
Teaming Up with System 225 (BL)

With the creation of different dimensions and universes, came forth intelligent beings. To regulate these dimensions and universes, higher beings took control of containers called UniOrbs. These containers not only regulated the Gods and the souls of those worlds but also dictated the processes of reincarnation. The UniOrb could not do this on their own, so they contracted souls to become "Systems" that made sure souls were able to reincarnate, but not all souls were fortunate enough to do so. "Systems" then teamed up with souls called "Hosts" to make sure unfortunate souls got their wishes fulfilled, their souls healed properly, and ready for reincarnation. To make sure the Systems and Hosts had a proper base of operations, the UniOrb created a separate space called the Command Center. This Command Center was at the entrance of the reincarnation sea, where souls would go to their next destination. The person in charge was called, "God System." One System was not satisfied with their status quo. They created something known as the "Villain System." This Villain System was designed to suck the life and energy from different worlds, using it to spread a virus that would slowly take over the UniOrb. Their goal: Take over the UniOrb to become the new higher being that controlled it. When all hope seemed to be lost for those in the UniOrb and its Command Center, one System, System 225, gained control from the Villain System, rescued his "Host," and together go from world to world, gaining enough energy to combat the System that created the Villain System. Oh, and also rescuing God System along the way. Book cover credit: Alice - https://vgen.co/this_is_ALiCE_draws

MakusCorner · LGBT+
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173 Chs

Shadow Guard (3)

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Going on the campaign wasn't difficult for Grey as he was used to it. The original 18 had also gone far and wide to complete assassination missions (as it was training). It was nothing to have to walk for many hours and sleep outside in the wilderness.

Prince Cecil had brought 500 Royal Knights as well as 1000 Knights and 2000 Soldiers to reinforce the men at the Southern Borders. The small army he brought was split into squads that were led by Knight-Captains. His generals were already protecting their assigned sections of the Empire, so Prince Cecil had come out personally.

They had been walking as fast as they could to reach the Southern Border. With the number of people going on the campaign, they couldn't rest inside towns or villages, so they set up camp outside of the walls of the town and had individuals coming in and out to get supplies. The townsfolk happily sold the army supplies because they were paid well. Luckily, no one was rowdy enough to try to force the citizens to give them free items. In the presence of their Knight Commander, if he found out, the perpetrators would have been beheaded in the town's square!

At night time, different squads were assigned for guard duty. They switched every couple of hours to ensure that people got a sufficient amount of sleep.

Each squad had about 100 men led by a Knight-Captain. Knight-Captains were usually Royal Knights who had many achievements. Blaine, the War Hero, was the strongest and had the most achievements. In the future, many speculated that he would most likely become a General.

Blaine was also in the campaign. As a Knight-Captain and a Royal Knight, he was strong and many looked up to him. But as there were mountains beyond mountains and heavens beyond heavens, even the War Hero had someone he looked up to, and that was the Knight Commander. He specifically volunteered his squad to join the campaign so that he could get a glimpse of the Knight Commander, the War God, on the battlefield.

Grey, who was hiding in a tree, was staring at Blaine who was on guard duty.

'System, that's the War Hero? He looks...'

[Does Grey think he looks adorable?]

The War Hero, Blaine, had quite the babyface. His cheeks puffed out a bit making him look extra cute. It was hard to believe that his face was put on that body that was muscular and toned. He also had big brown eyes and fluffy brown hair. He was just a bit shorter than Number 18, but he was the definition of adorable. Grey wanted to... squish his cheeks.

'You know me well. I wanna squish his cheeks...' He bet that it would be soft and fluffy to the touch.

[Grey, God System would be upset to know that you are staring so passionately at another man.]

'That man hasn't come to find me at all! Why should I care? What's the harm in pinching another man's cheeks?'


Grey watched the happy-go-lucky Blaine moving around the camp. He was like the Holy Father everyone wanted as their dad. He loved to help people and his smile on the battlefield was like a ray of hope.

'System, doesn't Blaine remind you of Kyle and Dex?' Their aura was way too similar. He knew Kyle had a desire to follow him, but to think he would even follow him in a world like this. It had been a long time since he had seen his best friend.

[If you touch him, I will be able to confirm it.]

'I guess I got to figure out a way to touch-'

"Number 18." A deep voice came from below him. After having Number 18 around him for a while, he was finally able to notice his small presence.

