
Teacher in DC

Lazarus reincarnated in DC and lived a simple life until his powers were discovered. After that he became the black ops for the Justice League until he was dragged into the position of monitoring the young justice team after Red Tornado. How will he come out after this? Only time will tell.

Wheeler4784 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

The Beginning

The Bat had put me in charge of the glorified hero day care known as young justice. Looking back on how I got to this point I could only sigh. I was once in another omniverse where I watched all the DCAU as a child well at least until Truck-kun happened and I was reborn as a baby. No ROB, no system, nothing, nada, zip. I lived my life normally all the way through university. Then I did the smart thing novel protagonists never do and just moved to Smallville and got a job as a farmhand for the Kent's. Now I was a little freaked out at first when I realized I was in DC during middle school but looking back no villain or world ending catastrophe was located in pretty much anywhere besides where the capes lived, so I settled down into my life as a farmer. The closest I ever got to the hero world was meeting Clark during the holidays. Then the incident happened, looking back I think Truck-kun was unsatisfied with my life so he ran me over again, and I died. Again. That was when I realized I could revive from the dead, it wasn't like Deadpool's healing I had to die for my body to heal. It's not a pretty power I know. Sadly for me and possibly scaring for others there was a witness, Superman's hearing. After that I was taken to the watchtower investigated by Batsie and then interrogation by Martian Manhunter and then became a half hero like Constantine. Also like him I had no relatives, friends, or relationships so I never hid my identity. I later became the black ops of the league because of my abilities which led to the current situation of me being in charge of monitoring the children after Red Tornado left.

"Is this really necessary?"

"You're the only one available" states Batman aka Bruce Wayne. "You'll do just fine" says the boy scout Superman aka Clark Kent. "Do not fret about such things" says the amazonian princess Wonder Woman aka Diana Prince.

"Isn't Canary enough?" All I received was a bat glare that showed this was non-negotiable. I sighed in defeat and revived a hand on my shoulder from Clark and a grunt from Bruce.

3rd Person POV

A man of average height in his 30s with dark brown hair and hazel eyes was seen in a bar with his head drooping low that others recognized him as a regular of the bar, Lazarus Athánatos our main character.

Lazarus POV

I was currently entering Mt.Justice via zeta-tube.

"00 Lazarus"

I walk in with a hunch I'm my back and hands in my pockets. I look up only to see Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, and the sidekick squad all staring at me. "Is this the sidekick squad I'm baby sitting?" I say while pointing my thumb at the team. I look and see Green Arrow stifling a laugh while everyone else glares.

"Team this is your temporary denmother from now on." says Batman.

The team screamed at Batsie but I didn't really pay attention I just kept walking until I was next to Black Canary. "I guess I'll be working alongside you from now on." "It's good to see you too." she says with a roll of her eyes. "I see Oliver has rubbed off on you." I joke and then continue to sit in silence while watching therm go on a tantrum.

"We don't even know who he is!" Robin shouts. "Ouch" I say between gritted teeth. That hurt more than dying and I'd know.

"Just let me fight little boy wonder and the rest and get this over with." The team looks to their mentors for approval. "Just make it quick" I heard in a gruff tone.

Ten minutes later in the training hall Wonder Woman walks up to me before the match "Don't scare them to badly." she says loud enough for everyone to hear. I look at her 'like seriously'. I then sigh and proceed to sit down on the floor with my legs crossed.

The fight begins, the first to near me is Flash Jr. I promptly grab his leg and pull it to the side. Next is Superboy who I simply roll away from and jump up and give a solid punch to the gut, and that hurt probably more for me than him. Aqualad and Robin I simply dodge waiting for my chance which Artemis happily provides with an arrow heading for my shoulder which ended up in my head from dodging Aqualad and Robins attacks. Everyone froze and all remained still until Ms.Martian passed out from the overload of emotion through the telepathic link. They snap out of thier shock and rush to their fallen teammate ignoring me while I silently get up. "zombie" screams wally as they see me perfectly fine except for the blood on my shirt. I decide that was enough playtime and promptly defeated them all by walking through their non-lethal attacks and take them out one by one. (I know that was bad)

"Was that truly nessacary" asks Superman. "No,no it wasn't" I say with a smirk and proceed to grab a pill out of my pocket effectively killing myself and returning my body to peak position.

"I'm going to my new room you all can deal with the kiddos"

Batman sighs and brings the kids to the infirmary.

"What do you want Clark" I say as I see him follow me. "I know you didn't want this job but don't take it out on the kids ok?" he says seriously before leaving.

Love Interest Vote:

1. Wonder Woman

2. Black Canary

3. Hawkgirl

4. Poison Ivy

I need help a lot of it. This chapter sucked obese comment any advice or criticism. and vote for a love interest.

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