
Chapter 4 - A spark can as well turn into a fire

The manticore suddenly awoke and started rushing straight into me. With a desperate look I tried to run to the nearest knight stationed but that's when something hit me hard no matter what I did it was futile. The arena had some kind of transparent force field and only the prisoners or sinners as the people call them along with the manticore were trapped inside it. The guards, calling them knights is too much of respect for people who are trying to send me to the afterlife and the people who were sitting in stairs that acted like benches were protected with another layer of the force field. Among them I saw the announcers a middle aged guy with a with a pode like speaker and a girl in her teens like me looking down on me like trash with a very evil smirk not like others were any different but something I cannot understand made me hate her even more than others. The sky was starting to get cloudy and rain poured into the arena making the dry red sand to dampen, the skies turn black and made the ground feel like a slaughter house, which was cold to begin with was dyed bright red filled with resentful cries that were pleading for mercy. At least there was someone who felt sad. I didn't feel so bad because at least the heavens were shedding tears for this pitiful fool who did nothing wrong for being a sinner yet suffered the same fate as one.

It felt as if the very essence of light had already set leaving only a dark tunnel in which I could see no end. Well then I said to myself 'this life was relatively short I hape in the next life I live comparatively well'. Well then all that is left is to embrace death. No wonder the other showed no signs of struggle, for those whose fate had already been decided by the living kind simply wouldn't have a will of there own.

Ha I sighed, all those damned talks of power or whatnot. When staring death right in its eyes I feel helpless. I have always grown up in a sheltered environment. I didn't even have to work hard or be smart. The only thing I did with full sincerity was making my nxtube channel grow and am going to end while hiding my face from my loyal subscribers.

I'm truly sorry is something I want to say to my dad. Guess I can't even thank him for all he has done for me for all these years.

If you want to say sorry go tell it to him directly damn it. After I heard this my heart started beating fast it and it felt as if my mind had accelerated. The manticore which was scary was moving at a speed where I could see it and also could comprehend it and somewhat identify it's next move, also the diamond that was still clasped tightly in my hand started to become hot and before I knew it had transformed into a longsword. Even though the possibility of me beating it was nonexistent as long as there was a bit of hope I was going to try as nobody can be certain of victory or defeat until the very end.