Grey almost slipped and flew out of the tree before he quickly knelt in front of Prince Cecil. He tried to suppress a cough he almost let out.

"Yes, Master?"

"Who were you staring at?" Prince Cecil was curious as to where his line of sight was. It wasn't on him, so who was he staring so intently at?

Grey cursed mentally at his Master's sharp observation skills. He couldn't lie so he quickly said, "Sir Blaine..."

"Hmm? You mean Knight-Captain Blaine?"


"Why are you staring at him when you should be protecting me?" He sounded like a jealous husband who caught his lover staring at another man!

Grey wanted to choke on his saliva.

"Apologies, Master, I am currently on break. Number 19, next to you, is currently on his shift to watch over you."

Hearing him being mentioned, Number 19 landed right next to Grey. "Master, I will do my utmost best to protect you!" And then he disappeared next to Prince Cecil.

"You all have shifts?"

"That is correct. It is so that we are well-rested and ready to protect you at all times. Depending on location, you will have more than one guard. Situations like these where you are surrounded by your men, one Shadow Guard is enough. If you call for us, we will all come running though."

This was the most talking he had done all day.

"When is your shift?"

"Ah, Master, my shift is tomorrow in the evening."

"And is this how you spend your free time? Looking at men?"

Grey wanted to slap Prince Cecil in the face. What does it matter if he looks at other men!? Plus this other man was probably his best friend. He just wanted to make sure. He just wanted to be friends! That's it.

"Apologies, Master, this won't happen again."

Not denying anything? Prince Cecil thought to himself, a little annoyed. What did he want Number 18 to say? That he promised that he would only look at Prince Cecil and only him?

Grey knew that Prince Cecil was God System from the moment they met, but he liked to tease the man from time to time. He didn't have to touch God System to know it was him, but it was still good to confirm it and let System 225 heal God System's data.

Prince Cecil still had some possessiveness that God System portrayed. He had to make sure Prince Cecil understood that he wasn't looking at other men in a flirtatious way! He wasn't cheating. He just wanted to make sure that Sir Blaine was his best friend.

"Number 18, go back and rest." Prince Cecil had a visible frown on his face, his cold personality was colder than usual like it had gone down a few degrees.

"Yes, Master!" Grey quickly disappeared from the area and went to go back to the Shadow Guard's area.

Whatever was bothering Prince Cecil, quickly left Grey's mind.


"I refuse." Number 16 crossed his arms, showing that he was going to be stubborn and hold his ground. He was older than Number 18 by a couple of years. With his huge stature, his peers wondered how he became a Shadow Guard. But when they looked at the top of his head, covered with black hair, and his eyes, almost as dark as the night, him being a Shadow Guard wasn't impossible.

Number 21 sighed. He was much shorter than Number 16 even though they were the same age. He was on the thin side, but he prided himself in his agility. His blonde hair and dark brown eyes were what made him look like a graceful cheetah. "I understand how you feel, but I am just trying to do as my Master says."

"If I come back without even an answer from Number 18, he's going to punish all of us. Master is a cruel man who would do anything to get what he wants."

"Do you think bad-mouthing your Master will make me change my mind? Do you think that our Master won't punish us? Letting you come and visit is already very generous. I am only talking to you now because I value you as a comrade in the same profession."

How could Number 21 not understand what Number 16 was saying? But still...

"I understand, then allow me to do something in exchange."

Number 16 crossed his arms once more and looked at Number 21 with a glare. If it was something dangerous or pointless, he was ready to toss his comrade into the distance. Literally.

"I have information about an assassination on your Master that will occur tonight."

Number 16 thought about it and nodded. "Alright, I will call Number 18..."

He knew Number 21 wouldn't lie about something like this. Even if they had their own Masters, their true Master was the Emperor!

Minutes later, Grey arrived with Number 16. Even if 18 didn't seem vicious, everyone knew that once he started to fight, he was the true monster of the battlefield.

16 explained the situation and allowed 21 to ask 18 about Prince Levi's recruitment. Then they talked about the assassination mission.

It seemed that Prince Levi was impatient as always!


Number 16 and Grey were sitting in trees where the "assassins" of the Association were camping. They were sitting at the campfire, roasting their food. The three men didn't notice 16 or Grey in the trees.

'Tchh, amateurs.' Number 16 thought to himself. They knew these assassins were probably newbies or hired bandits as they should've been eating pre-made food and hiding regardless of how far they were from the target. It made it easier for Number 16 and 18 to kill them though.

