
TBATE: Memories Lead Astray

After falling off the cliff Arthur Leywin forgets almost everything about himself except for a few distinct things. Follow his journey to regaining his memory and many other things.

Ethan_Hamel · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs

Chapter 1

Memories and thoughts run through my mind like a deer galloping through the forest. But two came to the forefront of my mind. 'Damn. I always wanted to be an older brother', and 'I would give anything just to go back to Ashber and live with them again.

Closing my eyes knowing I'm about to meet my end for the second time.




I opened my eyes wondering what happened and why my whole body is riddled with pain. Standing up I look around only to see a dead body. "WHAT THE HELL," I screamed in surprise falling onto my ass. I tried to back away, but I bumped into a wall. Wait it was not a wall it was a cliff.

"Wait... did I fall off that!?"

My mind tried to make sense of everything at breakneck speeds. That was until I heard a soft voice call out to me. "Child you may be confused but come to my dwelling."

"Wait, what the hell happened! Did I fall off that cliff? Why am I in all this pain? WHO AM I!"

"Child, I will answer all your questions once you meet me in person. Your body has received a lot of damage from the fall, and I am the only one who can heal you currently." The unknown voice said.

"Ok, I will come over to your dwelling. But I do not know where you live." I called out waiting for her answer.

"I will show you then."

A wave of pain rushed through me as my mind took off into the woods and eventually stopped at a cluster of rocks. I look up, determined to push forward.




Journeying through the woods, not taking any stops, I tried my best to reach the rocks.

Eventually coming out of the woods. I see the cluster of boulders. Running towards them, I see a light peering through a fault in between the rocks. I quickly ran towards the opening in the earth. Slowly losing consciousness I fall down the hole.

My eyes were heavy, it felt as if a giant were standing on top of my eyelids. As I hit the ground. I finally succumbed to the unconsciousness

Opening my eyes, blinded by the sudden surge of light, I rub my eyes, forcing them to adjust to the light. Opening my eyes once more, I see a dark figure sitting in front of me.

"W-WHO ARE YOU!?" I yelled trying to move away from the demonic creature, but to no avail. "Wait, w-w-why can't I move!?"

"That is simple. Your body has gone into shock." Said the demonic creature in a soft voice. Then she got up and started moving towards me. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the way I die. I waited for death. But it never came. Instead what a saw was the creature crouching over top of me, her hands shining with a purple glow. Confused. I questioned her "What are you doing?"

"That is simple child, I am healing you."

Surprised, I ask another question. "But why are you healing me."

She answered calmly. " Isn't that one of the promises I made when I asked you to come here."

"Then how about you tell me the answers to all of my questions."

"OK, but before I do, try to remember who you are and what happened."

I did as she is sad. Trying to remember everything. But failing to do so. I only remember a few things about what happened, and a whole lot of things about fighting, along with my name.

I know why I'm here which is me, my family, and a party of adventurers (Whose faces are all blurry) got attacked by bandits. In an attempt to save my mother, I pushed her out of the way, taking a fall down the cliff. The problem with these memories is that they are all chopped up missing certain parts. But the memories that I have of combat are as clear as day. Sure there are a few things that are a bit hazy, but almost everything is clear.

Looking up at her, I thank her and continued to sit there.

-Little time skip-

It's been 1 week since I first met the creature. She told me a lot of things, including her name. Sylvia also began taking a big role in my training, from telling me about mana rotation to telling me about my faults with my mana usage and even my issues with absorbing mana. Through her, I have been making leaps and bounds in my progress.

"Hey, Arthur today I will start assimilating your body with aether," Sylvia called out with her voice as soft as ever.

Bamboozled, I ask. "What in the world is aether?"

She then calmly replied. "To put aether simply. It is more potent mana."

"What will assimilating my body with it do to me?"

"It will make your body more powerful in all rights."

"What do you mean all rights?"

"It is quite self-explanatory. By all rights, I mean agility, stamina, strength, defence, mana usage, etcetera."

"Wow. Do you think it's ok to give me all that power?"

She smiled at me softly. "Yes, I do think it is ok to give you all that power. Through the time I have spent with you, I have noticed that you are just a kind-hearted boy, determined to figure out who his parents are and get back to them."

"Thank you," I say, looking at her.

-Another longer time skip-

"Arthur, your assimilation is almost finished. Thanks to your body not rejecting the aether at all, your assimilation process went faster than I originally thought." Sylvia giddily called out.

'She is acting like a child...' "Oh really, then what do we do after it finishes."

Sylvia's face quickly turned to one of sadness. "Arthur." She said in a low tone, "I will die soon because of my would. You need to go find your family. So, I have been working on a rift in secret which is almost finished."

"Sylvia... Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why can't you just heal your wound, as you did with mine." I asked my voice trembling.

"Arthur, the weapon that dealt this wound is a weapon that does not allow my powers to work on myself."

Running over to Sylvia, I hug her.

"Sylvia, I'll miss you," I whispered hugging the tall, black figure.

A sad smile took over her face.

-Another time skip-

Waking up, I see a wide-open rift.' It's only been two days since my awakening. ' sigh 'I wish I could have spent more time with her.' Standing up, with my brand new wheat-coloured tips, I walk over to Sylvia. "Hi, Sylvia," I say with a less than enthusiastic tone.

"Arthur. I know It's been rough on you knowing that I'm going to be dying soon, and we have to go our separate ways. But before you go, I want to give you a couple of gifts." Said Sylvia with a mellow tone in her voice.

"Sylvia, you already gave me enough."

"No, you must take them." She insisted. Even though I tried multiple times to refuse, she kept on insisting I take her gifts. Eventually, I gave in and accepted the gifts.

"Here you go, Arthur," She said as she gave me a luminescent rock that was light, but it felt as if I could barely hold on to it. "Take good care of it. And before you go, you should see my true form, shouldn't you?"

Confused I look at Sylvia, only to see a faint light come from the armour as it started to crumble.

"Sylvia you're a dragon!?" I yelled out in surprise.

"Yes, I am what you humans call dragons. But let's cut to the chase since I do not have much time to chatter in this form." Said Sylvia, walking over to me.

Once she arrived at my location, she tapped my chest with her nose. A burning sensation ran through my body as golden markings appeared on my arms. "ARRGH!" I grunted out in pain, collapsing onto my knees.

I look up to see Sylvia looking at a spot on the ceiling. Then the spot she was looking at collapses, revealing a figure similar to Sylvia's previous form. "Sylvia, give us what we want, and we might even let him heal your wou-." Everything freezes.

Sylvia turned to me, plucking out one of her feathers and said "Wrap the egg I gave you in my feather to hide its presence."

"Wait, you gave me your egg!?"

"Yes. Now before you go, can you call me grandma this once."

"Sylvia, everything is frozen now. We can leave together!" I cry out, tears fresh in my eyes.

Looking at me, her eyes filled with sorrow, replies. "Arthur, you know I can't do that."

Pushing me into the rift, I call out. "SYLVIA!... GRANDMA!" As those words left my mouth, a sorrowful smile stretched across her face.