

Chapter 24

I still had his coat.

It had nearly been 3 weeks, and I still had Harry's coat and I had no clue how I would get it back to him. I didn't even know his last name to search him up on Facebook to contact him. All I knew was that his name was Harry, and he was attractive as fuck.

Lately, all I had been doing was thinking about Harry and I hadn't thought of Liam for a while. I knew he didn't think of me because he had a new girlfriend. Her name was Ella Worthington, and she was sickly beautiful. She had dark brown hair and you could tell that she thought she was better than everyone. She had an egg-shaped head and brown eyes.

Did I stalk him? No. I knew all of this because they were always in the media.


Young billionaire has a gorgeous new girlfriend. Will it last?


No. And no one fucking cares either.

I stopped thinking about Liam when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I took it out and looked at the caller I.D. Unknown. I honestly didn't want to pick up since I didn't know who it was but I was kind of curious.

Yes, I know. Curiosity killed the cat. Satisfaction brought it back though.

"Hello?" I answered the call while brushing my nails with clear nail polish.

"Hi, this is Harry."

"Oh! Hi, how did you get my number?" I asked warily.

"We have a mutual friend. Happy?" He was too cheerful. It was only 8 am.

"Oh right. How do you know her?"

"Well technically, she's my cousin by marriage. If you understand what I mean."

Harry and I talked for a while and while we were talking, I got ready for work. I knew that I was late, but I wasn't that late. Work started at 9 and right now it was 8:50 and the ride to work was only 15 minutes.

I ended the conversation with Harry when I got into my car and drove to work trying to go as fast as I could without going over the speed limit.

When I got to work, instead of waiting for the elevator I took the stairs because the elevator would take a long time to come as everyone was only just getting in and I knew it would be crowded. Plus, I needed the exercise.

When I got to the 7th floor, I was panting like a dog. My hands were sweating and beads of sweat were rolling down my forehead too.

My phone rang again, and I wasn't in the mood, I needed to breathe. I pulled my phone out.

Unknown. Again.

"What!" I screeched. When I couldn't breathe, I got angry. I didn't need to waste my breath on people when my lungs were deprived.

"You shouldn't talk to me like that princess."