Grey looked at Number 16 and started to use his hands to speak. It was the Shadow Guard's sign language that they developed for missions.

Grey: (16, you take the guy on the left and I will take the guy on the right. Slaughter them all. We already know who contracted them anyway. Do you sense anyone else in the area?)

16: (Understood. Also, I already scoped the area. It's only the three of them.)

Grey: (Perfect. Let's kill them.)

The two hid their Auras, masking it with the shadows. Then they slipped out of the tree. Luckily for them, the fire created lots of shadows. It was easy for the two to slip behind the less experienced bandits and slice their necks, successfully cutting their carotid artery and ending their lives without any hassle.

Before the other man could run away, Grey quickly went behind the man and stabbed him through the back and into the heart. His actions were quick and flawless. With little tension, the three men were slaughtered.

16: (18, I will get rid of the evidence.)

Grey: (Understood. When you are done, report back to me. I will be reporting this incident to the Master.)

After that, the two went their separate ways.

Grey went back to Prince Cecil's tent. He decided that he would wait in the tent in the corner until his Master woke up. It wasn't because his Master's tent was closer than the Shadow Guards' tent...

Just when he got comfortable in the corner of the tent, he heard Prince Cecil call out to him.

"Number 18."

Fuck, how does he know it's him every time!?

Grey hurriedly got up and scrambled to kneel in front of his Master as per usual.

"Yes, Master?"

"You reek of blood."

Grey stiffened up. He could've sworn that he washed himself up before arriving here.

"Your Aura reeks of bloodlust. Who did you kill?"

Ah, Auras were like that, weren't they?

Auras were something like magic, but only those who studied martial arts would be able to draw out Aura from their bodies. Depending on the Aura color, it would give them their specific abilities. Shadow Guards had a dark purple Aura, meaning they excelled in using the shadows to their advantage. Prince Cecil's Aura was yellow. He was able to strengthen his body and his weapon. There were other things that each Aura could do though.

"Reporting to Master, Number 16 and this servant had been given a tip from a fellow Shadow Guard about a possible assassination attempt. We scouted the location and saw that there would be no problems in killing them."

"And which Shadow Guard gave you this tip?"

"Reporting to Master, it was Number 21, a Shadow Guard of Crown Prince Levi. He had come bearing a message to this servant about switching to the Crown Prince's side. In exchange for receiving an answer from this servant, he had given us the information about how his Master had plotted your assassination at this camp."

Grey didn't say a single lie and told him the full truth. This was the way of the Shadow Guard, so he didn't hesitate to tell him about Crown Prince Levi. He also couldn't lie to God System. It went against his vow as a husband. He would always be honest even if it hurt.

"And what did you say?" Prince Cecil's eyes went completely cold. Even his usual yellow Aura seemed darker than usual.

"Reporting to Master, this servant said no!" Usually, when kneeling, they weren't allowed to look their Master's in the eye. This was to state their obedience as a servant.

But Prince Cecil didn't like that at all. Especially when reporting something like this, he wanted Number 18 to look at him. To show him his expression... Well, he had a mask on, but still!

He gritted his teeth, angry at a few things. "The next time something like this happens, report to me immediately, understood?"

"Understood Master!"

"Good. You are dismissed."

Grey immediately disappeared from Prince Cecil's sight.

Ever since Prince Cecil met Number 18, there was this feeling in his gut that told him that there was something he was doing wrong, but he had no idea what it was! Every day that passes by, the feeling just gets worse and worse...

What was it? What was he missing?

Kuro_kama: I thought that the scene of choosing the Master in the previous chapter really gave the vibe of Swayamvar (tradition in ancient India in which a girl of marriageable age chose a husband from a group of suitors). Turns out it really was choosing a husband. Haha!

Mini theatre by kuro_kama:

God System: Well, the ceremony was not that bad.

System 225: I wonder who it was screaming about the ambiguity of the scene.

God system: cough, cough. Ahem ahem, ai where is water? I feel thirsty. Ahem

System 225: Tsk tsk tsk, I miss my almighty God System. <sighs>

Lille: Jealous God System is very amusing XDDD Also, I like how the Hero isn’t all ‘buff man’ and more adorable hehe

Grandpa Marky: Anddd that's it for today! I will see you all tomorrow :D have a lovely day/night my beautiful grandchildren <3

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