
- TBATE - Godspell

Reincarnated into a new world filled with magic and monsters, the king has a second chance to relive his life. In this story, Arthur never falls off the mountain, so he never meets Sylvia. Without a dragon's will and Sylvie by his side, the story changes in many ways.

Sh1nsoO · แฟนตาซี
48 Chs

-Chapter 30- The Ball

The time of my sister Eleanor's birthday was soon approaching, it was exciting but one thing dawned on me too late. 'I didn't get her a gift!' I had forgotten about getting her a birthday gift. Almost every year I had gotten her a gift of some kind for her birthday that was some kind of toy or clothing item she wanted. But this year I had no idea what to get her. I had spent the past few years away adventuring so I did have a decent amount of money saved up, maybe I could get her something practical this year since she is now getting older?

Instead of sitting around all day, I decided to go out and look for a present for her. Looking around I found myself instinctively going to the magic item shops, I'm not sure if I had wanted to get something for myself but thanks to that I realized I could get her some kind of magic jewelry item, something both practical and nice to where she would like it. I look around in different stands and shops trying to find a ring or necklace that will be of any kind of practical use. So far I have only found some rings that shoot out water as some kind of prank or a bracelet that turns different colors for one's mana core.

She hasn't even awakened yet so ones that require the use of mana are a big no, and the useless prank ones I will probably be killed by her in my sleep over. I soon found myself near the end of the district where the cheaper shops are, so I decided to look around and see what they had. It's not like it would hurt.

Though in the first several shops all I find are poorly crafted weapons that are worse than my broken broadsword back home. I truly question if the people who made these have any pride in their work at all.

Thankfully the last shop had some magic jewelry so I took a look around, finding all sorts of weird uses for the items. A ring that burns your own finger, a necklace that turns blue when it's raining outside, even a bracelet that will forcibly remove itself from the wearer's hand. 'Who even makes this stuff?'

The cashier, noticing I wasn't pleased with any of the items, calls me over to the counter. There she begins to pull out some small boxes of other more expensive items that may suit my interests.

¨Do you perhaps have anything a non-mage girl would like? I'm trying to find something for her birthday." I ask politely.

¨Oh that's nice of you to get them something for their birthday, here I think I have a few things that may be what you are looking for." She reaches down beneath the counter and takes out a wider box than the rest, within it were two pieces of jewelry. I necklace and a bracelet. I couldn't see what they did but the woman behind the counter began to explain what they had done.

¨The necklace acts as a message system, If the wearer is badly hurt or if the wearer wishes to notify the other person. The bracelet will light up a bright white.¨

It sounded like a good item, this way I can make sure she is ok at all times without being by their side and know if they are in need. It didn't take me long to decide to buy them. I put on the bracelet and placed the necklace in my dimension ring, which I was now thoroughly making sure I didn't misplace after not having it for the spar against the director.


The day of Eleanor's birthday came, and the ballroom was packed full of people. Decorations meant to complement the look of the ballroom amazed guests when they first entered. My mother had made sure I was dressed formally for this event, She made sure I was dressed in a black suit with a white collared shirt underneath. She had also made me wear a blue scarf that matched my eyes. They had me placed at the front door meant to welcome the guests as they arrived as if I was a show dog.

"Welcome, please come in," I smile as I welcome my sister's friends, a job that I wasn't too fond of. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as they entered. It was sort of unnerving. To think after being king for several years in my past life hadn't prepared me to be used to this.

Each time I had welcomed one of my sister's friends I was met with shy giggles or red faces. Not a preferred outcome but it never ceases to amaze me.

It was approaching eight and most of the invited guests had arrived so I wasn't expecting anyone else to show up. I was ready to leave my spot by the door when I heard another carriage pull up. 'Better late than never' I looked over to the carriage to see who the final guest was and I was certainly surprised to see the appearance of the carriage. It was much more decorated than the others, sporting gems, and jewels with beautiful patterns. When the doors open I can see the person walk out, they walk over to the front door and see me.

"It's been a while huh, how have you been Arthur?" Curtis asks. He holds out his hand for a handshake, I take his hand and respond.

"Yeah, quite a while since we last saw each other. How have things been?"

"Quite alright, how's life in Xyrus been treating you?" He asks back.

"Good. What brings you to my sister's birthday party?"

"Thought I should show up to catch up with you and give your sister a gift. Should I not have come? I didn't get an invite but I thought it should be fine for me to at least show up for a short bit." He asks, concerned he is intruding.

"No no, it's fine, even if it was a problem you're the prince. Can't exactly turn you down." I joke.

It's then I realize that people all over the ballroom are staring at us, some faint whispers and questions being spread throughout the crowd. 'Right I forgot, being friends with the Prince of humanity isn't exactly common. Especially for a commoner like myself.'

