
Mystery Plot :- The living Jiangshi

LCF murim mystery plot

Death ki - It's the same as Dead mana. Number Seven calls dead mana death ki


1. In order to conduct an investigation Young Master Kim and the Cale Gang enter a beautiful inn famous for being used by diplomats all over Murim.

2. It's filled with diplomats, Cale gangs came to this inn as it was apparently one of the places Tai Wi often came to.

3. Durst feels a slight discomfort and can smell a corpse which turns out be simply be animal carcass.

4. While talking to one the attendants in the inn they tell Cale that there have been a huge epidemic which has plagued the area around the inn. In which many people have lost their lives.

5. Sui while flying comes a across the puddle of 'Death ki'.

6. Cale contemplates that seeing Death ki signifies that they are on the right track.

7. A famous diplomat named 'Lang' comes a greets Cale they have tea together and have a nice time.

8. Next day morning there is huge ruckus about that diplomat Lang going missing.

9. They search around and find that the diplomat Lang walking along the shore of the scenic lake next to inn has simply gone for a nice long walk.

10. He laughs and assures everybody he is fine and apologises for making them worried.

Cale notices that he looks a lot more paler than yesterday.

Durst passes by diplomat Lang and wrinkles his nose.

11. While eating snakes Cale asks Durst whether he noticed something. Durst says that diplomat Lang was normal yesterday but today he smells like a rotten corpse.

12. Cale is shocked, Sui Khan scours the area and finds that puddle of 'Death ki' has grown bigger.

13. Cale and the gang go to the Death Ki lake, Cale uses his Fire Ap to purify the Death Ki lake creating a sinkhole . In the bottom of the sinkhole is a mountain of corpses!

14. Durst confirms them to be all Jiangshi corpses

Sui khan notes that they all corpses seem to local villagers.

15. Cale calls his attendant from the inn and shows him some of the corpses. The attendant is shocked as these were corpses of the people who had succumbed to the pandemic which had ravaged the area.

16. Cale speculated that the pandemic was man made and spread by the 'Blood Cult'.

17. The Death Ki pond fills up with Lake water. They speculate that Death Ki pond is directly connected to the lake.

18. Cale speculates that diplomat Tang was found near the lake and the Death Ki pond is also connected to lake and therefore the beautiful lake was hiding something.

19. Cale and gang use magic to maintain passage of air and dive into the now water filled pond and enter the tunnel which connects the lake.

20. The tunnels soon splits into two then into three and then into four, five six, twenty thirty until the Cale gang stops counting.

21. It seems as if they are in a huge maze.

Fist King can sense several trails of Death Ki emanating from nearby, they follow the most purest death ki trail.

22. They soon arrive at huge hall and in the centre of the hall they find person standing in huge pool of death ki.

23. Cale figures that person in middle of death ki pool was a Living Jiangshi.

24. As they near they find out the person in the middle of the pond is diplomat Lang himself!

25. He turns around and smiled lets a scream and soon Pale people emerge from multiple tunnels they are all they are all pale living Jiangshi dripping with dead mana.

26. Cale finally deduces the truth that Lake near the inn was actually hiding a Living Jiangshi production hive.

-The end of mystery plot