems I have attracted the ire of the energy industry and the greed of local governments, resulting in an attempt by the us government to seize all of my assets. and understanding I could no longer continue to live as normal, I decided to Implement a personal project of mine ahead of schedule, I call it the "Utopia project", and it consists of implementing a global law enforcement program, now this may seem like an attempt to control the world and depose local governments, but I assure you its not, I shall not interfere with the dealings of any government, Think the federal government of the united states, the EU, or the UN. I will simply be making sure that laws are applied and followed, each individual will have the chance to decide weather or not they wish to be protected by my laws, however if you chose not to, you may never change your mind, so here is what it would do, I have already designed and implemented a global surveillance system monitored by a highly advanced ai that watches for crimes being committed, when it comes across a crime in progress, it will incapacitate the perpetrator, and if it fails to stop the crime from going through in time, it will either incapacitate and arrest the perpetrator, or kill them, this is implemented so that no one who points a gun at someone gets killed unless they decide to actually pull the trigger, alongside this It contains a network of systems including everything from railguns to lasers to prevent the murder from actually happening, should a bullet actually be fired depending on the circumstance the reaction will be different, if the bullet has left the barrel it will be intercepted by either a miniature orbital railgun or a high power laser to either destroy or redirect the ordinance, or create a spatial anomaly in front of it to do the same, As I said earlier I will not interfere with the dealings of the worlds governments, and that includes war, however civilian casualties are unacceptable and any such will be met by severe punishments from my side including anything from destroying your countries capacity to continue the fight, or the immediate removal of all people responsible from power with threat of execution if not followed, or if the casualties are purposeful, immediate execution, and considering the collateral damage associated with nuclear weapons, all launched weapons will be intercepted and destroyed in a way to prevent their detonation before reaching their target, alongside this security system I will be implementing my most important change, all criminal history above petty theft or accidental, non critical injury, will be available to the public through a search engine available to all devices, any attempts to stop anyone from accessing this archive will be met with punishment, this archive contains all past crimes, and will be constantly updated, it also contains information on the secret projects of all governments on earth, fyi, cheating on a partner counts as a crime, rape and murder are death sentences no matter what, etc., everyone will now be given 48 hours to decide weather they wish to be protected by this system or not, this video will replay for anyone who was not awake at the time of the announcement, and they will be temporarily protected until they make their decision, and that's my message for the people, for all the billionaires, politicians, and important people who have been abusing the system where enough influence makes a crime like rape and murder of similar consequence to getting a parking ticket, I would enjoy your last bits of freedom till your world crumbles around you, I would punish you myself, but I'm sure your victims would much prefer to do it themselves, btw you wont be protected by my new system, karma bitch, toddles!"

(2 weeks later)

(no pov)

in the last two weeks since the announcement that changed the world most governments have fallen or changed leadership, most people weren't naïve enough to think their governments were innocent, but to actually see the crimes yourself and the extent of them is a different matter, all opposition to the claims made on the international crime archive were quickly doused by the mountains of evidence against them, and any attempts to utilize ones power to prevent the news from spreading or bribing the right officials like they would in the past was met with nothing more than extending their list of crimes, there are still many who attempt to commit crimes, using the chaos caused by the new power vacuum but they were always met with failure with the new system in place, many people tried to take power for themselves, good and bad, and many found themselves under the spotlight and the next victim of the citizens now empowered crackdown on corruption, some adapted, gaining the position out of greed for power but actually doing what is best for the people under the knowledge they could no longer make empty claims and lie, after all, all of their affiliations and motivations were now laid out on the table, but they were mostly ignored, after all, as long as you actually do what's best for the people, does it really matter if you only do it out of wanting the position, some may say it does, but the majority would rather focus on different things, many despise Sebastian, some call him a tyrant, a dictator, and the Vatican has named him the incarnation of Satan, but with their crimes laid bare the dwindling respect for these people and their institutions has all but disappeared, and the only ones without major crimes to their name that despise the system, are the ones bitter that they decided not to take the protection granted by the system, after all, no governments police force is nearly as effective and efficient, and with the now much lower crime rate it has become little more than a few officers waiting to pick up any incapacitated would be robber that thought they would slip through the new system, things are recovering slowly, many people in very high positions of power attempted to use force to maintain their positions like they have done in the past, but they found their guns jammed before they could fire, their tanks engines and guns destroyed, their missiles refusing to fire, and their rockets shot down, the world is still changing, it will take years for everyone to adapt to the new system, but even the most avid critic can see that it is better now, and will be better in the future, no more will parents find their children killed or raped and themselves silenced due to the power and influence of the perpetrator and their backers, no more will people find themselves falsely accused of crimes, and no more will there be people in the backrooms making secret deals for their own benefits, in the weeks since many more things have happened, Sebastian or as he now calls himself "the observer" has implemented many systems, they have created global logistics systems to better transport resources, they provide free food and shelter of the bare minimum for a comfortable life for all, and for the first time in history, there is not a single person worldwide in poverty aside from those who willingly chose as such, and so time goes on, people adapt to the new system, and the world recovers from its sudden change, and with the influx of people getting an education and the sudden lack of need for menial jobs and uneducated workers many experts see humanity reaching a new surge in development, but that is for the future to tell, for now, the observer is satisfied with what they have done.

(and that's the end of this side story, unless people want it to continue, who knows maybe it can be a series long thing, or maybe I'll rewrite this as its own novel at some point, who knows, but hope y'all enjoyed it, This is a consistent intrusive thought I get, so it feels good to put it into writing you know, also kinda gives a good representation of my morals and mental state, idfk, hope y'all enjoyed, have a good day.)