
Dead Or Alive

In a galaxy far..far..away, there's planet call ' Nova '.

It is peaceful, fill with joy, and magically colorful but everything came to an end when chaos of evils arise and no one exactly know who's in the fault because it's complicated to tell!.

It's been 99 day since the battle started, as many bloods had been spill on the battleground, so much lives had been taken away. Who in the world is strong enough to defeat this monstrosity and end this terrifying reign!?.

Well, there is one team still standing, they are all just bunch of teenagers and young adults who wears cloak and mask over them in different designs and colors, no one who they are because they hide their identities in those unique patterns mask they have on their faces. They go on many adventures including exploring other parallel world, these twenty explorers are their only hopes right now.

Right after the leader of the team sense something had happened, they return back here within the minutes. All in the deep mountains where evils has not reach and destroy yet, full of beautiful flowers, fresh green grass and trees ( there's more flowers than trees around here!).

As their leader order, in a circle formation, all holding hands tightly and closing their eyes as they all chanted the magic words that they haven't used in a very long time! Also! It is forbidden after what happen during that horrific event.

" Are you sure this will work?!" Lady in red cloak with black skull mask on ask loudly as the strong windstorm came from their magic.

" You hear those weird noise in the wind?" The lady in yellow cloak with bunny mask on, reply back to her.

" Yeah, it's hurting my ear" Lady in red cloak with black skull mask on tells the bunny mask lady.

" Oh, It's working then?!" Lady in brown cloak with fox mask on said feeling bit confused.

" Indeed it is but we have one more thing to do in order to make them disappear forever from this planet" The bunny mask lady said to all her teammates.

" Another one?" Young girl in black cloak with pink cat mask on have come into the conversation.

" Let's get it done then, we are wasting time here!" Lady in silk gray cloak with pigeon feather mask on complain feeling very irritated.

Bunny mask lady (who's also their leader ) look around, they haven't separated from the formation and still holding their hands lock and secure as the windstorm blow stronger. The last step to do, was it more epic than this? must be because she said they won't go away that easily without this!.

" you can't be serious?! You are not right!?" Lady in white cloak with owl mask on, asked concern and shocked.

" We don't have a choice to choose anymore..." Bunny mask lady said shrugging her shoulder a little, " Let's end this chaos once and for all!."

Everyone just ignore the words of the owl mask lady and she was unsure about this, this spell literally destroy that one planet they went to and they had to escape it fast before they would have perish too!!.

Boom! clash! that was the sound of the radiant explosion that burst like a tidal waves across the whole world. Their planet didn't explode, that seem to be good news but what about them? the twenty explorers?...

This event had a name for it and it was call ' 100

Day Battle' because on the hundred day, it was finally over, they won!.

No more fears, terror and tears of sadness but instead happiness and peace for all again!.