Curtis, noticing this attention decides to end our conversation short to not make things awkward.

Not long later the time comes when my mother brings Ellie down to the ballroom for her surprise party. "Surprise!" we all shouted to her delight.

My father then announces to the crowd, "Before the party officially begins, I would like to thank you, on behalf of my precious daughter, for coming here tonight. Now please start the music." he signaled over to the band as they walked out.

"It would bring me great joy for my beloved son and daughter to have the first dance," my father says, my mother meanwhile was in shock. I can understand her concern because neither I nor Ellie got lessons, I did know how to dance from my previous life but they didn't know that.

My sister's face was petrified in horror at the thought of being embarrassed in front of so many people. Meanwhile, I began to walk confidently toward my sister who was with her friends.

"Will you honor me with your hand for a dance?" I bowed, slipping off my gloves and extending my hand. I heard various squeals and giggles from her friends but I ignored them.

She was still worried and she was very clearly thinking of a way to try and get out of this. But in the end, she just nodded her head and took my hand.

When she took my hand the crowd backed away from us giving us all space to dance. The music began to play, gradually her panicked face turned calm as she realized I knew what I was doing.

We finished the dance and we were met with large applause from the audience. The crowd was saying things like, "That was wonderful," or "Truly Splendid."


After things started to pick up at the party I decided to take my leave outside, with a glass of cider in my hand I leaned over on the railing. I soon heard footsteps approaching me though.

"That was a lovely dance, how long did it take you both to get it down?" Curtis asks.

"Not long, in fact, she only learned just then," I responded by giving away the fact that my sister didn't know what she was doing. If she was here to hear that she would surely smack me across the face.

"So when did you learn? You looked awfully skilled at it." He curiously asks.

"I guess a long time ago would be the right response."

"Quite impressive." He remarks.

"So, how's life at Xyrus Academy treating you?" I asked.

"Just great, this next school year I'll be in my fourth year," he says. "When do you plan to go?"

"This upcoming school year actually, I already got accepted."

"That's great, it can be just like back when you had trained me in swordsmanship. Except we will both be students this time haha." He lightly laughs at his statement, "Kathyln will be excited to see you again, she may not express it but she enjoyed it back when you guys talked. I'm happy she has a friend like you, Arthur,"

I didn't know how to respond to such a statement, instead, I just tried to roll along with it. "Thanks, I don't deserve such praise though. I just wanted to help."

"Sorry I got a bit serious there for a moment haha. So what did you awaken as? If I were to guess, Augmenter?"

"I'm a conjurer, I have elemental affinities with wind and earth." I summon small orbs of wind and earth in my hand to show him.

"Wow, dual elements already! I'm quite shocked to see you aren't an augmenter but with that skill in swordsmanship it will be a great asset to have when you can't do long ranged fighting."

We both begin to see people leaving and he checks his pocket watch, "Oh, it's already getting late. I need to return home, Bye Arthur, it was great seeing you again. See you at Xyrus Academy." He waves back at me as he begins to hurry toward the door.

After the guests leave I rejoin my family where we all sit around and watch Ellie open her presents.

She opens the one she had received from me, "Oh wow, it's so pretty!" she says in amazement. Both my mother and Tabitha look at the necklace I had gotten Ellie in surprise.

"Arthur how much did you spend on this, it seems expensive," My mother asks concerned.

"Don't worry it wasn't that much," I respond to try and keep her calm.

My mother puts the necklace on Ellie and they move on to the next gift, this one didn't have a name on it so we didn't know who it was from. Eleanor still opened it and looked inside.

In the box was a small handle, it looked like some kind of thin sword but the blade was missing. When Ellie picked it up she found a note for instructions, it explained that there were a few ways to activate it. One was to insert mana, the other was to have a mage fill-up the crystal inside and it will use the mana in there. The function of the crystal reminded me of a battery from my old world. She handed the device to me to fill it up and I used this time to take a closer look. On the side of it inscribed was a small family logo of the Bladehearts. 'Really Kaspian...'

Handing the device back to my sister she activated it and out of each end sprouted a bow made of mana, everyone was in amazement at seeing such a device. My sister noticed there was another setting so she turned it to that and one of the sides of the bow disappeared, and the remaining side sharpened like a blade made of mana.

The last and final present I recognized as the one Curtis brought. My sister opened it and inside she found a small box, in the box was a bracelet with a small red crystal embedded on the top. There was a note along with this one as well, it read, The crystal holds a single fireball spell. Just break it and you can throw your own fireball. Use if needed.

Eleanor was extremely happy with her gift, everyone was amazed that the Prince had shown up and even brought a gift. After that everyone went to sleep and the next day came.

-End of Book Two-