
TBATE: Reborn on Earth

When a slightly unique soul finds himself in a world of Kings and Ki with one special ability Will he change the fates of his friends and family Will he become the King himself or Will he fail to do anything at all This is Alio' Beginning After the End --- TBATE belongs to TurtleMe

merlin_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Wilbeck's Training

When I woke up I found myself still on the floor with Grey splayed out beside me, Headmaster Wilbeck was standing in an intimidating position leaning against a bookshelf. Nico was nowhere to be found. When she noticed that I had awoken she grabbed a bottle of water that she seemed to have brought here and threw it at me. I glanced at the clock on the wall and realized that four hours had passed, checking my ki, I noted that it was full yet again.

After taking note of all my surroundings, I looked at the Headmaster and asked "Why did you attack us? What purpose does this serve for you?"

"It serves a purpose for you, not me. I apologize, but I needed to see where the two of you were in your development in order to train the two of you. Now, drink the water and stand up."

I obliged her commands and chugged the whole bottle before standing up and asking "Before we do this, can I say goodbye to Jessica?"

Wilbeck said "No, she'll be there when you finish what I want from you. Now, try to hit me."

Feeling annoyed at the Headmaster for the first time in the five years I've known her, I threw a ki enhanced front kick at her stomach. She grabbed my leg and threw me across the room. As I was in the air, I sent a burst of ki to my mind to temporarily slow down time in order to reorient myself in the air and land properly.

As I landed, I knew it was time to take a page from Greys book, I needed to trick the headmaster. I ran up to her applying my ki all throughout my body and threw a hard right right hook. At that moment, I pushed as much of my ki as I could through my body and purposefully missed the punch by a mile. I carried the momentum into a full ki enhanced spinning back kick aimed at the headmasters shoulder.

Taken aback by the turn of events, the headmaster, who was not putting her full effort, was hit square in the shoulder by my foot. As I began relishing in the feeling of victory, I noticed that the force of my kick hadn't been enough to launch the headmaster away from myself, in fact, she hadn't moved at all. All the force applied was simply halted, and I stopped sending my ki to my leg, meaning nothing was holding it back from snapping.

As that thought crossed my mind, I quickly sent as much ki as possible to my leg. However, sadly, it was too late. I felt my leg snap, a clean break formed horizontally across my shin and the now sharp, jagged piece of bone ripped its way out of my leg through my calf.

From there, all I felt was pain. I could have likely toned it down with combat meditation, but my mind was racked by pain worse than anything I had felt in this life or my previous one.

I felt myself getting picked up and carried away from where I was lying, hopefully I was getting brought to a hospital. My mind had cleared up ever so slightly, so I quickly entered combat meditation and fought off the pain. For the first time since I broke my leg, I opened my eyes and looked around.

My leg was bent the wrong way halfway through the shin, I didn't know how long it would even take to recover from that. I let out a sigh at the thought of recovery and let my tired mind get some rest by expending the last bit of my ki to knock myself out.

When I next found myself awake, I was back in my bed with a big cast all the way up my leg, with Grey, Nico and the headmaster sitting next to my bed.

The first one to notice me waking up was Nico who quickly hopped on me and gave me a hug, followed by Grey. The headmaster seemed downtrodden and reserved for obvious reasons, she was the primary reason that I was in this situation. I didn't blame her, she definitely didn't plan for my leg to break and in fact it was my fault for stopping the flow of ki going to my leg before I knew that I for sure could stop the flow. I simply wanted to conserve my ki, but it led to this situation. This is definitely a learning experience for both me and Headmaster Wilbeck.

Shoving the two clingy fanboys named Grey and Nico off of me, I turned to the headmaster and asked her "How long will it take for my leg to recover."

She looked up at me and replied "The doctor was a specialist at using ki to repair broken bones, you'll be up and moving the same way as before in a month, even quicker if you help the repairing process with your own ki."

She hesitated for a moment before saying "I'm sorry, I should have been more careful. That type of training was far too strenuous and risky to start out with. When you recover, if you wish, we will start your training from the absolute basics and work up from there. I merely wanted to push you to your limit, but it led to this situation. I apologize."

After saying this, she looked me dead in the eyes, leaving me know choise but to say "Its alright, I know you didn't mean to do it."

I waited a moment and then asked "Is Jessica still here?"

The headmaster looked sad at the mention of her name and replied "No, she had to leave an hour ago, I'm sorry..."

To that, I was less forgiving. My leg was my fault, but I may not see Jessica again for a long time, or even ever. I just looked down and didn't reply, I didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment. I just wanted to be alone, or see Jessica.

With a sigh, I said "I want to be alone, could you all leave."

The headmaster looked sad but obliged, taking the children with her. As she left, I began thinking about my next course of action. I needed to focus on recovery and then get trained by Headmaster Wilbeck. I hope I can see Jessica just one more time.