
the banned sacred family

After hearing ye mo's words all families immediately entered the store and stood in a queue after seeing the cold expression of two goddesses. But there is one family that acted like they lost their mind.

Shen hong felt this is a threat to his plans and spoke to ye mo, " Lord ye mo, are you sure this is a good thing for us. If they have ill intent towards the city then we can't even fight back", ye mo looked at shen hong displeased but concealed it and asked, " So what do you propose patriach of sacred family".

Shen hong looked at ye mo and said, " Why don't we just take advantage of a time they will fall asleep and kill them. This will neutralise the threat. My family has some assassin type demon spiritualists and auxiliary demon spiritualist to spore sleep powder and the assassains can kill them all, as for treasures we can simoky loot them all".

Ye mo felt this is ridiculous, even a legendary rank like him can swept through their sleep powder and kill them yet this is saying he can kill a spiritual God rank with a few gold rank demon spiritualist. Ye mo felt he listened to an outrageous thing.

He looked at Shen hong and said, " Even I can't stand toe to toe with them. Don't make trouble for us. Their power is beyond our control and also stealing from them isn't a good idea , they're the ones that are giving generous things to us. We can't harm our benefitors".

Shen hong isn't satisfied with ye mo's answer. He felt he can kill these three if caught off guard and after looting their treasure his family can dominate the glory city but he don't know he simply dug a pit for his family through which his clan will become almost extinct.

As people continued to buy the treasure chests they received many things that helped them. After ye mo and ye zhong none of the members received a good rewad. Only red rank appeared most tike with an occasional orange.

As the shop is closed after the treasure chests are sold, secretly a group lurked nearby to assassinate the three persons in the shop. Ye mo and ye zhong didn't think Shen hong has the guys to do this but they severely under-estimated the person.

Ye zhong looked at his wife's corpse with tears and placed the coin on top of her body which shone a green light and the room is filled with majestic laws of life and soul bringing ye ling back to life.

Ye zhong and ye ziyun looked at her with tears flowing down their face and hugged her while crying while the woman confused as to why her husband and her daughter are crying. As ye zhong and ye ziyun explained she died and was revived back due to the mysterious coin she looked surprised.

At this moment however a massive explosion appeared un the direction of the shop. Yu yan and chu lin are standing near the pit of several black burnt corpses and has murdurpus intent.

Ye mo and other clan leaders hurried there as they know the value of this shop and that expert. Just one day brought them many weeks and months of cultivation even at the lowest price. As they arrived they saw the two women looking at them coldly.

As they wanted to talk at this moment however a majestic voice sounded in a cold manner :

[ the sacred family attacked the treasure shop and tried to rob the store ]

[ as a serious offense, the sacred family will be permanently banned from the shop ]

Shen hong looked at the corpses with cold eyes and charged at the two women along with the rest of sacred family but before he can even reach them with a single wave of their hand he was knocked through many walls and has his body suffered serious injuries.

Meanwhile other experts are on the ground in a miserable state as the two women applied pressure until they lost consciousness due to serious injuries. Shen hong stood up and said, " See they have clear ill intent towards us. My family members are killed and are injured. I demand just-".

Before he can even speak yu yan arrived in front of him and kicked him in the face sending him away again more miserbly and spoke, " It's you who tried to harm us. Your family attacked us and tried to kill us. It's us who should demand justice you idiot. You initiated the conflict and you can't cry the victim now, you shamesless old pig".