
TBATE: Reborn on Earth

When a slightly unique soul finds himself in a world of Kings and Ki with one special ability Will he change the fates of his friends and family Will he become the King himself or Will he fail to do anything at all This is Alio' Beginning After the End --- TBATE belongs to TurtleMe

merlin_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs


There are only 2 weeks left untill I turn five and Headmaster Wilbeck said that the day I turn five she'll finally let me form my Ki Core. Something strange that happened is that I felt something new appear in my mindscape but I can't seem to find it, I looked for half an hour before finally giving up after not finding anything strange.

After that I noticed my rate of progress in everything increased, I even made slight progress in being able to sense ki despite the fact that I made no progress for the whole time I had been working on it. My mind palace has made some improvement in efficiency with the cabin becoming more detailed and the foundation for the rest of the house is in construction. I've made a little progress in the automatic forcing of memories into my brain, however I've still been unable to pull it off.

As for the time difference between my mindscape and the real world, I've gotten closer to my goal since every 5 minutes in the mindscape is 3 minutes in the real world. Once I finish the foundation of the house that I'm planning to replace the cabin with, I should be able to reach the goal of every 2 minutes in here being one outside.

As for my combat meditation, I have almost complete control over my emotions, I'd likely be able to shrug off most levels of killing intent but I don't have any experience with killing intent so I can't really say that for sure. If I wished I could probably turn off my emotions all together but that's something that although it would increase my ability to fight and likely learn as well, it would also rid me of something necessary to be a human in my opinion.

I'll keep that as a precaution where if I truly need to think logically about something while my emotions are getting in the way, I'll toss them out the window. Overall combat meditation is likely going to plateau soon, so I think I'll have to start working on the time perception problem soon.

As for my training with combat I'd say it's going pretty well if you're comparing it to how I thought it would be going. I've found that my comprehension in regards to martial arts is vastly increased compared to my last life, it's not to say that I had bad talent for martial arts since that's untrue but it's just that I had never really done more than a little bit of judo in my past life so I doubt that I would have found my talent in this aspect.

I've just been trying to learn as much when it comes to hand to hand combat as possible, since although there are guns in this world, it's still ruled by Kings who generally wield more medieval type weapons.

I was actually a half decent shot with a gun, at least compared to my age group when I had passed away. Another thing I really should have tried more on. I sighed thinking of all the missed opportunities I had in my last life, after working hard ever since I had realized where I was I realized just how much it was possible to achieve if I put my mind to it and worked. Who knows maybe I could have done something more before getting sent here or even just had a bigger advantage when I was sent here.

Quelling those thoughts, I hopped off of the bed where I was sitting and ran off to the small study where I went whenever I wasn't forced to play around. Once I had arrived I spotted Grey sitting in the study waiting for me as he had been doing for the last couple of days, apparently he found out of my habit of practicing things I found in various books and wanted to come along and learn.

I didn't see any point in gaining Grey's ire, especially after we've getting along just fine so far. So I just let him do as he wished and he's been following along with whatever I do, the crazy kid is actually catching up to me, which gave me quite a blow to my ego and cemented the fact that I need to focus on my mind related skills even more since they're the only thing I'm truly talented in.

We've started doing basic sparring as well, simply throwing a few light punches and kicks back and forth so far but once we get our Ki Cores it should be possible to move on to actual sparring, though still with not much weight behind our attacks.

Speaking of Ki Cores, Grey actually started making his a month or so ago and will likely make his in a little while, around the same time as I start making mine, he is a month or so older than me after all. Nico is younger than me by a few months so it will take a while for him to get his, maybe once he does he'll be interested in joining the practice sessions with me and Grey.

I doubt it though, since he's more of the nerdy type.

Grey and I started our little lessons of me reading him books about various styles of fighting, one small book even explained the basics of each Elements Sect, I doubt anyone could actually learn how to use the elements from the book, but it's still interesting to learn about. I'm starting to wonder why the Headmaster is even letting us read these things, I suppose I may ask her later.

The Wind Sect changes normal Ki to Wind Ki by compressing it as much as possible without turning solid and imagining it to be sharp.

The Water Sect changes normal Ki to Water Ki by slightly condensing it and imagining that the ki is flowing.

The Fire Sect changes normal Ki to Fire Ki by condensing it as much as possible without turning solid before spreading it appart as fast possible and imagining that the ki is moving randomly.

The Earth Sect changes normal Ki to Earth Ki by condensing it as much possible and imagining that the ki is static.

The different ki don't actually produce there specified element but instead they add an effect to the sword, with Water Ki helping your sword cut objects more smoothly, Wind Ki sharpens your sword, Earth Ki hardens your sword and Fire Ki makes the power behind your sword increase. I've found that the sects seem quite similar to Demon Slayer Breathing techniques since those don't actually produce the element either.

Each sect has there own unique style of swordsmanship as well but the book didn't go in depth on that so I don't know much about it.

I've given Grey the book that the Headmaster had given me to help learn how to read so hopefully he'll pick everything up soon and I won't need to read to him anymore since it's getting a little annoying.

I don't think I'll manage to reach the goals I set for by the time I turned five but I'll have an extra month or so of needing to slowly form my Ki Core, so it should be all right.

From the next chapter or so, canon logic is getting thrown out the window since canon hasn't explained enough for my idea

Also I should be able to post chapters relatively often from now on

merlin_creators' thoughts