
Motivational speech to achieve your dream (Slacker Life ) - By Cale Heintuse

Cale was invited to be the chief speaker at the Roan university. For a motivational speech function held for the students.

He has initially declined but when he was offered a small gold mine as payment he immediately agrees .

The Auditorium was packed

The students were waiting while holding their breaths

Cale took to the stage

Students began to get rowdy and teachers could not control them .

His ardent fans among the students began to shout

"Look its Young Master Silver shield !"

"The one who is Beginning and end of everything"

"The Great Hero !-"

Tinggggggg Tinggggg

"Testing mike …."

"Testing mike ahmmm"

When Cale heard the words the students were calling him he began to fell uneasy and then decided to Tap the Mike and make some noise .

It was pin drop silence

Cale activated his record ability

He looked at the students with cold and indifferent eyes

However when he opened his mouth and spoke his voice had some warmth

He was going to through all the struggles he gone through in life to achieve his ultimate dream , The Slacker Life .

He was feeling the emotions he felt whenever he strived hard for his dream

And so He began

"Nobody believes in you"

"You ,ve lost "


"Again and"


"Your lights are cut off!"

He pauses for a second before continuing nobody interrupts him

"But your still looking at your dream"

"Reviewing it everyday"

"And saying to yourself"

"It's not over until I win !"

He continued in his mind

'It's not over until I achieve my Slacker life !'

It was dead silent and everyone was looking at Cale with wide surprises eyes

Cale could even see Alberu , Choi Han and Rosalyn who were in the Front row seats shocked speechless

Cale felt awkward

'Uhhh did I do something wrong ?'

Clap Clap

Clap Clap Clap Clap

One by one people began to clap until the auditorium was resounding with the claps of every single audience member .

People were even standing and crying .

"Wuuuuuuu Oh Cale- nim you spoke such strong words !"

"How much suffering Cale -nim must have gone through to speak with such emotions ! Wuuuuu"

People had resonated with his emotions

which person had not struggled with their dreams and failed .

His words inspired them to keep trying

One student with glasses screamed

"I want to strive to be just like you one day Cale -nim !"

Cale smirked however the sides of mouth were twitching

He was thinking

'I just want to get my gold mines and go home'

However nobody could hear Cale s, thoughts and everyone in the auditorium continued clapping and praising Cale while shedding tears .