
Tech Demon System

In a world locked in a relentless war against the race known as the Terror, humanity finds itself on the brink of extinction. But hope emerges as humans awaken abilities, known as Meta abilities to fight back against the terror. Leo a normal teen without ability ,who lost his mom to a terror, and he never knew his dad. He gets a system from a near death senario. Gain Exp, complete missions, and level up. Leo now has a way to get stronger, thrive and survive in this world. Leo who lives by a promise to protect those dear to him even if it costs him his humanity, now has a chance to do just that. PROTAGONIST: Leonard Ezra

NAO_Cosmic · ไซไฟ
19 Chs

Increased Strength

Leo's eye slowly opened, only to be assaulted by a bright white light.

"Damn, this again," He said as he struggled to seat up. As soon as he sat up, he got a splitting head ache.

"Argh!" Leo let out a sharp cry. His headed began getting flooded with the memories of the transformation. He remembered how extremely powerful he had become at that moment. How he had killed a high basic terror with little to no effort.

"That power? Was it the real strength of the system?" Leo thought out loud.

[NO, what host experienced was only 10% of the full transformation power, any more and host's body would crumble entirely]

Leo was not expecting the system to answer, but without doubt the answer blew his mind. In that state, Leo probably had as much power as an arcane Meta, but yet that was just ten percent. He began to wonder what a hundred percent would look like.

"System are they any updates for me?"

[You have notifications]

"Seven? That's a lot?"

"How long have I been unconscious?"

[Three days]

"Three? That means the issue with the reserve had been solved. System show me my notifications." There was no need to rush things. If he was here for three days that means one way or the other the issue was solved. So finding out the details could wait for now.


[You have leveled up to level 15]

[You have completed Hidden Mission: A Demon never backs down]

[You have gained an upgradable weapon: Death Scythe]

[You have gained Tech Demon wings.]

[You have gained 10,000 SP]

[You have gained 1 stat point increase across board, and 10 free stat points]

[A powerful being has taken notice of you, he will be keeping an eye on you]

Leo read through all the rewards he got from that fight, his eyes were shining with excitement, until he got to the last notification.

"A powerful being?" Leo could not see any good in this, as whoever is watching him might as well know of the system. He did not want someone watching him, especially if that someone was powerful enough to make the system call him powerful.

"Well there I nothing I can do," Leo looked up and gave a middle finger. "Enjoy the show asshole." He directed the insult to whoever was watching.

"Now let's distribute my stat points, system bring up my stats."


Name: Leonardo Ezra

Race: Tech Demon (infant)

HP: 250

EXP: 500/6000

Level: 15

Meta gene: not awakened

Meta points: 0

Demon gene: awakened

Demon points: 300

System points: 10, 1450.

Strength: 17

Speed: 16

Agility: 15

Stamina: 13

Intelligence: 17

Stat points: 16

"Ok, let's start." Leo was ready to give himself a huge boost, before he stepped out. He realized that saving stat points was pointless if he forgot to use it, like he did with High basic terror. He had completely forgotten about his stat points. Not that they would have made much difference at all.

"Add four to stamina, three to strength, four to speed, two to agility and three to intelligence." Leo always wanted his intelligence to be high as it played a vital role in using skills powered by DP.

Leo's Stats now looked like this.


Name: Leonardo Ezra

Race: Tech Demon (infant)

HP: 250

EXP: 500/6000

Level: 15

Meta gene: not awakened

Meta points: 0

Demon gene: awakened

Demon points: 300

System points: 10, 1450.

Strength: 20

Speed: 20

Agility: 17

Stamina: 17

Intelligence: 20

Stat points: 0

Immediately his stats updated, he was overcome by a heavy drowsiness. This was the first time he had poured so many stat points at once. He couldn't keep himself awake, after some seconds of struggling, Leo fell unconscious.

A few minutes later he woke up, standing up from the bed, he felt very light on his feet. Leo felt the changes in his body, he was definitely stronger. He took of the hospital shirt, to take a look at his body, what he saw surprised him, his body looked like that of an athlete. No presence of excessive muscles, just the right amount at the right places. His chest was broader and his waist slimmer, with six pack abs, well carved out. He had always been fit, but it seems the system had refined him further.

As Leo was looking at his body, the door of the room opened, and Sasha walked inside. When she looked at the shirtless boy in front of her, she quickly turned and went outside, moving as though she saw a ghost, leaving a perplexed Leo.

A few seconds after Sasha left, Grey came in and saw Leo standing, he looked at Leo and then burst into laughter, holding his stomach with both arms, he finally knew the reason Sasha had ran out of the room as soon as she went in.

"What the hell is so funny?" Leo asked a little irritated. He couldn't understand the weird behaviors of those two.

"Sorry bro, I couldn't help it. I think you should put on a shirt or Sasha won't be able to come in." Grey said with a face that showed how much he was trying to hold his laughter.

When Leo heard what grey said, he realized the issue, a blush crept unto his face. Leo put his shirt back on, and Grey went to go call Sasha.

When they were all in the room, Grey apologized to Sasha.

"Sorry about that Sasha."

Sasha heard his apology, and quickly looked away.

"It wasn't that, I just had something in my eyes, so I left to go wash it." Sasha said, still not looking at Leo.

"Yup, you had Leo in your eyes." Grey said with a smile, but the smile later changed to agony, as Sasha punched him in the guts unexpectedly, causing Grey to collapse to his knees.

Leo looked at Sasha with an expression of weary. He decided against talking on that topic.

"Before you guys say anything, let me explain what happened that day." Leo decide that he would reveal the truth, well not the full truth, but a truth that would be missing a lot of things, like the system.

I released my second novel, Rift Keeper, though you can read both separately. the two books are connected, and you will see how they connect, please check it out and support it.

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